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You think your weekend sucked.


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WOW, You could always argue that the original officer told you to go to 400 Wittier street to pick up your car and didnt mention anything about actually paying to get it out or that there would be any sort of attendant at the lot. Needless to say there was no one there in the first place so how are you to know.


Then again Im sure your lawyer will find sufficient evidence to at the very least bust it down to a misdemeanor. goodluck.



Word. The cop said to go get it. :)


That is seriously shitty man. Sounds like it was almost set up to me as well.

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that's fucked up. i probably would have done the exact thing. didn't they wonder how the fuck you had the keys, and the owner of the car was right behind you??


crazy, absolutely crazy


They didnt arrest him for breaking into a car, they arrested him for breaking into the lot itself. Whether he had the keys or the owner of the car was present is irrelevant, it sounds like B&E was charged b/c he was in the lot itself. Which is BS b/c the lot wsa open anyway.

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I know the 400 Whittier location well. Shady as fuck in a nasty part of town just north of downtown. I swear there's a racket with randomly towing cars just to get the $100+ fines to get them out.


Sorry to hear about your fucked up evening, Sam. Best of luck and (if it makes you feel any better) it could have been worse...drunk driving...street racing.

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Leaving for court, hope this turns out ok.


Bill I called you and left a message, you have everything correct.

yes I left a few messges. you lawyer is sam "samshcki?" (SP) . If so I can have my dad talk to him they are friends. good guy I met him at my parents for a xmas party.




I called 4 times this morning but let me know the detials once your done.

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My thoughts exactly.


WTF-we can race all night fucking long, passing people at 3x the legal limit, with no police issues, but they get a hard on towing random fucking cars for no damn'd reason?!


If the club parked the car-you may be able to sue them for any damage/money loss incurred.

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