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Who drinks good rum or vodka, what do you drink?

Trouble Maker

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Getting into some good stuff a little bit and want to see what others suggestions are.


For rum's I just bought a bottle of Pyrat XO Reserve, got some 10 Cane a few months ago too, decent stuff. I'm sipping on the Pyrat now, and it's got a ton of flavor. Pyrat is a darkish rum while 10 Cane is a little lighter. Being someone who usually drinks clear (silver/white) rums, such as Bacardi Superior, I'm looking for some suggestions more in this range, but I'm open to suggestions. If you get a chance to try Captain Morgans White Rum, I suggest it too, but I've only seen it up in Canada, I usually buy a bottle when I'm up there. I'm a clear rum and coke guy through and through if that gives you an idea of my palette.


I've drank a lot of the common high end vodkas. I ended up being suggested to try Titto's. If you've never had this and like vodka, you have to try it. So far I haven't tried a vodka that can best it, at any price, and it's very reasonable priced (~$15 for a 1/5). Even though I love Titto's, being a huge vodka fan, I'd like some other suggestions for good stuff too. I almost always drink vodka with cranberry juice, just can't get away from that classic.


So, what do you drink and suggest? How do you drink it?

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Umm, ok, what do you drink and it is remotely interesting or do you just got out and buy some vodka in a plastic jug?


I'm mainly looking for suggestions for rum's or vodkas, but I figured I'd throw the how in there to make things interesting. And I also think what one likes/their pallet will affect how they like to drink things, which will affect what rum's or vodkas they like. I might not like a rum or vodka you do as much because you like to drink them straight and I prefer to drink them mixed.

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burnetts. i like their gin aswell. im partial to white russians


Never heard of them, you drink their gin or vodka? Assuming vodka with the white Russians. That and the fact that Gin is disgusting. Not a huge milk fan, so I don't so much dig the white Russians so much, although I have had a black Russian and I was a fan. I'm going to be in Winnipeg next weekend and we go to this pretty cool lounge place who's specialty is (old) Bourbons and the like, but they have a huge drink list with a ton of different drinks on it. We usually end up there sometime over the weekend. They make this drink I love, and if I remember right it's basically a white Russian with coke. Good shit.

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So you've tried the regular top shelf stuff like Goose, Ketel One, Belvedeere etc...?


My personal favorite is Vanilla Stoli with 180 Orange energy drink (http://www.180.com). Mixed in a tall glass. It tastes just like Orange/vanilla crush and goes down real easy. Only downside is there's alot of sugar in 180 so personally I can only drink 2 cans before getting a headache from it. But 2 of these plus a few shots of Patron and I dont need anything more. You can also mix 180 with Orange Stolie with a shot of OJ and have a shot called an "orange peel", or subsitute 180 for redbull and have an "orange bomb". I've only been to 3 bars that carry 180 so its semi-hard to find.


As far as rum, I like my Captain or Bacardi mixed with diet coke. But other than that Im not a huge rum fan.

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By the way, I'm bored if you couldn't tell. And I'm procrastinating packing for a work trip. :o


Top of my fridge full. I still haven't found anything I really like to store all of this.



A few of the more interesting bottles.


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Umm, ok, what do you drink and it is remotely interesting or do you just got out and buy some vodka in a plastic jug?


I'm mainly looking for suggestions for rum's or vodkas, but I figured I'd throw the how in there to make things interesting. And I also think what one likes/their pallet will affect how they like to drink things, which will affect what rum's or vodkas they like. I might not like a rum or vodka you do as much because you like to drink them straight and I prefer to drink them mixed.



I usually go for Ketel One or Stoli I keep a little bacardi 151 around for mixers if you like mixers try silver patron tequila and orange juice or mix jager,151, and goldschlager together in a 3oz glass its good stuff.....


sorry no plastic jug grovcery store liquor for me I don't get to drink all that often , but when I do I make it worth my time :)

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if i drink vodka i just drink the cheap shit.......


Drink top shelf stuff and you'll never look back. Well vodka always gives me the worst hangovers and taste's the worse too. At a bar buying top shelf vodka isnt too expensive but if your buying a bottle at a store it is. Get what you pay for I guess.

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So you've tried the regular top shelf stuff like Goose, Ketel One, Belvedeere etc...?




Thoes drinks sound good. But I kind of ruined myself on orange flavored drinks when I had what I deemed 'fifth night' with myself for a few months every weekend in college where I would sit down with a fifth of something and attempt to drink it. I was on a Bacardi O kick at the time. I think it may have been long enough though.


For energy drinks with vodkas Rotarded on here turned me onto SoBe No Fear if I'm remembering right. It was really good, much better than Red Bull. I can't drink a ton of sugary or syurpy drinks most of the time either. I've had pretty good luck with Red Bull sugar free though.

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I usually go for Ketel One or Stoli I keep a little bacardi 151 around for mixers if you like mixers try silver patron tequila and orange juice or mix jager,151, and goldschlager together in a 3oz glass its good stuff.....


sorry no plastic jug grovcery store liquor for me I don't get to drink all that often , but when I do I make it worth my time :)


Good man. Not a fan of Tequila, thanks for the suggestion though. That second shot is equal parts? I bet that could fuck you up really quick.

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underage so i drink what ever i can get my hands on...except beer i cant stand the taste of it....


Ahhh I see. Strange thing is, one weekend I can drink shots of patron and bacardi and diet all night, the next I'll sit around playing drinking games with a case of stone's. Of course the hangover from beer is always worse.


Can't knock Jager.


Yes, yes you can. I can't stand that stuff. Its the one liquer that I really really dislike. the only time i ever drink it is if its on special and really cheap. Even then I'll have it in a red-headed slut so that cough syrup taste is at least diluted a bit with cran.

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It's not a "great" rum by any stretch, but I drink a lot of the Captain Morgan's Private Stock. I also drink the Captain Morgan's Tattoo on occasion as well. I prefer it with a splash of diet or zero Coke.


For Vodka, again not a "top shelf" vodka by far, but give Svedka a try. It's cheap and really fucking smooth. I've turned several hard vodka drinkers onto it and they've never gone back to any expensive brands again.

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i love rum, its about all ive ever drank, and all i really drink to this day besides beer and jager


right now, on top of my cabinet, i see about 10-12 empty bacardi bottles. i love the superior, apple, lemon, watermellon, and 151 when im really looking to get fucked up


i guess theyre not really top of the line, but i love em.

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