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Are you happy?

V8 Beast

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How much is your happiness worth? If your job was killing you slowly, but it pays more than any other job you could get... would you stay? And by more I mean about $20-$50K more than you could get at any other job you were qualified for.


I was talking to a guy the other night about how I dont really like my job, but its easy and it pays a lot. His job on the other hand pays way more than my job does, but he has had to have back surgery, his knees are shot, and he doesnt get to spend a lot of time with his family.

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Is he a lineman for a football team?


Seriously, it would depend where I am at in life. If I am barley able to pay my bills or have to start paying for shit with credit cards, I would get a job that I hate to make ends meet. But if I was able to get a job that paid less but I would be able to live comfortably and be happy I would work for less money.

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If it’s a temporary means to an end, yes. But you spend over half of your conscious hours working. Why would one do something they loathe their entire life? When they’re 80 and near death no one says “Boy, I wish I would have worked more at a job I couldn’t stand!”
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Work to live, don't live to work. I've never understood people who work 40+ hours, then do overtime and weekend work, plus have to do stuff for work when they're home. What's the point of doing all that if you're never able to enjoy what you're working for?
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I was talking to a guy the other night about how I dont really like my job, but its easy and it pays a lot. His job on the other hand pays way more than my job does, but he has had to have back surgery, his knees are shot, and he doesnt get to spend a lot of time with his family.


Concrete finisher?

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Work to live, don't live to work. I've never understood people who work 40+ hours, then do overtime and weekend work, plus have to do stuff for work when they're home. What's the point of doing all that if you're never able to enjoy what you're working for?




You dont understand me then.. lemme explain





I work 55+ hrs at work 6 days a week and then work in the garage at home.. why? Because i'm 24 and mostly on top of my debt, and I dont want to have it until i'm 40 like 90% of america. I want to sit money in the bank and when i'm 45-50 years old, then bam I'm done working. Life isnt horrible working alot if you have goals and know what you're working for




Brian I think it depends where you're at.. if you've got 100k sitting in your bank account then ya quit.. But if you can use the extra money and have to think about sending the little ones through college and stuff, then its the responsible mature decision to stay. Very few people love their work, however those same people are usually loaded and dont have to worry about a thing.

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I used to enjoy my job...now the same BS has gotten old. Some days are alright, other days I hate it with a passion.


I would work a job I hated more for a significant raise. But if it meant no free time ever/almost ever, I wouldn't do it. My job doesn't represent who I am...it's a means to an end, nothing more.

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I sacrifice 20-30k per year in salary because I am with a company that has never laid anyone off, period. My long-term stability with a company is one of the things that makes me happy. Knowing that I'll be able to pay my bills with out much worry about the company closing down tomorrow and me having to search for a job......means a ton to me. I love money, but not enough to sacrifice my security.


For you I think you'll have to define happiness and what it means to you.


Two things that you can't "do-over" in life is.....time wasted....and....body wasted. Once the time is gone, it's gone. And sometimes once your body is shot, it's shot for good.

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When i worked for GM, i hated it. I hated every single day i drove there, I hated it every single day I left there. I was making more money then I ever should have there, but it wasnt worth the 70K a year, so upon agreement with my husband, i quit.


I work at a job I love now, (though i do bitch, who doesnt?) I only make 9 bucks an hour work hours i want, and am quite content.


Sure i miss the money, but i prefer to be happy with life.. Its the only one i have.

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I love my job, whenever I start to get burnt out I take a vacation! But then again I'm a single guy with no kids so a lot people wouldn't be able to do that.


I HATED working at the call center, that's exactly why I switched to sales best move of my life!

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I love my job I am always learning new things and figuring out new things. We have some of the latest equipment which is nice when you work in the IT industry. I like traveling as much as I do and its nice to see some of the US on someone else's dime. ;)
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Work to live, don't live to work. I've never understood people who work 40+ hours, then do overtime and weekend work, plus have to do stuff for work when they're home. What's the point of doing all that if you're never able to enjoy what you're working for?


Sounds like my shitty job minus the overtime pay. I work 8 to 6 everyday plus sometimes on the weekends. I don't get paid for anything over 40 hours so technically anything after Thursday is me working for free.


Finding another job just hasn't worked out for me yet either.

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If you work hard you're able to play hard. Say you get a lot of time at home, but if you can't afford to do anything but sit on the computer or watch tv, meh I'd rather work and make more money.


exactly, my job definately doesnt define whether i'm happy or not.

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If you work hard you're able to play hard. Say you get a lot of time at home, but if you can't afford to do anything but sit on the computer or watch tv, meh I'd rather work and make more money.


I couldnt agree more. then again I can understand my point of view might be differently if i had a wife and kiddies. I know how much i like spending time with my neices and nephew's and can only imagine that feeling compounded with my own kids. But until then, work hard play hard i suppose.

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Sounds like my shitty job minus the overtime pay. I work 8 to 6 everyday plus sometimes on the weekends. I don't get paid for anything over 40 hours so technically anything after Thursday is me working for free.


This kinda pisses me off when businesses do this. I mean, how would the business react if a customer wanted 20% of their products/services for free? If I work 60 hours, I get paid for 60 hours. If they only pay me for 40 hours of work, I only do 40 hours of work. It's unreasonable to expect someone to work for free.

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If you work hard you're able to play hard. Say you get a lot of time at home, but if you can't afford to do anything but sit on the computer or watch tv, meh I'd rather work and make more money.

The opposite is true too. I don't mind working hard to play hard, but if the play doesn't happen because of work, then the whole system doesn't work.


All work and no play, and all that...


You dont understand me then.. lemme explain





I work 55+ hrs at work 6 days a week and then work in the garage at home.. why? Because i'm 24 and mostly on top of my debt, and I dont want to have it until i'm 40 like 90% of america. I want to sit money in the bank and when i'm 45-50 years old, then bam I'm done working. Life isnt horrible working alot if you have goals and know what you're working for

That's fine. It's the lifers that waste their life away working every waking moment because they feel they have to that I think are crazy. They waste their life working harder and doing more and ignoring life outside their job for what is ultimately a pat on the back and a gold watch. (And companies don't even do the gold watch thing any more.)


It's good that you have a plan. I wish I could work to a long-term goal like that. But there are too many people that work just because they think they should and never get out and live because they're too busy trying to "be productive" and keep ahead of Mr. Jones in the next cubicle.


When it comes time to enjoy all you've worked for, don't forget that you CAN stop working. :)

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