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Street racing today vs 15 years ago.


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I didn't read past nurkvinnys post, and, even though there were some valid points made you can't blame the high horsepower applications as much as you can society. Youth in America is becoming so fucking stupid and inbred it makes me damn near vomit driving past a walmart or a movie theater anymore.
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I didn't read past nurkvinnys post, and, even though there were some valid points made you can't blame the high horsepower applications as much as you can society. Youth in America is becoming so fucking stupid and inbred it makes me damn near vomit driving past a walmart or a movie theater anymore.


How do you know valid points were made if you didn't read past the first post? For this complete lack of irresponsibility in a post you have earned two Mr. Schnauzies.





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Hi, XOXO. I believe the reference between "high horsepower" and "nurkvinnys" post would have implied I was talking about nurkvinnys post. For I do not care to wade through 6 pages of everyone saying the same thing - like every other cr thread.


You're argument is judged to be somewhat compelling. As a result, your punishment has been reduced to one Mr. Schnauzie:





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How many accidents and or deaths have occured out west because of a dig race? Not one that i've ever heard.....


It wasn't on the west side but i know of a few dig races that resulted in accidents. There was one on 5th ave a while back and let's not forget the charger and supra in the last race in the fast and the furious :p

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I am, sad to admit it, older than 95% of the people on this board. That said, here is my opinion, based solely on my experience. As cars go, most of you 16-35 year-olds are totally spoiled. When I was in high school the guys with the “wicked fast” cars might get into the 12’s. That’s if they had a big solid cam, a double pumper, headers and a dual-point distributor…oh and BFG T/A’s out back. Now all you gotta have is a power programmer to plug in and push buttons.


We didn’t have shops to build and tune our stuff, if you had a “fast car”, it’s because you built it yourself. And, unlike some here, I did not grow up with the proverbial silver spoon in my mouth, We didn’t own a bench vice, a grinder, or a floor jack and jack stands…I had a bumper jack, a scissor jack, and chunks of railroad ties for blocks. When you have to use a 2x10 and bricks to raise a transmission up into your car you start respecting what you have and you are much less likely to abuse it, or take the chance of something happening to it. When mommy and daddy buy you a car, be it a piece of shit Neon, or a Zo6 Corvette, most kids have little or no respect for it because they did absolutely nothing to earn it.


I street raced back in high school, stoplight drags, we never heard of roll racing, no interstates where I lived. Roll racing to me is a joke, no chassis setup to worry about, downshift and stab it I guess.


There are tons more cars on the roads these days, a lot more chances for someone to get hurt. If you street race and get caught I believe that you should lose you license for a couple years, and you should be forced to be present when they crush your car. If you hurt someone doing it, you should go to jail after you watch your car get crushed. If you get hurt or die doing it, I think you got what you deserve.


That’s just my opinion…I could be wrong.

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I am, sad to admit it, older than 95% of the people on this board. That said, here is my opinion, based solely on my experience. As cars go, most of you 16-35 year-olds are totally spoiled. When I was in high school the guys with the “wicked fast” cars might get into the 12’s. That’s if they had a big solid cam, a double pumper, headers and a dual-point distributor…oh and BFG T/A’s out back. Now all you gotta have is a power programmer to plug in and push buttons.


We didn’t have shops to build and tune our stuff, if you had a “fast car”, it’s because you built it yourself. And, unlike some here, I did not grow up with the proverbial silver spoon in my mouth, We didn’t own a bench vice, a grinder, or a floor jack and jack stands…I had a bumper jack, a scissor jack, and chunks of railroad ties for blocks. When you have to use a 2x10 and bricks to raise a transmission up into your car you start respecting what you have and you are much less likely to abuse it, or take the chance of something happening to it. When mommy and daddy buy you a car, be it a piece of shit Neon, or a Zo6 Corvette, most kids have little or no respect for it because they did absolutely nothing to earn it.


I street raced back in high school, stoplight drags, we never heard of roll racing, no interstates where I lived. Roll racing to me is a joke, no chassis setup to worry about, downshift and stab it I guess.


There are tons more cars on the roads these days, a lot more chances for someone to get hurt. If you street race and get caught I believe that you should lose you license for a couple years, and you should be forced to be present when they crush your car. If you hurt someone doing it, you should go to jail after you watch your car get crushed. If you get hurt or die doing it, I think you got what you deserve.


That’s just my opinion…I could be wrong.




A few things...


The majority of the people on this site are hard workers that bust their asses to be able to afford the mods for their car. The ones that are spoiled you know about because the majority of the board treat them like a black sheep at times. This is not some forum of rich little snobs, its a forum of people that scrape together pennies to try and squeeze what ever power they can out of what ever car they can afford. That is a big reason for the assortment of cars on the forum. If you think its a silver spoon forum you need to read more threads.


Another point is that mechanics are here to help. Not everyone has the patience, or time (from working 60 hours a week to buy the mods) to do all of the work on their car. Respected shops like Lasota, IPS, Mead Enginieering, etc are good at what they. It doesnt make you spoiled because you have repected shops working on your car. AS long as you are learning more and more about your car the entire way its all good. Doing all of your mods wont make you a better driver, just a better mechanic.


In closing, the crushing car thing is over the top. I had a friend that was accused of street racing just because he was late for work and happened to pass a riced out import on his way in. By your logic his car, and the random honda speeding, would have been crushed because they crossed paths at just the wrong time. As a car enthusiast I would never wish this upon anyone... Well... unless they have multiple strikes against them.

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A few things...


The majority of the people on this site are hard workers that bust their asses to be able to afford the mods for their car. The ones that are spoiled you know about because the majority of the board treat them like a black sheep at times. This is not some forum of rich little snobs, its a forum of people that scrape together pennies to try and squeeze what ever power they can out of what ever car they can afford. That is a big reason for the assortment of cars on the forum. If you think its a silver spoon forum you need to read more threads.


Another point is that mechanics are here to help. Not everyone has the patience, or time (from working 60 hours a week to buy the mods) to do all of the work on their car. Respected shops like Lasota, IPS, Mead Enginieering, etc are good at what they. It doesnt make you spoiled because you have repected shops working on your car. AS long as you are learning more and more about your car the entire way its all good. Doing all of your mods wont make you a better driver, just a better mechanic.


In closing, the crushing car thing is over the top. I had a friend that was accused of street racing just because he was late for work and happened to pass a riced out import on his way in. By your logic his car, and the random honda speeding, would have been crushed because they crossed paths at just the wrong time. As a car enthusiast I would never wish this upon anyone... Well... unless they have multiple strikes against them.

If I could find an applause smiley, it would be right *here*. I agree completely.

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i know it may sound dumb, but i blame a decent amount of it on movies such as the fast and the furious...i got my need for speed from my dad though, as a kid we always worked on his camaro and he would take me out for joyrides around the neighborhood in it...never did anything too stupid with me in the car, and sometimes did stoplight races, but never to high speeds etc

your right they thank there n hollywood.

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V8 Beast, I think you took my point not exactly as I intended it...there are 5584 members to this forum according to the main page, I'm 100% confident that "some" of these were born "with silver spoons" as they say. I didn't point any fingers at anyone eventhough I may know who a couple of them are, if not personally, by reputation or from friends of friends.

I didin't say that working on your own car made you a better driver, I said " When you have to use a 2x10 and bricks to raise a transmission up into your car you start respecting what you have and you are much less likely to abuse it".

You said your friend was accused of street racing, if he was innocent I'm sure a good lawyer could make that go away or reduce it to something lesser. I was talking about dead to rights saw you line up saw you race street racing, you all know it happens, you all know it's unsafe, some of you participate, I did many years ago, and I lost a friend to it. Good, bad or indifferent, there are places that are "more safe" to race than on the street and that's where we need to be. I love to race my car, unfortunately I live atleast 40 miles from any legitimate dragstrip(as far as I know), but I don't say screw it and race on the street.

Note I didn't say that having a shop work on your car made you spoiled, I said "When mommy and daddy buy you a car, be it a piece of shit Neon, or a Zo6 Corvette, most kids have little or no respect for it because they did absolutely nothing to earn it." I know this because I have kids and nieces and nephews in the age range of many of the members here 14-30 and this holds true much of the time.

You and others disagree with the car crushing opinion...what if the instrument wasn't a car...what if it was a penis, and it was used to rape your wife, girlfriend, daughter, mother, grandmother, whatever? maybe you might look at it differently? anyway I don't come here to argue with anyone, I was expressing my view just as the rest of you do. I don't ridicule others here like many people do, I could care less what you drive as long as you don't hurt me doing it and when I get tired of reading the childish bullshit in many ot the threads on here I log off.

Last thing, read the last line of my original post..."That’s just my opinion…I could be wrong." You might not agree with me, but my ancesters died for my right to express my opinion as yours may have as well. I respect your opinion even if I don't always agree with it.

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Rice Eater to avoid getting in a pissing match I'll just ask 2 questions and move on...


Are you fixing the problem by crushing cars or causing more problems? If crushing cars is the set punishment do you think these spoiled, no respect having people would just pull over?

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Ok, My final post to this thread.....V8 Beast....are You worried about having Your car crushed?


He who is pure of heart and free from guilt, shall never fear the punishment.


In other words, I'm not worried about having my car crushed for street racing, so I could care less what the punishment is.


You never did answer the question about rape, I thought that was a fair analogy to clarify the point I was trying to make and to provide a thought provoking alternative to "It's not fair that they are going to crush my buddies' car after he worked his ass off to save the $20,000 he spent modding his car, just because he was illegally street racing...that's bullshit!!!".


Guess it didn't work.


And hey, V8 Beast(I would call you your proper name but I don't know it, no disrespect intended), I want you to know this "pissing match" isn't personal for me as it relates to you. Hopefully you feel the same way. I sometimes welcome a friendly exchange as long as it has a semblance of intelligence and has half way decent grammer. This one met all my basic criteria, Thanks!

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Ok, My final post to this thread.....V8 Beast....are You worried about having Your car crushed?


He who is pure of heart and free from guilt, shall never fear the punishment.


In other words, I'm not worried about having my car crushed for street racing, so I could care less what the punishment is.


You never did answer the question about rape, I thought that was a fair analogy to clarify the point I was trying to make and to provide a thought provoking alternative to "It's not fair that they are going to crush my buddies' car after he worked his ass off to save the $20,000 he spent modding his car, just because he was illegally street racing...that's bullshit!!!".


Guess it didn't work.


And hey, V8 Beast(I would call you your proper name but I don't know it, no disrespect intended), I want you to know this "pissing match" isn't personal for me as it relates to you. Hopefully you feel the same way. I sometimes welcome a friendly exchange as long as it has a semblance of intelligence and has half way decent grammer. This one met all my basic criteria, Thanks!


What happens after the fact happens... reguardless how any of us feel about it. Bottom line, stop street racing. 2007 was a BAD year for this board... I dont really see it possibly getting much worse either... however, knock on wood, its possible. Dont get me wrong, I had just as much fun playing as the next guy, but thats over for me... its not worth it.

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Ok, My final post to this thread.....V8 Beast....are You worried about having Your car crushed?


He who is pure of heart and free from guilt, shall never fear the punishment.


In other words, I'm not worried about having my car crushed for street racing, so I could care less what the punishment is.


You never did answer the question about rape, I thought that was a fair analogy to clarify the point I was trying to make and to provide a thought provoking alternative to "It's not fair that they are going to crush my buddies' car after he worked his ass off to save the $20,000 he spent modding his car, just because he was illegally street racing...that's bullshit!!!".


Guess it didn't work.


And hey, V8 Beast(I would call you your proper name but I don't know it, no disrespect intended), I want you to know this "pissing match" isn't personal for me as it relates to you. Hopefully you feel the same way. I sometimes welcome a friendly exchange as long as it has a semblance of intelligence and has half way decent grammer. This one met all my basic criteria, Thanks!


I'm the one thats sets up the track rentals, and told people to stop racing on the street before any of the incidents happened that directly influenced CR. Be more aware of your audience before making accusations.


Rape and street racing are not comparible.. and if someone did touch a family member I would be asking for the persons life... not their "tool".


I'm more worried about the people running from cops, in high speed chases, with these cars that they do not respect. If you start crushing cars for street racing then you need to start doing the same for drunk drivers, people that speed, etc. If you break it down street racing is nothing more than speeding... Would you like your next speeding ticket to come with a bus pass? Just because someone isnt speeding with you doesnt make speeding legal. If we are going to do it then any speeding ticket 20mph+ over the limit should result in a car crushing. Just because people are speeding alone doesnt make it any more safe.


I dont take anything on this site personal. Every last e-battle or discussion I have ends in a friendly manner. I said I wanted to avoid a pissing match because this isnt the kitchen. I can agree with most of your points, but the car crushing will result in way more harm than good.


I might support a 2 strike rule with street racing, but not a one and done



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i have to agree what was said here, and I agree with it. I totally support all that was said here and cant agree more. Im am also in agreeance with how all was said...basically totally agreeable statements.


! have to disagree with what was said here, and I do not agree with it. I definitely do not support all that was said here and cant disagree more. Im am also in disagreeance with how all was said...basically totally disagreeable statements.

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! have to disagree with what was said here, and I do not agree with it. I definitely do not support all that was said here and cant disagree more. Im am also in disagreeance with how all was said...basically totally disagreeable statements.


I disagree

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