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Kenny, RIP, you will be remembered.


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This really sucks, as some of you know Kenny wasn't only a neighbor fellow rider and car enthusiast he was our friend, for those of you that had the pleasure to know him he was a sick sarcastic bastard in a great way he will be greatly missed. In true kenny fashion though he would all want us to be happy and would probably have said something along the lines of "OMG they killed me you bastards" Kenny your a brother missed thanks for all the good times.




Yep. As hard as it is, he wouldn't want anyone depressed about this. He'd want us all laughing at him. Not that it makes it any easier to cope with, but he sure would be all bent out of shape at us right now. "You guys are all butthurt, wipe the sand out." or something similar.


This really sucks.

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Yep. As hard as it is, he wouldn't want anyone depressed about this. He'd want us all laughing at him. Not that it makes it any easier to cope with, but he sure would be all bent out of shape at us right now. "You guys are all butthurt, wipe the sand out." or something similar.


This really sucks.


So true. And just for old times, Chris, pull that 55gal drum of Pert Plus outta your ass.

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Shouldn't this be moved out of this forum and put in the main one as a sticky?


Also, I have an idea, that I am not sure if I am out of line for bringing up, but what if we finished the El Camino as a tribute?



I was just thinking the same exact thing about the El Camino.

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never met him but it feels like I lost someone close for some reason




I think most of the time we're all too cool to admit we have our "internet friends". But the fact is, if you talk or type to someone long enough in some ways you're becoming closer to them. I for one work with people twice my age and who are lame as fuck. So I get on CR at work to talk to people more like myself. There are a few people here I consider "friends" in an unconventional sort of way. So if you feel like you lost a friend, it’s because you did…

Edited by super_gtp
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I think most of the time we're all too cool to admit we have our "internet friends". But the fact is, if you talk or type to someone long enough in some ways you're becoming closer to them. I for one work with people twice my age and who are lame as fuck. So I get on CR at work to talk to people more like myself. There are a few people hear I consider "friends" in an unconventional sort of way. So if you feel like you lost a friend, it’s because you did…


+rep for a well stated post.


I've only met a bakers dozen or more people here as I don't get my ass to the meets for a various number of reasons and excuses, but I still have many friends here that I would do most anything for. Some people I've known since my first days back in 97-98 when I began modding my then new GTP.


In my case, many are younger and for me it's a nice throwback because I'm still a young guy at heart and while I wouldn't trade my life as it is today, I do enjoy living vicariously through everyone. Kenny was a funny crazy balls to the wall kind of guy with a tenacious drive for sarcasm that I only wish I could be more like. He was definitely one of the most real guys here who didn't just talk or type, he did.


What you said really hits home with me.

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First and foremost rest in peace my friend, you were a hilarious human being and you cracked me up on an almost daily basis, numerous occasions I spit my bud light, cherry coke or whatever drink I was enjoying straight on to my computer reading some of the things you posted.


Ill hold down the Buick situation as good as I can here since it seemed we were the only two people here repping the buicks


You are and will be forever missed see you when i get there...



As for the El Camino Build:


Very Close friends of Kenny's and his brother are kicking around the Idea of getting together (later on of course) and finishing the El Camino/LC2 and giving it to Jesse. (his brother).


as for that I am down for putting in the labor and whatever else is needed whoever wants to help finish this PLEASE pm me and ill be there, maybe we could turn this into a tribute car and have it at a certian shop on here that would be willing to lend a hand as well.....

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12th January 2009, 10:45 PM

As said plenty of times before, take MSF, buy good gear, ride like you're invisible. Never look back. 2 wheels > 4 wheels.


11th January 2009, 01:43 AM

The best piece of advice you can get is to ride like you're invisible at all times.


No one pays attention to motorcycles. They treat them as cars. Cover your ass.


2nd January 2009, 01:34 PM

Waa someone almost hit me waa.


That shit happens daily. Act like you're invisible, get used to it, and wear your man pants.


Waa I haven't even hit the ground waa.


Just a few posts in this area this year.

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So if you feel like you lost a friend, it’s because you did…


Agreed, I only saw Kenny a handful of times at CR meets, cause I'm relatively new here, but you build rapport with the people you meet in tight communities like this. Kenny on many occasions was a tuning fork for my own sarcastic humor, and a personality that can't be replaced. I can't say how sorry I feel for the people that knew him on a more personal level. I'll crack a brew for you tonight.

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Guest 614Streets
Great idea. Having a memorial get-together/cruise is the least that we can do.


Thats right , for kenny and what he meant for the drag racing guys in columbus ohio that is the least we can do , I can only hope an old friend of his can help put together more , If after things settle , his el camino is around consider me willing fully to help out with that "project" in his memory. I personally think Kenny was a fantastic guy and I will miss him being around.

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