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FUCK YOU Columbus Racing Moderators and Wideopenthrottle!!


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there is a guy with an SR-T that would love to settle this shit with you, after he shames you, i will take you.....nah....i will waste you.......NAH..i will WALK your ass at trails. LETS DO THIS SHIT!!


*puts his foot in mouth cause he know his STi is slow*

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Guest Removed
dont sing it..... bring it!!!


look douche, i dont moderate this section. thats why i can come in here and just say fuck you. instead of just banning you to where you can only see wideopens profile. like i would do.

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here are pics, thanks for the photobucket help.

















rofl. now i understand why he couldn't figure out what were the correct parts for his car----he has a collection of mutts---ugly fucking mutts at that


now let me see----which car should i use take the wife out for night on the town??? oh, i got it--how about the rusted out pickup with the fucking animal cage on it.

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i mean lets think about this.....if it werent for this guy making an ass out of himself then this forum would only serve for the purpose of "shutting down 71 to street race" yooo. But since he freely chooses to constantly open boxes of fail, it inevitably feeds everyone to hate him and virtually kick him in the cosbies.
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When classed as miserable, a member suffers ;


1. Slow response (time delay) on every page (20 to 60 seconds default).

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Wow that blows i guess that is worst than being banned. You think your still in but shit is all messed up! Then you proceed to think its your comp and spend monies on it and your life= fail cause you cant talk shit about what someone did to you when its in all actuallity your fault!! SUCKS

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I'm pretty sure if you can't tell the difference between pedestal mount rockers and stud mount rockers you probably shouldn't have taken off the valve covers to begin with that said when somebody sells me a bad part I handle it like a man and contact the person I have business with instead of posting about it on the internet if you think you got a raw deal take the dude to small claims court and be done with it
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The red one does have a Powerdyne on it. I don't care what he drives, and I understand feeling that you've been taken. But, seriously, what adult handles a situation like this?


In case I missed it, was there ever an answer to my question about what else we can do to help him?


You know, if he had opened a thread and said, "I feel the seller has no intention of making this right, can any of you help in any way? Do you have his contact info or know him personally?"


You know, something productive like that.

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HA! My first two cars were Nissan Pulsars like that one. Though I never did that silly post thing with the spoiler. :rolleyes: Fun cars though. I loved that you could pull the top and rear decklid off.

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The red one does have a Powerdyne on it. I don't care what he drives, and I understand feeling that you've been taken. But, seriously, what adult handles a situation like this?.


i see three red ones. honestly, he could sell those in a day on corral.net and only suffer a very minor loss. instead, he decides to attack this forum, like its our responsibility to get his parts for him.

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1. CR had nothing to do with 71 other than some members being involved...

2. I would say more than half are older than 25 and don't live with mommy...



I'm 27 and I sure the hell don't live with my mommy.


So this guy is pissed off because he bought the wrong part? I don't see what his deal is.

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Guest 614Streets
You have every reason to be pissed if you got burned , nobody will care you blew up in 2 weeks , however most of us would care if you came back 2 weeks from now and said I am good now I got the problem buried and have moved on , for whatever reason. I got hosed by a guy on here and alot of guys stood up when IMO they should have never even opened their fucking mouths. Shit happens , lick your wounds and thanks for the fair warning.
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This guy is a perfect example of why mustang owners catch bad reps.... First why dont you be a fucking man and accept the fact that maybe YOU should have been more responsible with your money if this part was so import. And you know what, people are human and they make mistakes, thats life. If the guy wont give you your money back dont whine about it on a forum where no one really cares. All the time you have wasted posting your nonese how your a tough guy that cant admit he made a mistake, you could have posted in about 6 other forums, ebay, and craigslist and had them sold by now. And you wanna call people out? Youre lucky I dont live closer or I would come over there and habitualy slap the shit out of you.


PS You're a fucking loser

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I still fail to see how if you knew these parts as well as your original post and historical claims say you do, how that being said you could go meet him, pick up the parts and not notice the difference prior to saying here's your money, goodbye, thanks for the deal, see you online?
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