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Boss tried ripping me off today

Guest Melanie

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Guest Melanie

So a month ago I did a job for the event planning company I do work for and my pay is 15/hr. I hate this company for all the messed up things they do (withholding overtime, not paying people on time,etc) but the extra pay is worth it most of the time...


So on a sunday night they call me freaking out because the biggest job of the year isn't going to be done on time and ask if I can come in to help. When? That night. Reluctantly I go in as long as I can come and go as I please. I end up working 41.5 hrs all by weds.


So a month later (today) I get a call from the woman who does payroll saying that I'm only getting paid 12/hr. I ask wtf? and she told me that the boss said she told me that. No... She instructs me to call the boss.


I call the boss and she proceeds to tell me that she forgot to mention it to me. What she says is that I am now being considered casual labor so shes not going to take any taxes from my check so the 12 bucks will actually be helping me, because I will get more money this way. I stupidly believe her bullshit reason and tell her to send the check.


Then I find out that she is pulling some illegal bullshit for Ive never had any taxes taken out because Ive always been a contract laborer. Well a fellow event planning company owner (her competion and family friend) fills me in on how this is wrong and I try to call her back explaining how I have to get my normal pay, and she dodges my calls. So I finally call her home (we are allowed) and her husband who also owns the business answers. He knew nothing about what she did and was very confused. "I'll pass along the message."


What do you know...10 minutes later I get a call from her.


Me: " I just got off the phone with my girlfriend whos an accountant because I was confused about whats going on with how I'm 12/hr now."


"What do you need?"


"Well according to her, if I'm contract labor I need to get the full pay because I have to pay the taxes on it later this year. I cant do the 12/hr."


"How many hrs did you work?"




In a real snotty voice "Fine Ill pay it." Hangs up on me.


What the hell? I'm so sick of people trying to take advantage of nice people. I went in to save her ass on the biggest job of the year and then she tries to take advantage of me.


Bitch got caught in her bullshit and I'm the one who gets hung up on. Grrrr....

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Guest tbutera2112
wow...all that shit over what? $120 give or take? seems like a shitty company to do business with...i would start looking into other possible places to move on to
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Guest Melanie
The fact of her trying to take advantage of me pisses me off more than the money. I'm definitely never going back. Any business owner who has retirement scams, illegal immigrant workers, insurance fraud etc needs to be taught a lesson. Im just trying to figure out if I should report her. I like the Latinos and don't want to get anyone deported.
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Guest Melanie
I've heard the department of Wages and Means would be pretty interested, but once again,what would happen to the Latino's? Anyone know if they would go down in the flames too?
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Guest Melanie
Hmm... maybe I could ask them first what would happen or if they care. They've been being ripped off by her for awhile now. (Not getting there vacation time and she withholds their overtime pay.) Illegal as hell but they cant complain. Bullshit.
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Forcing you to be 1099 to dodge taxes is FUCKING ILLEGAL. Call the department/board of labor relations and the IRS. You could royally fuck yourself with the city, state, and IRS. Seriously, this could be very bad for you.
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Guest Melanie

I started as an intern because my mom works there and have only had a few pay checks. Maybe 4 total. But I dont make enough to claim taxes. $100 here 100 there... This is my first check of the year I believe. The checks dont have any pay info on them. (taxes etc)


I always thought I can trust them. Now I know I was wrong. How can I get in trouble? I didn't do anything. Im just brought in when they need extra help. AKA to save their asses because they have no idea what they are doing.

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I started as an intern because my mom works there and have only had a few pay checks. Maybe 4 total. But I dont make enough to claim taxes. $100 here 100 there... This is my first check of the year I believe. The checks dont have any pay info on them. (taxes etc)


I always thought I can trust them. Now I know I was wrong. How can I get in trouble? I didn't do anything.


Well it could be considered tax evasion because it is "income" that is not taxed. Now all you need to do is throw some tea in a harbor and we have a revolution

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Guest Melanie
so... they're retarded bastards too?


No just find it funny that she has the money for her own vacations and a brand new car but cant pay her employees who make her all her money.

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