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You could save 15% or more with Geico


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I just got back from a trip to Puerto Rico and a big cruise all over the Caribbean. Needless to say someone decided to follow me home in my luggage. The gecko is only about 2 inches long and who knows if any other creatures joined.










Fancy a crisp?

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Scared the crap out of me. He blends in with our floor so I didn't notice he was right by my foot while I was stretching from working out.


We have someone who wants him, but if that falls through then I'll let you guys know. We can't keep him because we have no supplies plus I'm sure my cats will see him as food or their next toy.

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I've reported your illegal animal trafficking to the proper authorities. You are single handedly responsible for the extinction of multiple species, the destruction of the tourist trade in Puerto Rico (you sonofabitch, I'm Puerto Rican and with the rising cost of a ticket due to your actions, I cannot afford to visit my homeland!), and the complete loss of native US species, including cockaroaches and pigeon-heads. :p


Seriously, it's a common house gecko. Very proliferant, especially in the south. Little cold too often up here to be as common. I used to let one or two into my apt when I lived in Houston. You only saw them occasionally at night and they would kill any bugs, ie; spiders, moths, roaches, etc, that would come into the house. They can munch a bunch.

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Just let him run around the house. He will find his own food. It would be cool not to see him for awhile then all of a sudden he appears outta nowhere. Or hanging from a cats mouth. Either way


I lost my pet Iguana in the house for ~6 months when I was a kid. Found his tail sticking out from one of the cabinets one morning. Put him back in his tank.........he died like a week later. :mad:

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Just let him run around the house. He will find his own food. It would be cool not to see him for awhile then all of a sudden he appears outta nowhere. Or hanging from a cats mouth. Either way


I would do that except for the fact that I don't want to wake up one day with him on my face or something! The hotel I stayed at in San Juan had them everywhere in the room so you had to watch everywhere you walked otherwise you'd step on them.

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I lost my pet Iguana in the house for ~6 months when I was a kid. Found his tail sticking out from one of the cabinets one morning. Put him back in his tank.........he died like a week later. :mad:


did same thing with a 5 foot bull snake. he lived a long while after i found him though.

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I lost my pet Iguana in the house for ~6 months when I was a kid. Found his tail sticking out from one of the cabinets one morning. Put him back in his tank.........he died like a week later. :mad:


Hah. We went to Gettysburg for a week as a kid. Got home and the pet hamster was MIA. Found it a week later, in the basement, on a top shelf above the washer, in a turned over empty bleach bottle.


Sucker lived for another 2 years.








Oh, and that Gecko is bad ass.

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I used to have pet rat's, one got loose for like a year and became tame yet wild...


I used to love it when I Grand parents came over, or any of my mom's friends. Smear a little Penut butter on the corner of the couch, and 5 min later's you'd see a rat dart accross the room. Only to have my mom jump after it trying to catch it.

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