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HB 191 Strret Racing Law, being debated today


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Looks like someone likes their new Ford Edge more then their WS6.




No, I'm just saying that I for one think street racing is bad and think that everyone should race legally. I will post this once a week so that I can find it quickly in the event that a mistake is made and I am said to have turned a corner too hard or accelerated too quickly. I dont race my car on the streets because its bad and bad things are things that I do not promote or do. In closing, I would really like everyone to leave from lights very controlled and slowly, restrict their exhausts to make them quieter, dont have tint darker than 50%, and always drive 3mph slower than the posted speed limit. I love this country and I really love being an American.

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Forfeiture of a vehicle will never be mandated at the misdemeanor level, period. You guys are worrying over nothing.

Really? It's written into this bill as mandatory. You get convicted, your car gets taken, period, no judge's discretion. And with the way the law is written, all you need is to get pulled over by a cop in an asshole mood to get arrested and charged for it now.

It WILL happen. People WILL get charged under this law improperly, they WILL be convicted, their car WILL be taken and their lives ruined.

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"The bill creates the offense of street racing manslaughter. The bill prohibits a person, while operating or participating in the operation of a motor vehicle, motorcycle, SNOWMOBILE, LOCOMOTIVE, WATERCRAFT, or AIRCRAFT, from causing the death or another or the unlawful termination of another's pregnancy as the proximate result of committing, while operating or participating in the operation of a motor vehicle or motorcycle upon a public road, street, or highway in this state, or a violation of a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance. Every operator of every motor vehicle and motorcycle involved in the street race is criminally culpable for the offense, irrespective of whether or not such an operator's motor vehicle or motorcycle made contact with any other motor vehicle or motorcycle. (R.C. 2903.06(A)(5).)


Street racing manslaughter is a felony of the second degree. In addition to any other sanctions, the court must impose upon the offender a class two suspension of the offender's driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege for a definite period of not less than five years. (R.C. 2903.06.)"







i dont wana see u guys racing you boats , locomotives OR PLANES on the street lol

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This should be posted on all the news websites.


My friend, if it were posted it would be so altered it would appear that I was supporting drunken street racing. That is the problem. I just wish that people would understand all aspects of the situation and not believe every piece of trash that the news media pushes. What happened to spawn this was aweful, but the whole street racing is the root of all evil shit has to go. It isn't a good idea, but drinking and driving isn't either. I just hate that a girl had to give part of her life to push this issue.

I guess my perspective has changed a lot in the past few years, especially within the last week or so. I still feel that drinking had more to do with the original issue than anything else.

I just hope that people don't lose their vehicles due to this stupidity. How many SUV's and minivans hit it from a light to make it to the other lane to get on the highway? Does this constitute a vehicle forfeiture? According to the proposed laws it seems that way.

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This fucking bill is completely biased. Honestly I think some of the punishments could be fair if it wasn't so easy to get sighted. The way this reads I could scare some old lady with my car, give her a heart attack, and be worse off then her. I can see it now, little old lady doing 25 in a 50, I come cruising by.............fuck this shit.
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How do you figure?


Cops have more important things to worry about then to spend their 8 hour shift looking for "Street Racers" I am sure that there were be more "Street Racing" citations as a result of this bill. I also believe that cases in the past that were able to get the charges dropped from street racing to just a speeding ticket are a thing of the past.


This forum as gone from who is the king of 270 and videos for a weekend to organized track days. I would say the members of this forum are going to be ok. You are only "fucked" if you are out street racing.


Not necessarily true. You work with enough bikes to know that a lot of guys like to go out and have some spirited rides, often without breaking any laws. With the interpretation that this gives officers, a single rider taking a turn that the officer "interprets" to be too fast can now be charged with street racing have have their bike taken away. I'm willing to bet you know that you don't have to break the speed limit in some turns to get some very nice angle on that a bystander could watch and assume you're speeding when you're really not. I wouldn't say that's exactly fair.

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I was just beginning to miss Ohio. Even if this bill makes it through the Senate there will be a wall of business' and "legit" protest groups waiting. Jegs, Summit, Trails, and Norwalk bring millions a year in tax revenue for Ohio alone. Yes I feel sorry for this family and whatever she had to go through. Everybody freaked out about Obama taking our firearms. A year later I still have mine and the collection continues to grow. It will still be "he said, she said" vs. the COP who wrote the ticket. This just gives them more leverage if you truly get caught f-ing up.


Or you could move.

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I blame this fucking law on the Fast and Furious movies. Before those fucking works of art came out it seemed cops weren't as hard core on pulling modded cars over. After the movies came out, anyone with wheels, tint, wings ect was a street ricer automatically.


I am fucked pretty much, I have been pulled over in Heath several times for "looking suspicious", even though the cops there litterally know me on a first name basis. So now when they pull me over they will have an excuse of "well Mr. Moore appeared to be street racing". The powers to be are pretty fucking dumb if you think about it, you start taking peoples cars for modifying them and your going to kill the aftermarket industry. You kill the aftermarket industry your going to eventually kill the economy...oh wait they have already done that pretty well.


A DUI has become nothing more then a slap on the wrist. Most times people get a DUI, get 3days in jail, but that is then suspended so they actually get nothing more then a fine. Atleast thats how it is here in Licking County, 4 of my buddies have gotten DUI's not a single one of them have done jail time. I got a driving under suspension, which was later taken off my record and got 10days in jail....you explain that one to me.


Cops will abuse this law much like they abuse their current powers. How often do you see a cop flying down the road without his lights on? Or how about a cop hitting his lights so he can make it through a redlight, only to turn them off once he gets through it? Easiest way to get out of this would be to mount a camera in your car that records everytime you drive...cops do it, you should be able to as well.

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I see the reason to have some parts of this law but other parts are such BS. The police will abuse this new law big time next summer to make a few examples out of people. I always hear some cars that sound like they are taking off fast and then when I look I'm like "all that noise for nothing"


If this new law really passes then the police should be held to the same standards but they won't. I can't count how many times this year I have seen a police car take off very fast and almost causing an accident weaving in and out of cars. They NEVER wreak or cause accidents for going fast... lol


We could always install a small video camera to continuously record as we drive so if a cop does pull you over you might have some proof if you weren't doing anything wrong.


I see in the future that mini van and turbo kit sales going up next year!!!

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ok this is fucking stupid. I agree that there are gonna be cops that take advantage of this. i dont know about the cops where some of you live, but reynoldsburg cops are a bunch of cock sucking ass holes and im sure they will be all over this. Hell i got pulled over the other night for not using my turn signal when changing lanes, and taking a turn a littlt to sharp. Keep in mind, this is at 1 in the morning when no one else was around anyway. ill put money on it that ill be taking off at a stop light in my firebird, and the guy next to me will take of even quicker in his minivan, but ill be the one that gets pulled over. The other thing i think is stupid about this is, they leave it to the cop to decide if it street racing or not. When i go out to national trails, my mom, dad and me just follow each other out. When we get stuck at a traffic light or something, my dad has to get up in the rpm to get his car to shift (built AOD with a shift kit), keep in mind, my dad is completely against street racing, so its not like he does it but he can still be punished for it.
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I blame this fucking law on the Fast and Furious movies. Before those fucking works of art came out it seemed cops weren't as hard core on pulling modded cars over. After the movies came out, anyone with wheels, tint, wings ect was a street ricer automatically.


That is funny. Right after the first Rice and Ridiculous movie came out, there was a news crew at the KMart on W. Broad. Stupid Tramp Mai, or whatever her damn name was, asked me to race my friend who followed me out there. She said we'll have you guys line up on Charter and we'll blur out your plates. She was so excited talking about it. I laughed right in her face and told her that just because the plates would be blurred on tv didn't mean that the original tape couldn't be used for something else. Her smile went away and she walked off. I couldn't believe that someone actually thought that I would race on tape to be used on the news report.

Her damn story ruined Charter. People had no clue that had been going on for years until the news story. Then it was "This is terrible. It must be stopped." Once again the media puts something out there and the public makes it a big deal. How many of you out there witnessed cops driving through and making sure everything was fine, then left in a cloud? I guess they weren't too worried about it before the stupid public got ahold of it.

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