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HB 191 Strret Racing Law, being debated today


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Here's a side for you. Me in my Cobra at a stop light, and some spoiled rich kid in his daddys 600hp Mercedes S-65 AMG, he lights them up, and I laugh at him, and watch him take off, oops there's a cop in the parking lot we just passed, who gonna get stopped here? Him? I dont think so.


are you speeding? are you racing? are you flying by this cop in the parking lot? If not he has nothing to get you on.


Many years ago I was traveling through Groveport through town with my then Girlfriend (now wife) and her friend. It was about 9pm we had just been at the kroger in canal, I was driving a white F150 and was pulled over by 3 cops. The cops started to give me a hard time saying they pulled me over for doing doughnuts and burnouts behind some memorial park in Groveport. I had to laugh, and told them they had the wrong truck, they said it was a white truck. I said ok.....what time did this occur? They said about 10 min ago, i told them they had the wrong truck, of course they really started to get pissed with me.


Long story short, they were sure they had the right truck, little did they know I had 2 witnesses and a reciept from Kroger buying a pie and icecream at the time they said it occured. Also I had washed and waxed my truck the previous day and instructed them to feel free to check my wheel wells and sides of my truck for rubber off the tires. Ofcourse they found nothing, because I did nothing wrong. And was let go with an apology!


If your not in the wrong..........nothing to worry about.



I've owned 6 Mustangs and a big block LeMans over the years, all were fast and all were loud. I've never been pulled over in any of those cars.



Stay safe

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are you speeding? are you racing? are you flying by this cop in the parking lot? If not he has nothing to get you on.


Many years ago I was traveling through Groveport through town with my then Girlfriend (now wife) and her friend. It was about 9pm we had just been at the kroger in canal, I was driving a white F150 and was pulled over by 3 cops. The cops started to give me a hard time saying they pulled me over for doing doughnuts and burnouts behind some memorial park in Groveport. I had to laugh, and told them they had the wrong truck, they said it was a white truck. I said ok.....what time did this occur? They said about 10 min ago, i told them they had the wrong truck, of course they really started to get pissed with me.


Long story short, they were sure they had the right truck, little did they know I had 2 witnesses and a reciept from Kroger buying a pie and icecream at the time they said it occured. Also I had washed and waxed my truck the previous day and instructed them to feel free to check my wheel wells and sides of my truck for rubber off the tires. Ofcourse they found nothing, because I did nothing wrong. And was let go with an apology!


If your not in the wrong..........nothing to worry about.



I've owned 6 Mustangs and a big block LeMans over the years, all were fast and all were loud. I've never been pulled over in any of those cars.



Stay safe

Do you have to be speeding? Do you have to be racing? No, please reread the proposed bill.


You're really not getting this too well. So much is left to the officer's discretion. To Kurt's point, that cop probably thought 100% that Kurt did the burnout and was "street racing". At that point it's your word vs the officer's and you're likely going to lose without a good attorney.


You are thinking that passing this law would leave things alone for people that aren't currently breaking any laws. That's not the case, it would allow cops to pursue street racing charges for tons of other issues that are currently either legal, or under a different law.

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Rarely does mean you have done it, as has everyone. That would be considered street racing, which it is not.


Sure, everyone has likely done it, and perhaps it doesn’t meet the description of what street racing is to you or me or the old law, but the new bill is in effect and now that we all know, we need to be aware and act accordingly. IMO, there doesn’t have to be two cars present to race your car. There are plenty of times where I have raced through a set of S-Curves on my own. Bottom line, the actions are still just as dangerous. In the end it’s up to the officer to decide. I don’t see there being that many cases of abuse. If you’re on the line and get acused of crossing it, then perhaps you should not ride on the line. Slow down and don’t act like an ass-hat at a red light.



I don't think that you are saying you are fine taking the new strict penalties when you were not doing anything wrong.


Of course not, but if my actions put me in the gray are of question, then that’s why there’s a court system. I was stopped and ticked for a reckless op myself in Feb 2006. I know and will continue to say it wasn’t me the cop clocked at 95mph. The whole situation was truly a PITA, but I was caught in the gray are and fought it. End result, 2pt speed violation and a few bucks fine. My attorney got me what I wanted.


but he is doing his daughter a disservice for pursuing ignorant legislation based on emotion and anger.


He’s not doing it as a service to his daughter. He’s doing it as a service to mine and everyone else sharing the roads with everyone. I’m not all for the law, but I am glad to see something being done. Just today I saw an ass-hat in a Sonota just about wipe out on the curve from 315S to Neal Ave. as I exited. He just “had to get around” the rest of the cars on the road to go eastbound. Reckless and IMO racing. I’d have busted his ass big time if I were a cop.

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Guest tbutera2112
I may be wrong but aren't there a few factory made Ford Focus SVT's that came with Nitrous from factory? Still slow don't get me wrong, but using factory OEM equipment will get your car locked up now? This is ridiculous.


proof? sounds like BS to me

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I may be wrong but aren't there a few factory made Ford Focus SVT's that came with Nitrous from factory? Still slow don't get me wrong, but using factory OEM equipment will get your car locked up now? This is ridiculous.


The Focus sold with Nitrous was done by Saleen and wasn't hooked up from the factory. If the owner of the car went home from the dealership and hooked it up they just voided the warranty on the car.

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The Focus sold with Nitrous was done by Saleen and wasn't hooked up from the factory. If the owner of the car went home from the dealership and hooked it up they just voided the warranty on the car.


Wow...thanks ford..lol

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I feel for the family of both parties. Regardless of what happened that night, this bill is absolute horseshit. Unfortunately these kind of things happen. We can go making a new bullshit law everytime a single individual or a couple of individuals make a dumb ass decision. Maybe I would feel a little different about it if they would clear up the gray areas before trying to put it out there. You cant just put a new law in place just to get it in place. Figure some things out first. Do some research on the variables. What does it matter if it gets put out now or in 6 months.
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are you speeding? are you racing? are you flying by this cop in the parking lot? If not he has nothing to get you on.


Many years ago I was traveling through Groveport through town with my then Girlfriend (now wife) and her friend. It was about 9pm we had just been at the kroger in canal, I was driving a white F150 and was pulled over by 3 cops. The cops started to give me a hard time saying they pulled me over for doing doughnuts and burnouts behind some memorial park in Groveport. I had to laugh, and told them they had the wrong truck, they said it was a white truck. I said ok.....what time did this occur? They said about 10 min ago, i told them they had the wrong truck, of course they really started to get pissed with me.


Long story short, they were sure they had the right truck, little did they know I had 2 witnesses and a reciept from Kroger buying a pie and icecream at the time they said it occured. Also I had washed and waxed my truck the previous day and instructed them to feel free to check my wheel wells and sides of my truck for rubber off the tires. Ofcourse they found nothing, because I did nothing wrong. And was let go with an apology!


If your not in the wrong..........nothing to worry about.



I've owned 6 Mustangs and a big block LeMans over the years, all were fast and all were loud. I've never been pulled over in any of those cars.



Stay safe


Like Hal said, you not getting this too well. If this bill passes the way it is right now, you could be instantly be profiled by LEO's. In the example I posted above what proof do I have that it was not me in my car doing the burnout, but the rich kid in daddy car, who he let get away because he automatically assumed I was the guilty party, and wouldn't know a 600hp mercedes from a 200hp one?

Dude, you ignorance cracks me up, If this bill passes as is, everyone that drives a sports/muscle car could get an instant lesson of what in short will amount to nothing but racial profiling.

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Like Hal said, you not getting this too well. If this bill passes the way it is right now, you could be instantly be profiled by LEO's. In the example I posted above what proof do I have that it was not me in my car doing the burnout, but the rich kid in daddy car, who he let get away because he automatically assumed I was the guilty party, and wouldn't know a 600hp mercedes from a 200hp one?

Dude, you ignorance cracks me up, If this bill passes as is, everyone that drives a sports/muscle car could get an instant lesson of what in short will amount to nothing but racial profiling.


I guess to me there are just bigger things in life for me to wory about instead of petty shit like this.


Glad i could crack you up............happy to see this is your biggest problem your facing. Like I said actions of some ruin it for everyone, nobody looks at the cause why this is even an issue.


Go fight your fight and goodluck. I'll make sure i'll pull over to the side of the road when i see your scary Cobra comming up fast from a stoplight behind me. That way I'm not affecting your progress running through the gears and you cant hate on me for "profiling" you and not getting outta your way cause your too bad.


I'll bow out now, and I'll see ya all again in the next thread when were discussing a horrific crash due to lack of sense. Hope to god it's not the case......But I see it all the time on my job..


Stay safe Guys

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Like Hal said, you not getting this too well. If this bill passes the way it is right now, you could be instantly be profiled by LEO's.


I don't care what anyone says, profiling works. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, chances are it's a duck. Always? No...but I'd rather be safe than sorry. So in the end, if a cop hears and see's a souped up muscle car, I'd say it's fair to assume or profile them as being more likely to jack rabbit it off the light than mom in the minivan. However, a LEO isn't going to bust you for fitting a profile. Might they follow you and run your plate...sure....happens all the time even today. Instead a LEO is going to bust you just the same as the jerk I posted about racing through traffic in his POS civilian looking Sonota.


In the example I posted above what proof do I have that it was not me in my car doing the burnout, but the rich kid in daddy car, who he let get away because he automatically assumed I was the guilty party, and wouldn't know a 600hp mercedes from a 200hp one?


I disagree. The cop isn't going to bust you if he didn't see you do it. He might look at both you and the AMG, but he's no more likely going to bust you now than he was prior to the bill passing. If the kid did a burnout, he's likely going to have taken off from the light too and the cop is most likely going after whoever raced off...not you who is perhaps just sitting there or rolling off the line as normal. Now if you both took off and were racing and he busts you, you're guilty, so sit back and accept the results of your actions.


Dude, you ignorance cracks me up, If this bill passes as is, everyone that drives a sports/muscle car could get an instant lesson of what in short will amount to nothing but racial profiling.


Like I said, whether you disagree or like it or not, profiling works. If something doesn't fit a situation, it's worth a second look. Nothing wrong with a second look. If you fit the profile but aren't breaking a law, then you have nothing to worry about. I'm a 40yr old white guy in a pretty domestic Mazda and was profiled the other day while at work driving in a rough area off Livingston. Cop ran my plate as he tailed me. Likely wondering if I was there to buy drugs or something...who knows...don't care. I fit a profile but did nothing wrong. Guess what, zero happened. He peeled off a few blocks later and my day continued.


Cry all you want but just profile everyone on Youtube involved in street racing vids. More often than not those cars in the vids fit a profile...the same profile you're claiming cops shouldn't be looking at when trying to stomp out street racing.


Again, the bill isn't perfect, but I'm also not going to just let someone argue that roll-racing alone or against another car into triple digits isn't wrong. It's racing, plain and simple. Perhaps knowing that there's a chance at jail time and having a car seized will stop someone from doing it.


Does it bother me that the risks for my own ass are higher...sure....I'm guilty of playing too...but it doesn't bother me as much as it would if my wife was stuck head-on by someone racing through traffic without much concern because a simple reckless op is just a fine and 6 points. Honestly, I drive different after battling it out back in Feb-March of 06 to fight the ticket and 6pts I faced. I'm much more under control vs blasting into the 90-120mph range like I would years ago. Why...because the potential penalties aren't worth being dumb on the open roads.


For the record, I'm not for the bill as it stands. But as truckin stated, it's not the highest thing on my priority list to worry about.

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I don't care what anyone says, profiling works. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, chances are it's a duck. Always? No...but I'd rather be safe than sorry. So in the end, if a cop hears and see's a souped up muscle car, I'd say it's fair to assume or profile them as being more likely to jack rabbit it off the light than mom in the minivan. However, a LEO isn't going to bust you for fitting a profile. Might they follow you and run your plate...sure....happens all the time even today. Instead a LEO is going to bust you just the same as the jerk I posted about racing through traffic in his POS civilian looking Sonota.




I disagree. The cop isn't going to bust you if he didn't see you do it. He might look at both you and the AMG, but he's no more likely going to bust you now than he was prior to the bill passing. If the kid did a burnout, he's likely going to have taken off from the light too and the cop is most likely going after whoever raced off...not you who is perhaps just sitting there or rolling off the line as normal. Now if you both took off and were racing and he busts you, you're guilty, so sit back and accept the results of your actions.




Like I said, whether you disagree or like it or not, profiling works. If something doesn't fit a situation, it's worth a second look. Nothing wrong with a second look. If you fit the profile but aren't breaking a law, then you have nothing to worry about. I'm a 40yr old white guy in a pretty domestic Mazda and was profiled the other day while at work driving in a rough area off Livingston. Cop ran my plate as he tailed me. Likely wondering if I was there to buy drugs or something...who knows...don't care. I fit a profile but did nothing wrong. Guess what, zero happened. He peeled off a few blocks later and my day continued.


Cry all you want but just profile everyone on Youtube involved in street racing vids. More often than not those cars in the vids fit a profile...the same profile you're claiming cops shouldn't be looking at when trying to stomp out street racing.


Again, the bill isn't perfect, but I'm also not going to just let someone argue that roll-racing alone or against another car into triple digits isn't wrong. It's racing, plain and simple. Perhaps knowing that there's a chance at jail time and having a car seized will stop someone from doing it.


Does it bother me that the risks for my own ass are higher...sure....I'm guilty of playing too...but it doesn't bother me as much as it would if my wife was stuck head-on by someone racing through traffic without much concern because a simple reckless op is just a fine and 6 points. Honestly, I drive different after battling it out back in Feb-March of 06 to fight the ticket and 6pts I faced. I'm much more under control vs blasting into the 90-120mph range like I would years ago. Why...because the potential penalties aren't worth being dumb on the open roads.


For the record, I'm not for the bill as it stands. But as truckin stated, it's not the highest thing on my priority list to worry about.


Well said............No one complains about profiling of arabs, somilis (sp) or someone who may look the part of a drug dealer or a pedifile. But when if affects you directly then it's against the law and you wronged.


It works, like it or not.....And I have no problem with it.

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Well said............No one complains about profiling of arabs, somilis (sp) or someone who may look the part of a drug dealer or a pedifile. But when if affects you directly then it's against the law and you wronged.


It works, like it or not.....And I have no problem with it.


What happens is that it all to often gets the "race" card thrown at it. Race as in color skin that is. People today get too ass-hurt too easily. Heaven forbid that the appearance of a person or a car be used when looking for a wrong-doer.


However, it's ironic that when there's a serial killer or serial rapist, what is the logical course of action to finding the bad buy....they create a "profile" of them to narrow down the possible suspect list and catch the bad guy.


Again, let's profile the thousands of cars involved in street racing vids on the net and see what the results are. Now let's be stupid and not pay attention to them when we see them on the road. :rolleyes:


All this bullshit about not speeding or racing on the streets or doing no wrong and still getting your car crushed is just conjecture. No one runs with Nitrous, slicks or drag radials on their Daily Driver just because they are too lazy to swap wheels when they go to the track. So when you get profiled or looked at twice or given a hard time for speeding yet you have a handful of performance parts stickers on your fender or windows and slicks on your car, don't say you didn't in some way bring that upon yourself. Now of course you're not guilty of anything so if you're not breaking the law then you have zero to worry about except perhaps having a closer look put upon you by the local LEO's.

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I complain about all profiling of any and every person. Let me tell you about a time my brother was in Dublin visiting me and an officer said he was on the wrong side of town. Or the time I was pulled over and told we see you so dont do anything stupid... I was in a fucking envoy with my kids!!!!! Thats whats worries me about it. Being a victim of past bs I know all it takes is someone being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


People that openly profile (we all do it dont lie) need to pour wet cement on their little dicks, wait until it dries, and litterally piss their life away.

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I complain about all profiling of any and every person. Let me tell you about a time my brother was in Dublin visiting me and an officer said he was on the wrong side of town. Or the time I was pulled over and told we see you so dont do anything stupid... I was in a fucking envoy with my kids!!!!! Thats whats worries me about it. Being a victim of past bs I know all it takes is someone being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


People that openly profile (we all do it dont lie) need to pour wet cement on their little dicks, wait until it dries, and litterally piss their life away.



But.... Profiling finds terrorists....





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Thats whats worries me about it. Being a victim of past bs I know all it takes is someone being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


but the reality stands that you still need to be doing something you're not supposed to. just because you drive your T/A around doesn't mean they are going to bust you for street racing. You can still gun it to merge on the freeway....I would just advise not doing it when side by side with a COBRA and take it triple digits. That might just be construed as street racing.

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but the reality stands that you still need to be doing something you're not supposed to. just because you drive your T/A around doesn't mean they are going to bust you for street racing. You can still gun it to merge on the freeway....I would just advise not doing it when side by side with a COBRA and take it triple digits. That might just be construed as street racing.


The concern is not the majority of the officers that do their jobs right. Of the many sports cars out there most will be ok... The bottom line is it gives the ones that abuse their power another outlet (as most laws do in this day and age). No one is against it, we are simply against the way its being presented. Reckless ops for misjudging your speed through a turn is now street racing :confused: There is a big difference between agressive driving, poor driving, and street racing. They need to spend more time on this and write it in a way that will help it pass. As a person that drives my TA for less than 3000 miles a year I dont have to worry.. but I would vote against it for the fact that it is very poorly written imo.

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