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Arizona: "Fuck me? No. Fuck you!"


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Woooowww. I'm not sure why I am surprised.



BOYCOTT COLUMBUS!!!! Seriously though, I just get pissed off in the kind of way where you KNOW you're about to swing. But, it's worse, because you can't even punch anyone over it. I can't believe a couple % of my pay funnels into that son of a bitch's city.




So, he'll throw out a public, posturing FUCK YOU to Arizona, but... will soon be doubling the number of red light cameras in the city, operated by a company from Phoenix, wait for it, because they'll bring in more money for him to spend like a retard.

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Not soon enough.


Of course when the day comes the polls will be clogged with fucking libtard emo hipsters. Coleman is sincerely a douche.

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Is there anyone anywhere who wants illegals to be able to come here illegally? If so I seriously want to yell at them.


I find it amazing that the .gov and the media make it an issue when most everyone opposes them coming here and being here.

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I'm sure they'll change their mind when the lights shut off.


I'm not saying any of this will come to fruition since it's just one guy making the statement, but I think it's hilarious that Arizona is giving an unofficial 'Fuck you' right back at them.


what's really ironic is if Cali is so upset, how about they voluntarily stop using AZ Power. put up or shut the fuck up California.


AZ law is king and should be everywhere. like it or not profiling works. people need to stop being such pussies and so sensitive and start making shit happen vs playing games.

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what's really ironic is if Cali is so upset, how about they voluntarily stop using AZ Power. put up or shut the fuck up California.




"Columbus recently extended its agreement with Phoenix-based Redflex Traffic Systems Inc., which owns and operates the city's 20 red-light cameras. The new contract will double the number of cameras posted at Columbus intersections to issue tickets to red-light-runners.


Rescinding that program "wouldn't make sense to the taxpayers," Williamson said."


and this... (as stated above)


I wish our politicians would grow some damn balls and either do it all the way or do nothing. Fuck that shit.


I will say that a very heavy hand needs to come down on this issue. Either for or against. Someone needs to make it clear what goes on here. Make them legal or figure out a way to ship them out.


I applaud AZ's efforts to be decisive but I feel that it gives to much power to the police and other local officials. We bitch and moan when we get pulled over for no front plate/tinted windows/no turn signal/no seat belt because it gives the cops rights to certain things.


Yes, profiling works in *most* (it hurts to write that) cases. But just think about that every time a cop sees/hears your car with an exhaust and pulls you over to do a quick glance in your vehicle for another reason to write you a ticket or put you in jail. Don't even think for one second that doesn't go through their minds.


What I find funny about this is that its supported by Republicans. The very people that want LESS government involvement in their lives. Well guess what, you better start carrying your birth cert. and other ID's with you anytime you go there. Id be scared of that cop that thinks I'm not a legal citizen because I cannot prove it right then and there. Maybe I can be held without trial until I can prove I am a citizen. And all this because he doesn't like the fact I have sideburns... Im just sayin!


Again, I applaud the effort and the fact they are excising their right to enact laws that are decisive, relative to problems and not based on morals.

Edited by T Rex
Had to take out racial from profiling... didn't fit my example very well. ;)
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what's really ironic is if Cali is so upset, how about they voluntarily stop using AZ Power. put up or shut the fuck up California.


AZ law is king and should be everywhere. like it or not profiling works. people need to stop being such pussies and so sensitive and start making shit happen vs playing games.

reality is its not Arizona law, its a U.S. law(not profiling) and Arizona is just enforcing it, maybe all the cities/states/politicians against Arizona should read up on U.S. history/laws etc... and they'll find out Arizona isn't doing anything wrong

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Yes, profiling works in *most* (it hurts to write that) cases. But just think about that every time a cop sees/hears your car with an exhaust and pulls you over to do a quick glance in your vehicle for another reason to write you a ticket or put you in jail. Don't even think for one second that doesn't go through their minds.


Welcome to living in California where even basic mods are a PIA to deal with during traffic stops. Big Deal. If a cop wants to pull me over for sounding like I'm going fast, that's fine with me. I'll take that chance so long as it forces the illegals to get the fuck out. Not illegal, don't worry. Besides, picking them out here in cbus is easy. They drive 92 Acuras and Hondas with fucked up paint jobs, dents everywhere, miss-matched wheels, pulling out of the cheapest apt communities around and cruise at the speed limit to 5mph lower to avoid getting pulled over at all costs. Usually 3-4 of them in the car at any given time, usually on their way to work. Yeah, I said it.

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Im not saying you are wrong at all because I agree with you. I only worry about the guy that is doing nothing wrong and gets detained for no reason other than the fact he cannot provide adequate documentation stating he is a US citizen. There are cops out there that abuse their power and this just gives them more. THAT is what scares me.
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Besides, picking them out here in cbus is easy. They drive 92 Acuras and Hondas with fucked up paint jobs, dents everywhere, miss-matched wheels, pulling out of the cheapest apt communities around and cruise at the speed limit to 5mph lower to avoid getting pulled over at all costs. Usually 3-4 of them in the car at any given time, usually on their way to work. Yeah, I said it.


That is like 70% of the residence in my apartment complex....lol...ill add to it that they think their 92 acura is killer fast too, peeling out everytime they pull onto the street.

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That is like 70% of the residence in my apartment complex....lol...ill add to it that they think their 92 acura is killer fast too, peeling out everytime they pull onto the street.


One of your nieghbors I'm sure :D



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I'm half Hispanic and this issue even amazes me. Just follow the law! I don't want people in this country who's very first act coming here is breaking the law. Amazing how there's so much support for illegal activity. When I go to Panama on vacation, I have to take a 7 hour bus ride to get to the province where my family lives. On the way there, we always get stopped at a checkpoint. Doesn't matter whether it's 3 pm or 3 am. A police officer steps on the bus and yells "IDs or Passports out!" and proceeds to check each individual person's papers. Imagine if someone stands up and says, "This is profiling! Waaaaa!" His ass will be removed from the bus and sent to jail. Love the system!


Not all Hispanics think the same way:


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So, he'll throw out a public, posturing FUCK YOU to Arizona, but... will soon be doubling the number of red light cameras in the city, operated by a company from Phoenix, wait for it, because they'll bring in more money for him to spend like a retard.


Yep, anyone with half a brain can see he's an unfit, worthless, two-face piece of trash who doesn't deserve to be mayor. I hope this takes him down.


+1 for you sir

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wtf are these mayors 10 years old? they are acting like a bunch of fucking babies....


wahhh we dont agree with you so we are boycottin gyou


wahhh you boycott me im gonna take my toys and go home


give me a fucking break.

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As far as I know (and correct me if I am wrong), but if you are pulled over, for say speeding, wouldn't you have to provide ID and what not regardless of what you looked like anyway ?


Now if 3 guys are just walking down the street doing nothing, and they get accosted and harassed about showing IDs that's fucking bullshit. Though I didn't think this was giving jurisdiction to do such.

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As far as I know (and correct me if I am wrong), but if you are pulled over, for say speeding, wouldn't you have to provide ID and what not regardless of what you looked like anyway ?


Now if 3 guys are just walking down the street doing nothing, and they get accosted and harassed about showing IDs that's fucking bullshit. Though I didn't think this was giving jurisdiction to do such.


I believe the law states that the police are allowed to ask for 1 of 4 forms of ID (Drivers license being one of them) to prove you're legal, if you are stopped for any legitimate reason. The law doesn't say they can just go around picking on Mexican people at random. I'm not quite sure why everybody's in an uproar about it. They already ask for ID, the difference being, I believe they can act on it now.

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I still believe there are plenty more factors than just the aliens themselves in regards to "illegal immigration" including but not limited to the employers hiring lllegals in the first place, and the public at large constantly voting with their wallets to the cheapest price, but I don't see anything terribly wrong with verifying citizenship as long as it is tied to another reason for stopping and questioning an individual/groups of individuals/large van full of individuals.


What happens to the illegals once they are discovered ? With this new initiative how much is it going to cost to try and regulate the individual aliens, as opposed to cutting off their work at the source ? The taxpayer will flip the bill for the deportations I assume ? Still not sure if this particular approach is best. I suppose we will see.

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Mayors office email address. mac@columbus.gov


Might be a good start.


I called the mayor's "action line" first thing this morning and simply asked "has the mayor read the Arizona legislation?". Left my name and number - no response.


If he's like the rest of the Obama's lackeys that got called out on this the answer is "no". The next question is then "Are you against enforcing the laws of the United States?".


He's a grandstanding moron.

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