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Fuck you all!!!! Im Debt free..


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Well I sold my truck and a couple things I do not need in life right now and since I really wanna focus on my job I have at the moment I decided to simplify my life.....


Had a little CC debt

Sold my daily

Trading off my Race car

Payed off one secure loan and deleted one CC.

It felt good but I also just have one CC now, However Dave Ramsey suggests to not have one at all but I think that I will only use it in a extreme situation for $$$.






Ive been reading allot of Dave Ramsey's stuff and the book "New Money" and so far so good. http://www.daveramsey.com/ this gentleman is pretty good.


Right now I'm at the point where I am saving for 6 months of finances, Then onto saving for something fun....."Bike"



So far the plan is in motion:

get rid of all CC's

No debt



Treat yourself to the rewards that you work hard for.





Its pretty scary to know I will have only one car and wont have a race car for some time but to know that I can focus on my job and the future is way better than knowing I can blow the doors off a viper that is next to me on the HWY.







Anyone else crawled out of debt or used Dave Ramsey's suggestions?

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I haven't use Ramsey's technique but I have little dept (outside my home) one car loan and one school loan.


I plan to have both of those gone in 2 years, I have two CC's but only use one and pay it off monthly. I own both my truck and bike outright so if needed I have some liquid cash.


I want to have at least 6 months finances in a local savings account then start working towards an IRA.

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didnt use his plan, but i paid off my car in oct, my 0% cc, and there was something else


now all i have monthly to pay is my mortgage, car insurance, cell phone bill, groceries, and i have a gas card i use and pay off monthly, and my bank CC i use to get rewards points, but again, paid off monthly. i just spent almost $10k remodeling my kitchen, payed nothing in intrest and am getting a $100 check from my rewards points.


feels good not having any real "debt"...then again, i do collections, and i would hate to be in the position of the people i call all day, and i definitely wouldnt want a call from someone like myself...although i would fuck another collectors day up. lol.

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Awesome, and inspiring to many on here I hope.


Shanton, I hope things come together the way you like. The freedom of $ stress and to be able to plan is all worth is. I had to lay low on things for a while. It's too easy to get caught up in this and $ just flys out the window. Big Bar tabs, high end cloths, but then struggle when an emergency pops up. F that.


Well played sir.

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I don't see the point in getting rid of all your CC's. The point's I had built up on my card just paid for two round trip tickets to Tahiti. Just don't spend more than you can afford to pay off that month. I guess if you have no fiscal discipline that's the place to start.


I have two CC's and I use them for everything. One gives cash back, the other is a points/miles card. I've never carried a balance and I save quite a bit.


So what's the reason he gives for completely getting rid of CC's?

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Haven't read his stuff. Just lived by the philosophy that it's not what you earn it's what you save. We've saved pretty much all of my wife's income from her law practice and invested in heavily. Haven't had a car payment for over 10 years and don't plan to. The other key is we live well below our means. CC's......key is to just pay them off each month. Less than 4yrs to having the Deed to our home in hand. Debating just paying it off earlier, but I can't see a real need as there's not much interest left. Originally we did a 30yr and just paid it off faster. Looks like we're on target for 15yrs. I'm happy.


Congrats man!

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I don't see the point in getting rid of all your CC's. The point's I had built up on my card just paid for two round trip tickets to Tahiti. Just don't spend more than you can afford to pay off that month. I guess if you have no fiscal discipline that's the place to start.


I have two CC's and I use them for everything. One gives cash back, the other is a points/miles card. I've never carried a balance and I save quite a bit.


So what's the reason he gives for completely getting rid of CC's?


well if you got cash and buy stuff with it you dont need credit cards or there points i have been debt free for awhile listen to dave years after i decided to stop playing the banks game everyone has the ability to be without debt just some dont want too. credit cards arent the problem in the right peoples hands and buying stuff with them isnt wrong but try to seperate from a thousand dollars for a tv that u want but dont need rather then throwing the plastic down thats all his program is about changing the way u see money and spend it. to answer your question directly you WILL spend less every month if you stop using them i gaurentee it that is fact just harder to spend it when you see it... i have paid cash for all of my cars paid of my rental property and dont have to worry about much cause i got money in da bank



keep it up you will be better off in the long run

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other than my home which is getting lower all the time i dont have any debt, own all the vehicles and toys here, no cc debt either, best way i found over yrs is to only buy what you need , and dont buy stuff (toys) unless you have cash..... im not saying i havent pissed away a good pile of money at bars, on old gfs, and dumb shit in general but it was always extra cash sitting around


id hate to know what its like to be in debt , its honestly one of my biggest fears, i was raised like that so i guess i should thank the parents

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Anyone else crawled out of debt or used Dave Ramsey's suggestions?


Crawled out of 'debt'. Fuck Dave Ramsey, I'm glad it's working for you but most of what one should do seems like common sense. Live well within your means, save some money. I don't need some doucher preaching at me while telling me common sense lessons about money.


I 'only' had student loans and a car, but that made $40k+ at one point and living in apartments without enough head room to save. I wasn't living within my means. No Bueno. Payed off the car on schedule, started saving that and some more to pay of the student loans. Did that last year. Now saving all of that for a down payment on a house and 6 month buffer.


It felt amazing when I payed off my student loan in a lump sum.


Congrats on being debt free. :bangbang:

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Congrats man!


Have you ever tracked EVERY dollar you spent in a month? I was AMAZED how much I was wasting on fast food, pop, etc.


Thats where I'm at now monitoring everything for one month and seeing where I can cut down on costs like the ones you suggested. Packing my lunch = $$ saved in the bank.


However I still play Mega Millions , Lots of people say its for the uneducated poor man. they are right I am poor in a way till I hit the fucker big.




evan9381 didnt use his plan, but i paid off my car in oct, my 0% cc, and there was something else


now all i have monthly to pay is my mortgage, car insurance, cell phone bill, groceries, and i have a gas card i use and pay off monthly, and my bank CC i use to get rewards points, but again, paid off monthly. i just spent almost $10k remodeling my kitchen, payed nothing in intrest and am getting a $100 check from my rewards points.


feels good not having any real "debt"...then again, i do collections, and i would hate to be in the position of the people i call all day, and i definitely wouldnt want a call from someone like myself...although i would fuck another collectors day up. lol


Please record that convo lol!














Thanks for all the best wishes but I posted this in hopes of opening other peoples eyes as to what is happening to there finances also.

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Crawled out of 'debt'. Fuck Dave Ramsey, I'm glad it's working for you but most of what one should do seems like common sense. Live well within your means, save some money. I don't need some doucher preaching at me while telling me common sense lessons about money.


I 'only' had student loans and a car, but that made $40k+ at one point and living in apartments without enough head room to save. I wasn't living within my means. No Bueno. Payed off the car on schedule, started saving that and some more to pay of the student loans. Did that last year. Now saving all of that for a down payment on a house and 6 month buffer.


It felt amazing when I payed off my student loan in a lump sum.


Congrats on being debt free. :bangbang:


I never had anyone in my younger years to show me how to manage money well, My mother struggled to keep a roof over my head and being that I thought that it was ok to just skimm by. I can only do what I'm taught or influenced. My mother did her best and I would never change anything but now I have seen the light and know what I have to do.

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It's too easy to get caught up in this and $ just flys out the window. Big Bar tabs, high end cloths, but then struggle when an emergency pops up. F that.


Well played sir.



THis was me however Im changing slowly. Life is a mother fucker.

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well if you got cash and buy stuff with it you dont need credit cards or there points i have been debt free for awhile listen to dave years after i decided to stop playing the banks game everyone has the ability to be without debt just some dont want too. credit cards arent the problem in the right peoples hands and buying stuff with them isnt wrong but try to seperate from a thousand dollars for a tv that u want but dont need rather then throwing the plastic down thats all his program is about changing the way u see money and spend it. to answer your question directly you WILL spend less every month if you stop using them i gaurentee it that is fact just harder to spend it when you see it... i have paid cash for all of my cars paid of my rental property and dont have to worry about much cause i got money in da bank



keep it up you will be better off in the long run

I honestly tried reading this, but it appears to be the longest sentence in history.

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Nice goin i know how it feels. I paid of a 9500$ CC in cash. Though my debt is still there in full force, I know im getting it down. I added up what I spent during college though, and it was something like $1200 a month in alcohol and food. siiiick.
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