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What did you get your parents for Christmas?


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So it had to be created....


My Parents:


  • 42" Panny Plasma for their living room. Replacing their old-school 27" Console from when I lived there :o
  • (2) all inclusive tickets and time with us in Hawaii in January. I have plenty of hotel and airline points. It's the least I could do to get their old asses the heck out of cold Cleveland for 10 days. I"m more excited about them going as they have never been, then I am for going back. Should be fun considering it's me, the wife, our two kids, her sister, my brother in law and their two kids, my mom and dad and my brother in law's mom from Japan :cool:
  • ADT System for their house. My sister and I split the system and first year.
  • iPad for my parents. Way, way easier for them to use than a computer. Keep in mind my parents are in their 80's and never used a computer. Mom is up and running on the iPad just fine though :)


Mother In Law


  • Trip to Scottsdale with grandma (mother in law's mom). Wife and I are going alone but the two of them will have fun there too. We had a good year and considering my father in law just died, mom needs some time away.
  • Kindle III as she loves to read.
  • New photo printer for her scrap booking fun

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- All guys in my family (dad included) got the Gilette Fusion Pro Glide Power shaving kits. All the chain stores are selling these, but in the non-power version. Had to go online to get it.


- Dad got a nice organizer case with digital change bank. Also gave him a grooming kit.

- Step mom got a fleece blanket, decorative fountain, Bath and Body Works stuff. Shared present was a Harry and David food gift set.


Mom got a fleece blanket, decorative fountain (easy gift, what can I say), nice bath robe, and Bath and Body Works stuff.


You guys spent a shit ton more than I did, lol!

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I got my mom a Furnace for her place, It went out 4 days ago, I found out took a day off work met a guy at her house the next day got one installed and everything in under 24hrs.


Got her Bath and bodyworks stuff

new shower head




Id rather give than receive I hooked my mom up this year I went overboard.

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Bought my mom a Subaru Forester.


Bought my sister an iPhone 3GS.


Santa has noticed your generosity towards your family, Pat. I know this, because Santa and I smoked a couple of choice Cohibas in the pre-dawn hours this morning just as he finished his deliveries. His elves are working on something special for you which should be finished in a week. Because he was Santa, he knew exactly what you wanted. ;)



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Santa has noticed your generosity towards your family, Pat. I know this, because Santa and I smoked a couple of choice Cohibas in the pre-dawn hours this morning just as he finished his deliveries. His elves are working on something special for you which should be finished in a week. Because he was Santa, he knew exactly what you wanted. ;)





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Santa has noticed your generosity towards your family, Pat. I know this, because Santa and I smoked a couple of choice Cohibas in the pre-dawn hours this morning just as he finished his deliveries. His elves are working on something special for you which should be finished in a week. Because he was Santa, he knew exactly what you wanted. ;)




Lol I wish.


The forester had blown headgaskets, like every other Subaru, so the price tag wasn't much. 8ish hours of work later, good as new.

As for the iPhone, my sister was due for an upgrade, so I just paid for it for her.

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Dad got a bunch of running stuff (pedometer, gift certificate to buy some new running shoes, "runner's world" magazine subscription), as well as $75 worth of gift cards from various restaurants

Mom got "The Sound of Music: Collector's Edition" on blu-ray, some pajamas, and a bunch of christmas decorations for her house.

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