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What I did in 2010.

Otis Nice

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wow congrats man


Thanks. :)


awesome dude, teach me now! lol


Avoid diets, start a life change. Water and portion control. No junk food. No eating after 8:00. If you feel hungry and it's not time to eat, drink water. EXCERSIZE. :thumbup:


Don't stop there, keep going!


Not stopping until I'm enlisted. :)


Nice job guy. I'm currently trying to attempt the same thing. Being 285 lbs and 5 foot 9 don't really cut it for me. This is good motivation for me to get off my ass though. Moving to a town where nothing is in walking distance really sucks too.


Trust me bruh, if I can do it ANYONE can. I've been obese since like the 6th grade.


Nice work!!!!


I have to ask... is that a 40 in the brown bag?


Just b/c I look like white trash doesn't mean I am. It's hard to find nice clothes when you weigh 421. LOL!


It's actually a book on the history of Cade's Cove we bought for my great g-pa who turned 100 back in August.


Congrats! I'm starting back at the gym this Friday with hopes of losing 90-100lbs over the next 12-18 months.


Good luck! It's definitely not easy, but I'm proof that it can be done if you stay focused.


Good job dude, now if I could only gain 15-20 pounds.


2 trips to the buffet with me and you'll be set. :)


It won't be muscle....but it'll be 15-20 pounds. Hahaha.


Thanks again all.

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Thats amazing. Good job. What diet you on?



Thanks. :)

Avoid diets, start a life change. Water and portion control. No junk food. No eating after 8:00. If you feel hungry and it's not time to eat, drink water. EXCERSIZE. :thumbup:





Its also pretty amazing what adding some greens to your diet can do.. (Im not talkign an iceberg lettuce, nutrionless wasteland of a vegetable) brussel sprouts, asparagus, fresh green beans, broccoli.. (and microwaving that shit also kills most of the good nutrients they produce)


Alton brown talks Brussel Sprouts. (I love Good Eats!)

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Nice job. I know how hard it is to drop weight.


Thanks. It's definitely no walk in the park...it's MANY walks in the park. :)


How many pounds was the haircut good for? :)


Looking good sir.


about 2-3 pounds. LOL. I miss my hair, but I won't have it once enlisted anyways so...


And thanks. :)


good job, keep it up!


Good job :)


Well done!


Great work man!


Good job man and congrats.


Thanks guys. New job will give me most Saturdays off hopefully so I'll get to meet more of you at C&C. You can meet "skinny" me. LOL


Thats amazing. Good job. What diet you on?


Read below. ;)




Its also pretty amazing what adding some greens to your diet can do.. (Im not talkign an iceberg lettuce, nutrionless wasteland of a vegetable) brussel sprouts, asparagus, fresh green beans, broccoli.. (and microwaving that shit also kills most of the good nutrients they produce)


Alton brown talks Brussel Sprouts. (I love Good Eats!)


Blach! Seriously though, I try. Fresh green beans I LOVE. The rest I have texture issues with more than anything. Fresh veggies are great but I can only choke down a certain few. The rest I won't get any nutrients from b/c they won't stay down. Hahaha.

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