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Shot my first Wedding today.


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In Hilliard at Homestead park on the covered bridge.... pretty excited about this, it was very challenging and we got some great shots. Hopefully this could be a good start to a great career/hobby of photographing.



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About 6 things pop out to share as feedback, but like Kevin, I'm going to hold off for now. The client is ultimately your critic and it's too early to get that feedback.


I would ask that if you want full feedback, please post what you consider to be your top 3 money shots. Also, let us know what you're looking for in terms of feedback. No one is loading a gun or anything, but understanding what it is you're looking for will help us guide you in terms of learning.


What were your biggest struggles during your first shoot?

What do you consider your biggest wins? (see top 3 comment)

Was there a theme to your shoot? Were you able to tell a story?


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About 6 things pop out to share as feedback, but like Kevin, I'm going to hold off for now. The client is ultimately your critic and it's too early to get that feedback.


I would ask that if you want full feedback, please post what you consider to be your top 3 money shots. Also, let us know what you're looking for in terms of feedback. No one is loading a gun or anything, but understanding what it is you're looking for will help us guide you in terms of learning.


What were your biggest struggles during your first shoot?

What do you consider your biggest wins? (see top 3 comment)

Was there a theme to your shoot? Were you able to tell a story?


On the first shot I posted do you think I should crop in closer, as Frenchy said her eyes are drawn to the post? I guess I didn't want to lose the lines of them.


Probably not my top 3 shots, but maybe one of them is, I am still going through all 2000 and editing etc.



This first one I can't figure out if I like it in B&W better or just toned down.





Do you think I should come in on the ring more in this photo?




Groomsman & Flower girl



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i'm not a photographer at all, so take my opinions as an outsider :)


i like the toned down photo better, maybe bring out the color in the flower, though?


i like the ring photo the way it is...tells a story


and i like the flower girl one, but maybe clean up the blemish on her cheek ? unless it's a birthmark :)

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and i like the flower girl one, but maybe clean up the blemish on her cheek ? unless it's a birthmark :)


I wish I had the photoshop skills to do that...... I am sure its quite easy though. Assuming its not a birthmark.

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On the first shot I posted do you think I should crop in closer, as Frenchy said her eyes are drawn to the post? I guess I didn't want to lose the lines of them.


No. There are a number of issues with the first shot, but IMO, the composition and framing doesn't work. Not sure I'd use it at all. Just curious what time the shot was taken?


Probably not my top 3 shots, but maybe one of them is, I am still going through all 2000 and editing etc. This first one I can't figure out if I like it in B&W better or just toned down.
Again, composition. Faces sell but here you see a profile with the focus of what's happening trying hard to be the pinning of the flower. Make that the focus and perhaps capture it from a better angle.


Do you think I should come in on the ring more in this photo?
Way more. Get in really close. In this case too, not sure that's the moment to focus on the rings. That might have been a time to shoot the bride's face as she looks into the husbands eyes as she slides the ring on. The focus would be on her eyes as she looks towards him, then the viewer would see the emotion in the story.


I would shoot the ring on the hands shot seperate. Again, choreograph the photos with the couple during the rehearsal.


The last shot works the best. It's a candid, but there too, try and get the little girl looking right at him or with a great expression on her face. I'm pushing it a bit here, but you see the point.


Sorry to focus on composition, but that's key. Without it, the rest of the variables don't matter.


A very good friend of mine shoots weddings. Check out her shots and let me know your thoughts. She's one of the best I've worked with. I would shock everyone if I shared what she used for gear too. It's 99% her not the equipment.







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I typed a whole thing up this morning before heading to the shop. Because I absolutely love wedding photography.


Take what I'm about to say with grain of salt.


The first image you posted does absolutely nothing for me. B&W in my opinion is used to save a shot that was trash. Or to change the emotion of a photo. In this photo there is no emotion that I'm feeling that was worth the switch to B&W.


The first photo looks like it has 4 PM sun in it with the glare on their foreheads. Where you second shooting or a primary? I would have dropped my aperture lower then 7.1 for that shot, not matter where I composed from. Always take into consideration of whats in the foreground and background in when you compose. This changes slightly if your shooting a portrait where you want flower or foliage in the foreground of the image. You dont want sticks in their heads or face, or trees growing out of them. Break the lines, move up and down, and to the sides.


Your second shots posted. Like Tim has stated, if your focusing on the flower, which I assume you are, then focus on the flower. You don't have to include a face in a photo to make it something worth keeping. Find the details, think about wedding photos you've seen, and what you haven't seen. I would have got right in on the flower and her hands. I would use it as a filler photo in a clients album.


Out of the pictures you've posted, on my shop monitor, they are either blown or underexposed. What setting are you shooting in, with your Nikon? 300mm at 2.8 iso 800 with a 1/2500 shutter is cookin! Out door wedding you shouldnt have to be in iso 800.


That ring shot has too much going on. The papers on the right are distracting where my eye is supposed to go, and I am wondering what they say. Im also looking at whoevers arm is holding them. I know, your cant help or quite control what happens in wedding photos, but still refer back to what I said. Move around and think about your composure before you push that button. Dont be afraid to get closer.


My biggest complaint on what you posted is, I want to see color!


Friend Will in New York, is a foreground and background shooting. He has the asian market wrapped up. Check him out. http://www.william-chang.com/

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Friend Will in New York, is a foreground and background shooting. He has the asian market wrapped up. Check him out. http://www.william-chang.com/

Loving his work. Ill be shooting my first wedding in about a month, and am soaking in every possible bit of info and inspiration that I can.


I agree with the above comments, while we are only looking at a few photos, I feel like there is too much filtering. I understand the importance of the timeless look it gives, but I feel that it can become a gimmick.


I think if you crop right in on the ring picture it will improve it dramatically.

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Ok going with less filtering after looking at a few of the links posted here. I actually shot this (uncropped shot) right before the first flower shot.



and would this be a better crop of the ring? I almost feel at this level it needs to be B&W



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I agree, B&W saves trash or changes mood (so it only works well in very specific shots). Also always think about what your shooting for (if its going to be black and white, light it correctly for that conversion and it will make it that much better and less time in post making it look right.)


Viewing on a calibrated equipment here and they are almost all under exposed. No big deal to fix, but it should be fixed before delivery. Its a wedding and white is supposed to be WHITE.


You say not much photoshop skills? Get some fast if your going to be doing this stuff. Also get a copy of Adobe Lightroom, it will make proofing and editing 1000X faster.

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Ok going with less filtering after looking at a few of the links posted here. I actually shot this (uncropped shot) right before the first flower shot.



and would this be a better crop of the ring? I almost feel at this level it needs to be B&W




This is nice! Like stated crop it just a little tighter to get rid of the nose but keep it in ratio when you do it.

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