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Worst physical pain in your life?

V8 Beast

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I just passed my 3rd kidney stone last summer, the funny thing is I've never had any pain while actually pissing it out its just when the stone is making its way from my kidney to my bladder that is pure hell. Other than that when I fell off of a cliff down in Hocking hills right before I graduated was pretty bad and I was gimped up for quite a while after that.
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I fell out of the door on a service truck at work. Broke three ribs, fractured my spine. That was full of awesome. Just before Christmas I went off my BP meds. Ended up in the hospital with 197/130 BP. I was pretty sure there was a train parked on my chest.
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I just passed my 3rd kidney stone last summer, the funny thing is I've never had any pain while actually pissing it out its just when the stone is making its way from my kidney to my bladder that is pure hell.

That's actually quite normal. Kidney stones are shaped like rocks and they tear the lining between the kidney and the bladder up in a hurry. This also means that by the time it reaches the urinary bladder and then the urethra, its already broken down.

Useful application of Human Biology Lecture/10

Edit: The wirst pain I have ever felt was waking up early while having all 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed. Anasthesea tolerance FTL. Then the accompanying week of suffering because my mouth was so messed up that I couldn't take any pain pills.

This is a close tie to pulling my back doing deadlifts in the gym. I wasn't paying attention and got careless of my form on a warm up set (185), but that was still enough for me to be in constant pain for 8, or 9 days. I called off work the first day, but had to come in on day 2 because they didn't believe that I was hurt. I couldn't walk, so much as drag myself around very slowly. Lesson learned always focus on strict form while lifting.

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I've passed a kidney stone. It was a bloody scream fest! Pulled a muscle in my lower back that was almost crippling. Tonsils swollen together with Mono. Sinusitis so bad I couldn't turn a light on, or even stand up.


Although I've always had a incredibly high tolerance for pain, the worst was when I seperated my shoulder on the soccer field. Had it popped back in one the field, but due to the lack of insurance at the time, never saw a doctor so no meds either. It was 2 weeks of no sleep and constant pain. Still hurts when I sleep on my left side, 15 years later.


I pole vaulted in high school and one time I completely missed the mat and landed right on my shoulder. Still bothers me.

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lets see when I was in fourth grade got the whole pad of my big toe sliced off by a rusty piece of metal holding a barrel together then had to walk down the street to my house for someone to come home to take me to urgent care. that I would say one to 10 was about a 4 but when your that young its like hell.


Almost for about the same age throwing a pitch in baseball and while returning to the "ready" position catching the baseball I just let go of with my mouth that was awesome and endedup lossing a tooth a little earlier than expected. Id give that a 5


then I will agree with everyone that a pinched nerve/ muscle issues are the worst.


I tossed a bowling ball felt two quick pops in my shoulder area and my arm went compltely numb like if it was "asleep" from my elbow to my fingers. I couldnt lift my arm past my waist for three days and man it was hard to sleep. id say that was a 5-6


getting taken off the soccer feild because i got hit with a knee right in my theigh that instantly swelled up and i couldnt walk only give that a 4 though as it healed fast and I was able to walk around by the time the game ended


Then last year falling from I would say about 15 feet from a snowboard jump and my hip/back taking all the force. I was not able to sit up for about 5 min then just sat there for about 25 mintues before being able to get the rest of the way down the hill and into the truck to go home. Man I felt that pain for about a week and it was extremely hard to sleep and was waking up from pain about every 2 hours. id give that a 6-7


so overall i feel pretty lucky

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Nothing that I can honestly remember. I've fractured my ankle a couple times, but it never really hurt that badly. I've never had stitches, never broken a bone, never torn a muscle. IDK I was a very active kid when I was younger and I still am.
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Even with having 0 symptoms since, in '07 I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis after spending 4 agonizing days in the hospital due to a flair up. The colonoscopy showed that a good portion of my intestine was inflamed and I was being given dilaudid every 4 hours via IV to numb the strong pain in my abdomen. The doctor told me that the pain I was feeling was about as close to the level of pain during child birth that a man can feel.


I eat LOTS of fiber rich foods now.

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Sprained my SI joint at the gym.. at first the pain was just like any normal lower back injury then it got worse and worse. I unable to walk and took me close to 5 mins to pull myself up into my truck. I was screaming to endure the pain... Wife had to help me out when I got home and into the house. I was bed ridden for 2 days straight, unable to even roll over or barely move.


I've had 1 kidney stone and lower back pain trumps it

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car wreck, girl was driving and t bone a car that pulled out in front of us.


i was not wearing seat belt, i grabbed the "OH SHIT HANDLE" in her car and that is what kept me from flying into the windshield. there was a person in the back seat that slammed into my seat giving that much more pressure on me.


I ended up breaking my Arm, Collar Bone and 2 Ribs. Worse Pain Ever! Had to sleep upright in a lazy boy chair for about 6 weeks.

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I can't remember anything that I would classify as truly excruciating. I can assume the worst is the one thing I don't remember. When I was 2 (IIRC) I got a really bad dog bite which almost took my right eye. I had to have multiple surgeries to reconstruct the area. I bet that one hurt.


Some of the tops that I remember are:

Popping a disc out in my back playing rugby during the national championships. This was the weirdest pain considering it went into my lung so I couldn't breathe.

The fall while BMXing that caused a hairline fracture of my right hip

The headache/neckache that comes with Viral Meningitis

Stress fractures in my wrists for a couple years. This is just here for the longevity. Benching made them horribly painful.

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Reading codyh's posts was probably the worst physical pain I've ever experienced.



In all seriousness, I don't recall any extreme pain, I've experienced some pain where I went "motherfu****" but nothing I would classify as extreme.

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Kidney stone was the worst. Dislocating my knee the first time. First time it hurt so bad and no one was around to help me put it back in place. Had to do it myself. 2nd and 3rd times I dislocated it wasnt nearly as bad.


I broke my arm when I was 2 and when I was almost 2.5- 3 they had to re-break it so it would heal correctly. I dont remember it but my mom told me I hated anyone who wore a doctor or nurses outfit until I was 4. I would scream if I saw any of them in a grocery store.

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I ruptured my gall bladder a couple days before xmas last year. Doctor told me it is the only thing on the same pain scale as child birth. It took a morphine IV to dull it enough that I was fully aware of my surroundings. The pain was so bad they had to give me something to keep me from vomittng anything I tried to swallow...including water. If you have any gall bladder symptoms I would advise you to have it out ASAP and not wait like I did.
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I used to occasionally get migraines when I was younger that were so bad, I'd start shivering and puking. FUCK migraines.


I think some people misuse the term "migraine". The ones I would get when I was young would incapacitate me. I couldn't be around light or noise of any kind, I would have to change from cold to hot compresses on the back of my head, and the only relief I got was from puking and then falling asleep. They don't make drugs that can get rid of that pain.


Never had a KS though, can't comment on that. Sounds rough.

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I'm practically on bed rest with a pulled muscle in my back (mix of too much working out, not enough stretching, and not allowing my older muscles time to heal).


Earlier today I was trying to go to the bathroom and slipped. I would not wish that pain on anyone! It felt worse than the time I almost cut off my finger. My wife wanted to call an ambulance.. probably because I was screaming like I was dying... but the thought of them trying to move me made me just SUFFER through it.. After a few minutes most of the pain went away. Until this thing heals a little more Im going to have to be a lot more careful... Im not 27 anymore :no:

Whats the worst pain you can remember?


I feel for you Brian. The worse pain ever in my life was when I blew a disk and cracked two vertebrae at age 24. Surgery occurred months after the accident but for those months, I was in the most indescribable pain. The kind that no position or drug took away. It literally was in my spine and down my legs.


Second for me was my sinus surgery. The pressure the came after the dressing was removed left me in 911 mode for days. Litterally felt like I had someone pounding my face with a hammer. I barely slept that week and did so with an ice pack on my face while sitting in a chair as any movement that caused pressure to develop made me wish I broke my back again.


Rest up man. Hopefully it is just a muscle.

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My wife chimed in that hers was when she had a cyst on her ovary that burst. Described it as being stabbed with a rusty jagged object that then continued to roll around inside.


I was traveling when it happened, but her assistant said she rolled on the ground in agony as if someone was attacking her with that jagged object. She eventually passed out from the pain and that's what led to the 911 call.

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I heard passing a stone is as close as a man will get to feeling what child birth feels like.


I hear that too but honestly, given the choice, I'll push a fucking grain of sand through my kidneys and dick before I'll birth a 6-8lb watermelon with shoulders out my ass as it tears me open. Fuck that! I can barely take pushing a large constipated Chipotle shit out once every couple weeks.


Triple play!

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I think some people misuse the term "migraine". The ones I would get when I was young would incapacitate me. I couldn't be around light or noise of any kind, I would have to change from cold to hot compresses on the back of my head, and the only relief I got was from puking and then falling asleep. They don't make drugs that can get rid of that pain.


Never had a KS though, can't comment on that. Sounds rough.


Exactly. Once I was done puking I would just lay in the dark with an ice pack on my head until I fell asleep

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I think some people misuse the term "migraine". The ones I would get when I was young would incapacitate me. I couldn't be around light or noise of any kind, I would have to change from cold to hot compresses on the back of my head, and the only relief I got was from puking and then falling asleep. They don't make drugs that can get rid of that pain.


Never had a KS though, can't comment on that. Sounds rough.


I agree! One of my employees lost her sight for a few days last time she had one.

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