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OSU needs to just move on to Miller starting full-time next week. Bauserman bails on the play at the first sign of trouble. Sometimes it doesn't even take that and he throws the ball away. He's worthless.


Agreed, I see no reason why Bauserman should even step foot on the field again. His time is up. Let Miller take every snap from now on. If he fails miserably or gets injured, let Guiton or Kent Graham's kid play, or whoever the fuck else they have. Couldn't possibly be worse than Bauserman.

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I hate to break it to you but Indiana and Purdue are doormats that other teams would love to play just to beat up on. Like I said the b10 is not some dominant league these days, theres a big drop off after the top 2-4


Indiana and Purdue are definitely doormats right now, agreed. That's why I said mid-level Big 10 teams. Not bottom of the barrel. At the top you've got OSU, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Penn State depending on the years and Michigan will probably get back up there within the next 2-3 years. That's half the conference right there that has a shot at winning the conference every few years. Then you've got Michigan State kinda there by itself. Illinois and Northwestern are a bit above the bottom right now. Indiana, Purdue and Minnesota are the only absolute doormats in the conference. That's 1/4 of the conference. In the MWC right now you've got 3/4ths of the conference being teams that are used as warm ups by BCS teams.


And I agree that the Big 10 is not the cream of the crop right now. Which makes Boise's conference look even worse when the comparison isn't even close with the 3rd best conference or so in the country.

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Boise would beat every team in the big 10 /debate. The only 2 that would give them a ball game are Nebraska and Wisky, and really I only see Wisky giving them a game because Nebraska's qb doesn't impress me like Russell Wilson has.


BTW how about the big east teams going to the ACC? That conference is a super conference now.......in basketball!! There is talk that UConn is next to go to the ACC. Look at this from a basketball standpoint



North Carolina





Those are 5 teams that are usually 1 and 2 seeds in the tournament, thats scary. Plus the woman of UConn would roll through the ACC much easier then they did the big least.


Also word is the Pac 12 is going to eventually land Texas and Oklahoma, that leaves the big 10 with who? Missouri, Kansas, Rutgers....ah I hate this shit

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Boise would beat every team in the big 10 /debate.


Like most people who have a soft spot for Boise State, you're debating the wrong thing. Boise State can beat anyone in the country in a one game setting. Can they beat Wisconsin in November after having played Michigan State, Penn State, Nebraska, Ohio State, etc.? We'll never know but I lean towards no. They just don't have the depth of talent that BCS schools do.


And the Pac 12 might pick up Texas, Oklahoma, Okie St. and Texas Tech. ACC sounds like UConn really wants to join then they'll find a 16th. I think that takes Maryland out of the Big 10's targets. Missouri still in play. Rutgers will be an ACC/Big 10 decision. Have read WVU wants in the SEC. Find it hilarious that Iowa State and Baylor have reached out to the Big East looking for a place to land as the Big 12 dissolves except now it looks like the Big East is on the verge of disappearing as well. Teams like Baylor and Iowa State are going to have to accept the fact that teams like them will likely be left out of these super conferences.

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Yeah I dont know how its going to work out, do you have 64 power teams in D1 and then put everyone else in "d1a"? I mean there are going to be a lot of teams left out super conferences and I just don't see this working out well for college sports. Do you make a level just for the power conferences and then another sub-division for those that aren't in one?
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Was interesting leading up to this game I read more than ever people talking about how it didn't matter what Fickell did... the entire Tressel regime would be gone after this season. Then the team goes and lays an egg like they did on Saturday night with even the coaches seemingly giving up in the last 4-5 minutes of the game. It's gotta be higher than 90% that they're all gone regardless of what happens the rest of the season.
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I'm with whoever said Bauserman should never see the field again.


I was okay with the idea of Fickell being the head coach until after Saturday. Not now. That shit was pathetic. If I'm OSU, I can't be dialing Meyer's number quick enough at this point. And what the fuck is up with Fickell wearing three layers in hot ass weather?


I sure hope the B1G isn't sitting on its fat ass while all this conference realignment stuff is going on. Did the B1G make a play for Texas and/or Oklahoma? I'd surely hope so.


I don't care what conference Boise State plays in - they'd curb stomp this Ohio State team.

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Think about it, Ohio St has had one of the most dominating defenses in the last 10 years even while replacing stud after stud. This years defense isn't all that bad either and thats considering they are really fucking young and inexpierence and have 1 starter out with injury.


I think Fickell is coaching nervously and it showed against Miami. He is in a bad situation and getting a lot of un-needed heat. No coach in America would've done better saturday night given the turmoil that is around this team. Idc who you name because it would've been the same result a loss to Miami. The sad part is OSU was still in the game heading into the 4th quarter, if Christian Bryant makes the interception instead of stone handing it, theres 7 points for sure cause he was gone with no one in front of him. OSU is then only down by 4. I think a lot of pressure would've been released and OSU would've mustered up a drive to win the game. oh well can't change shit now



Also I don't think the Big 10 is looking into expanding that heavily. I was watching ESPN earlier and Joe Shaad said the only team that the B10 is really looking at would be ND, if ND would join then the big10 would look to expand even further, but if not then they will stay at 12 teams

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I would keep a few of them if I were the next headcoach. Fickell, Vrable and Heacock would head the defense for sure. I would also keep Stan Drayton as he seems to be pretty good with recruiting. Outside of that cya!!


Now, this is just from what I've read from the insiders and whatnot on Scout but IF Meyer is the guy... Drayton is the only person you listed who has a chance of being retained because he and Meyer worked together at Florida. Fickell will not be relegated back to LB coach after being the head man, at least in title, for a year. Vrabel will go where Fickell goes IMO. And someone close to the team said Heacock would never work under Meyer. Meyer likes to keep his staff on edge. Make them uncomfortable. Make them feel like they could lose their job at any second. He is not easy to work with. All of the current staff LOVED working with and under Tressel. It's just night and day. You can't really argue with either coach's results though but Meyer isn't going to change overnight so if he's the guy expect pretty much a total overhaul. And I'm definitely a person who would love to see Heacock stick around. Maybe money could get him to stick around and maybe money and Fickell/Vrabel's love for OSU could get them to give it a shot but that's just my wishful thinking. All of the people who would know those kinds of things say there's basically no shot any of the staff would be retained if Meyer came in.


I don't care what conference Boise State plays in - they'd curb stomp this Ohio State team.


No one said they wouldn't. This is a long, ongoing thing between alittlelessordinary and myself...lol. I admitted last year that Boise could play with anyone in the country in a one game setting. The argument is still that I don't think they could line up against an elite team late in the season (not in a bowl game where they have over a month to rest up, get healthy and prepare) after going through a real conference and win consistently like OSU has over the last 7 year or so. It's more a debate about their worthiness of playing for a national title without joining a BCS conference than anything else.

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My argument is what elite team does OSU face at the end of the year? Michigan? Also don't Boise have the same ammount of time to prepare for their bowl opponent as their bowl opponent does? Isn't the excuse of "well we had 54 day lay over before the bowl game, thats why OSU lost" used an awful lot by Buckeye fans? I am a die hard Buckeye fan, but god damn some if not most of their fans drive me absolutely nuts with their homerish statements and excuses. Plain and simple Boise is a legit team and will beat another BCS school in whatever BCS game they play in this year. Kellen Moore is the 2nd best qb in college football if not the best (Luck is pretty damn good too) and Peterson is 1 hell of a coach.


Boise absolutely destroyed Toledo, while OSU barely squeeked by, thats a common opponent that they both had the same ammount of time to prepare for, no excuses for that at all.

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I think Oklahoma made an inquiry to the Big 10 to see if we'd be interested and we said no. I've been saying for months that the Big 10 was looking at Rutgers, Maryland, Missouri and ND. Missouri and Rutgers seem most likely as both of their conferences are falling apart. I don't think Maryland is an option anymore as their conference is only getting stronger. ND will have to be put into a position where they either join a conference or get left out of things. They don't deserve special treatment like they've had with their own BCS qualifications anymore. Don't know who the Big 10 would go after with Maryland out of the picture. Kansas was decent in football for a couple seasons here recently and they're obviously a basketball power. Also an AAU member which the Big 10 loves.
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My argument is what elite team does OSU face at the end of the year? Michigan? Also don't Boise have the same ammount of time to prepare for their bowl opponent as their bowl opponent does? Isn't the excuse of "well we had 54 day lay over before the bowl game, thats why OSU lost" used an awful lot by Buckeye fans? I am a die hard Buckeye fan, but god damn some if not most of their fans drive me absolutely nuts with their homerish statements and excuses. Plain and simple Boise is a legit team and will beat another BCS school in whatever BCS game they play in this year. Kellen Moore is the 2nd best qb in college football if not the best (Luck is pretty damn good too) and Peterson is 1 hell of a coach.


Boise absolutely destroyed Toledo, while OSU barely squeeked by, thats a common opponent that they both had the same ammount of time to prepare for, no excuses for that at all.


Still don't know why you're looking at JUST OSU vs. Boise State. Or just Boise State vs. the Big 10. I've tried to make it clear it's more of an argument of Boise State vs. BCS conference team X. Boise State doesn't deserve anything until it joins a conference and proves it can have 1- or 2-loss seasons going up against BCS-caliber athletes every week.


And you're wrong on the Toledo/OSU/Boise thing. Boise had 2 weeks to prepare for Toledo. And they were getting Toledo after a short week (game was on a Friday night) after they had just played OSU. A good bet in Vegas every week is to bet that the team OSU just played either won't cover or that their opponent will cover because when you play OSU you get beat up.

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I think I'm with alittlelessordinary on the Boise State thing, bicranium.


I look at it this way:


Ohio State (or any other traditional power) would likely have the same record as Boise State if they played Boise's schedule, so it's reasonable to assume the inverse would be true: Boise State would have the same record as Ohio State (or any other traditional power) if they played Ohio State's schedule.


Don't get me wrong, I think Boise State is kind of annoying. (They were cute and quaint when they knocked off Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl, but since then they've just kind of being aggravating to hear about.) However, I'm not so sure I can think of any logical reason why they wouldn't have been as successful as other, traditional, AQ teams with the same schedule.

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And you're wrong on the Toledo/OSU/Boise thing. Boise had 2 weeks to prepare for Toledo. And they were getting Toledo after a short week (game was on a Friday night) after they had just played OSU. A good bet in Vegas every week is to bet that the team OSU just played either won't cover or that their opponent will cover because when you play OSU you get beat up.


Yeah, but he's absolutely right when he references the bowl situation: the team Boise plays in a bowl has just as much time to prepare, heal up, etc.

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In a one game setting, as I've said before, I agree that they can play with anyone in the country. Let me try and say it again, put Boise State in a BCS conference where you play future NFL players pretty much every week and see where they are at the end of the season. There are so many variables involved you can't know for sure but it's extremely different than finishing your season with San Diego State, Wyoming and New Mexico. They basically have 3 off weeks at end of the season then over a month to get ready for whoever they're going to beat in their bowl game this year...lol.
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Put Boise in a state where they can recruit and land the NFL calibar players that teams in the SEC, Big 10 and Big12 do and then what? Would there be an excuse as to why they are winning then? They are just as good now as they would be then, thats my whole argument, they are beating better teams on paper, with less talent on a yearly basis now. Put them in the Big12 and they are either the champ or runner up, they would destroy Texas, Baylor, A&M, TTU and would give Oklahoma a run for their money. Put them in the Pac 12 and they are the champs! Oregon wouldn't beat them, neither would stanford or USC....


The only conference that I don't think they wouldn't win yearly would prob be the SEC, but then again who the hell wins that conference on a yearly basis anyways


Think of it in highschool ball terms, you have a D6 team that dominates other D6 teams, then comes up and beats a few D1 schools, the argument is "well if we played those D6 teams we'd be champs too", ok well they are a D6 team that just beat a D1 schools ass. The D6 school has far less boys to choose from compared to the D1 school (they base divisions in highschool on male population in the school), yet they are doing more with less. There should be no excuses.

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Ohio State (or any other traditional power) would likely have the same record as Boise State if they played Boise's schedule, so it's reasonable to assume the inverse would be true: Boise State would have the same record as Ohio State (or any other traditional power) if they played Ohio State's schedule.


It's not reasonable at all to assume the inverse would be true because there is too great a difference between the quality of the teams on the schedule.

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Michigan St



Penn St


^^ All teams Boise would beat week in and week out. Hell i'd even toss in Nebraska and Wisconsin too....Boise would be 3-0 right now instead of 2-1, I would put any ammount of money on that.

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Put Boise in a state where they can recruit and land the NFL calibar players that teams in the SEC, Big 10 and Big12 do and then what? Would there be an excuse as to why they are winning then? They are just as good now as they would be then, thats my whole argument, they are beating better teams on paper, with less talent on a yearly basis now. Put them in the Big12 and they are either the champ or runner up, they would destroy Texas, Baylor, A&M, TTU and would give Oklahoma a run for their money. Put them in the Pac 12 and they are the champs! Oregon wouldn't beat them, neither would stanford or USC....


The only conference that I don't think they would win yearly would prob be the SEC, but then again who the hell wins that conference on a yearly basis anyways


I can't geographically move Boise. I'm sorry...lol. And this year... I think they could maybe win the Pac 12. They probably wouldn't win the Big 12. No shot in the SEC. They'd have a shot in the Big 10. In none of these conferences would they be the favorite. But this is a special year for Boise. They have a bunch of 5th year seniors including their QB and their entire DL. That's how Boise works. They redshirt just about everyone and when their really good players are in their 4th and 5th years they have some really good teams. What happens next season when they're breaking in a ton of new guys who are 2nd/3rd year players? They'd go .500 in a BCS conference. What happens where they are now? They go 10-3 like they did in 2007...lol.

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