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Something interesting that I didn't even know was possible...


Ohio State is switching to a new football this week. It's smaller than what they've been using, more similar to a high school ball. Doing this to see if it helps Braxton get back to throwing spirals like he did in high school on a consistent basis instead of the end over end ducks he's been throwing a lot this season. The receivers and other QB's don't like it but if it helps Braxton throw a more catchable ball then maybe the receivers learn to like it and the other QB's can just eat a dick.

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They use the ball in the game. That's why I said I didn't even know it was possible. You have a choice of balls before a game but when you make that choice you have to use it for the whole game. I always thought, probably like you are thinking right now, that everyone used a standardized ball but I guess that's not the case. Apparently most of the rest of the Big 10 has been using this smaller ball all along. OSU for whatever reason preferred the larger one over the years.
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They use the ball in the game. That's why I said I didn't even know it was possible. You have a choice of balls before a game but when you make that choice you have to use it for the whole game. I always thought, probably like you are thinking right now, that everyone used a standardized ball but I guess that's not the case. Apparently most of the rest of the Big 10 has been using this smaller ball all along. OSU for whatever reason preferred the larger one over the years.


The NCAA ball only has regulations on the weight, pressure, color and white stripes.

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A picture showing the minimum and maximum dimensions for a college ball...




So weird.


Apparently Pryor had monster hands and the "fatter" ball OSU had been previously using was easy for him to throw and much easier for the kickers/punters to deal with.

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A picture showing the minimum and maximum dimensions for a college ball...




So weird.


Apparently Pryor had monster hands and the "fatter" ball OSU had been previously using was easy for him to throw and much easier for the kickers/punters to deal with.


Is that from the NCAA or a manufacturer? The NCAA rulebook only specifies what I posted above

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So they are taking 4 qb's? Who the hell gets left at home since these guys are now going? Also I wonder if Boom is going to be the starting running back or how they are gonna get him into action. He is the best back on the team minus the off the field bullshit


I thought I read that Fickell said Hyde was starting

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So they are taking 4 qb's? Who the hell gets left at home since these guys are now going? Also I wonder if Boom is going to be the starting running back or how they are gonna get him into action. He is the best back on the team minus the off the field bullshit


Usually only 1-2 strings go, but in this case I think they are trying to see who is gonna step up to the plate. I don't know who all will get a shot lol but I'd like to see the other talent get a shot.

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Guiton traveled to Lincoln (of course, I'm sure you know that...lol). Man, if Graham goes to Illinois then... I wonder if Bauserman gets left in Columbus. That would be awesome...lol. Of course they could just be traveling Graham since he's an Illinois kid and maybe they had room thanks to Clarke and his BB gun.


I don't buy the ball being the issue....


According to "insiders" his passes looked considerably better with the smaller ball in practice. Hence the change. I doubt they'd make a change that seems to have a potentially negative effect on several other positions unless they thought it was a significant improvement.

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So what happens if/when he goes to the NFL? I have heard a lot of excuses with sports, but the ball being too big is one of the best. Maybe its the fact that he trys rocketing the ball Brett Favre style every damn pass. The kid throws one of the worst looking balls I have seen. In a highlight film every pass is great looking, I am curious if he had issues with lame duck looking passes, it'd be interesting to hear from a former WR of his in highschool.


No matter the size of balls Miller prefers I dont think it changes the outcome much if any of the games they lost. I question his toughness a little bit too, an ankle sprain doesn't heal that much over 6 days yet he is able to start this week? All he had to do was stay in the game, hand the ball off to Hyde/Hall and make 1 or 2 passes and OSU wins vs Nebraska. Maybe its the "I am a Braxton Miller hater" inside of me coming out, but I am still not overly impressed with this kid.


If Boom doesn't get a ton of carries this week Fickell should resign. People bitched and bitched about how Tress never played the best guy, well let me tell ya Boom is the best back. Look at his numbers from last year and through out his career, he's good. I like Hyde being the backup and getting a lot of carries too. Hall is way too small to try running up the gut like they have been, he needs to be used in a Percy Harvin/Reggie Bush type role. Which I have heard rumors of him playing some WR.


Guiton traveled to Lincoln (of course, I'm sure you know that...lol). Man, if Graham goes to Illinois then... I wonder if Bauserman gets left in Columbus. That would be awesome...lol. Of course they could just be traveling Graham since he's an Illinois kid and maybe they had room thanks to Clarke and his BB gun.




According to "insiders" his passes looked considerably better with the smaller ball in practice. Hence the change. I doubt they'd make a change that seems to have a potentially negative effect on several other positions unless they thought it was a significant improvement.

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I agree that its a little premature to be talking NFL, I was just saying. I dont know any other qb that has used it as an excuse. BTW how many of those TD's did he score? 1, Hyde had a 63 yard run for another score, its not like Braxton single handidly put the team on his back and lead them to a 21 point lead. While he was a part of it he wasn't spectacular.


His stats thus far:

25 for 47 with 388 yards, 4TDs and 2 INTs along with several fumbled snaps and fumbles. He has yet to complete more then 8 passes, while he his highest throwing total has been 15. So its not like he has lit the world on fire by his play on the field.

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I agree that its a little premature to be talking NFL, I was just saying. I dont know any other qb that has used it as an excuse. BTW how many of those TD's did he score? 1, Hyde had a 63 yard run for another score, its not like Braxton single handidly put the team on his back and lead them to a 21 point lead. While he was a part of it he wasn't spectacular.


His stats thus far:

25 for 47 with 388 yards, 4TDs and 2 INTs along with several fumbled snaps and fumbles. He has yet to complete more then 8 passes, while he his highest throwing total has been 15. So its not like he has lit the world on fire by his play on the field.


im not on his bandwagon, i just say give credit where credit is due. there was a DISTINCT difference between the buckeyes WITH braxton and WITHOUT braxton in the game, despite any numbers, stats, etc.


stats don't tell the whole story. having him out there, creating an air of unpredictability is weapon enough.

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. I question his toughness a little bit too, an ankle sprain doesn't heal that much over 6 days yet he is able to start this week? All he had to do was stay in the game, hand the ball off to Hyde/Hall and make 1 or 2 passes and OSU wins vs Nebraska. M


In his defense that is the ankle he hurt I think 3 out of 4 years in high school, so it probably just scared the shit out of him more than anything.

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Well of course theres going to be a huge difference when the backups name is Joe Bauserman lol. The reason OSU lost isn't because Braxton went out, its because they quit running the ball with Hyde (just like the Michigan State game) and the defense let down due to being on the field a ton
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Beanie wells injured his foot a ton and everyone was calling him weak even though he was damn near fist to fist with Tress before the USC game in Cali over it. Am I questioning him being hurt, absolutely not I saw the replay and he rolled it pretty good. But to pull yourself out of the game and then come back 6 days later is what alarms me. I have rolled, sprained and broken my ankle, that shit takes a while to heal no matter how bad you injure it. So if he is ok to play tomorrow he was more then likely ok to play the rest of that game.


BTW hopefully OSU beats Illinois tomorrow, if not I really doubt a bowl game or .500 season happens.


In his defense that is the ankle he hurt I think 3 out of 4 years in high school, so it probably just scared the shit out of him more than anything.
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