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Workout/Weight loss thread 2012


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one thing to consider is that you need to get your body use to a higher heart rate. I would guess mix in interval training to where you go balls to the wall for 3 minutes straight so you almost puke, don't stop, and go at a normal pace for 3 minutes. Alternate for 30 minutes and that should get your body to lower the hate rate for regular speed. Keep in mind, it's just an idea. For my cardio(I'm not training for bicycling), I alternate 4 days:

day 1: endurance

day 2: interval speed training mentioned above

day 3: change of direction

day 4: running hills/stairs/plyo

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Finally back into the gym. Had a pretty big health scare over the last month. Had a lymph node that was swollen up larger than a golf ball and not going down. Doctor was scared it was lymphoma, pathologist even thought lymphoma when he first viewed it through a microscope, luckily it was just a scare and I'm in good health.


Now time to tear it up again. I decided to eat what I wanted so I can shock my body back into fat burning mode. Back to lifting hard and heavy.

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Took 5 months off from dl after a back strain from poor deadlift form with 600lbs.

2 took months off completely from lifting with a heavy school schedule. (Had to manage my A in organic chem)

Didn't bulk last year like I normally do. Wanted to compete in the 198 class. Got down to 195 felt like a bitch being so small. Bulking to 225-230 and cutting back to 220 normal weight class.

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I started lifting, and today was the start of my third week.


My goal is to start decreasing quantity of food asap, then after I can get that under my belt for 2 weeks straight, transition into healthier food. 1 month from now is my goal for eating healthy, less of it, and to continue working out.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Officially have lost 50 lbs as of this morning. Lots of naysayers along the way, and my progress has slowed a bit, but I still work out every day and I am still making progress. Kind of looking to take it to the next level, but I don't really know how.
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Going to start making regular posts in here.


I started working out 8 weeks ago, made it through 6 full weeks without missing a day. I then missed 2 weeks. I wasn't dieting, but the results from lifting alone were pretty good.


I want to add Insanity to the arsenal of options, so when I get bored with lifting (like I did 2 weeks ago) I can start up with something else, and so on.


I started dieting/calorie counting today as well. Through breakfast and lunch, I am at 870. Dinner is usually my biggest meal.

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Going to start making regular posts in here.


I started working out 8 weeks ago, made it through 6 full weeks without missing a day. I then missed 2 weeks. I wasn't dieting, but the results from lifting alone were pretty good.


I want to add Insanity to the arsenal of options, so when I get bored with lifting (like I did 2 weeks ago) I can start up with something else, and so on.


I started dieting/calorie counting today as well. Through breakfast and lunch, I am at 870. Dinner is usually my biggest meal.



I'm not an expert.. But Back in 06 I lost almost 70 pounds by doing 80% cardio and 20% lifting. You HAVE to give yourself a day or 2 off during the week. Or you will get burnt out very fast. I ended up gaining it back by forgetting my eating habits, not working out, and being laid off for 5 months didn't help either. So I'm finally going back to the gym. Just make sure you give your body the rest it needs.


I'm sure others will post about calorie counting, but make sure your eating enough protein. Don't drink your calories, and make every calorie worth it.

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I hit the 50 lbs lost mark, and seem to have plateaued, so I am looking for a "next step". I had been using things like Lean Cuisine to force portion control, but I want to get away from pre packaged and processed meals. I do a preset course on my elliptical every day, with the resistance cranked all the way up. Looking for help or suggestions. I don't feel comfortable joining a gym yet, but I think I need help with making more progress.
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I'm not an expert.. But Back in 06 I lost almost 70 pounds by doing 80% cardio and 20% lifting. You HAVE to give yourself a day or 2 off during the week. Or you will get burnt out very fast. I ended up gaining it back by forgetting my eating habits, not working out, and being laid off for 5 months didn't help either. So I'm finally going back to the gym. Just make sure you give your body the rest it needs.


I'm sure others will post about calorie counting, but make sure your eating enough protein. Don't drink your calories, and make every calorie worth it.


I am great about drinking water only (occassionally milk), so thats not an issue. I wasn't clear, by not missing a day, I meant of the days I designated work out days, I made all my commitments.


Thanks for the info.


I hit the 50 lbs lost mark, and seem to have plateaued, so I am looking for a "next step". I had been using things like Lean Cuisine to force portion control, but I want to get away from pre packaged and processed meals. I do a preset course on my elliptical every day, with the resistance cranked all the way up. Looking for help or suggestions. I don't feel comfortable joining a gym yet, but I think I need help with making more progress.


Pat, I am not sure exactly what you are looking for/doing, but you can come work out at our little work out facility at our housing development with me if you want. My brother wrote me a work out plan (lifting) so we will have something to do. Other than that, we have an eliptical, 2 treadmills and a stationary bike.


PM me if you want, if not, no biggie.

Edited by Aaron
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I finally got cleared to do upper body work again, after 7 weeks off. Stupid ACL surgery. I just have to wear my brace and I am good to go. Longest 7 weeks I've had in awhile. Only problem is that I have to wait atleast another 5 weeks to jog/run.

I'm hoping to be ~20lbs lighter come spring time as well. I think I can manage that one.

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