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Columbusites; what's up with all of the tax levy's on Nov ballot?

Trouble Maker

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Increasing or renewing taxes normally have the best chance of passing on presidential election cycle years. Higher voter turn out increases the odds. Where as off cycle years, the low turn out gives more power to the people who plant their feet in the sand and say no to all tax increases.


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Found this in the dispatch:


Columbus City Schools have placed on the ballot a combined issue of 6.92 mills: a permanent 5.58-mill operating levy, a 0.5-mill permanent improvement levy, and a 30-year, 0.84-mill levy for deferred maintenance, including security upgrades. The levy would add about $242 in property taxes annually per $100,000 of home market value; district residents already pay $1,365 per $100,000 of value.
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I can help you with the info part, but not the why. https://vote.franklincountyohio.gov/election-info/2016.cfm

Sorry, I was trying to be vague to get the conversation started. That tells me almost nothing... not your fault, the City et. al. seem like they are almost trying to not get out info about this. All of the items say something like “I need money to do this job that this department does”. I work in automotive R&D, if I want to my boss & company and said “I need to by this car because we work on cars”, they should just go ahead and fire me. I’m sure they have a plan for the money, tell us what it is.

Increasing or renewing taxes normally have the best chance of passing on presidential election cycle years. Higher voter turn out increases the odds. Where as off cycle years, the low turn out gives more power to the people who plant their feet in the sand and say no to all tax increases.

You know what else makes people dig in their heels and say no to any tax increase? Proposing an about 20% property tax increase with no PR or explanation.

The kicker to that is, we increased income tax from 2% to 2.5% back in 09 or 10. They said they needed it for the same reasons and due to the crash. Now wages are going up and unemployment has gone down, so they should be getting more money than ever from income taxes.

AND the auditor re-evaluates house prices every 3 years, which will happen again next year; I’m sure basically everyone’s value has gone up which will make this increase even more.

Found this in the dispatch:

My current tax rate is about 60% higher than that, , based on my houses market value at the last valuation; in 2014. The increase for just the CSD issue #57 is about spot on.

Good gawd, vote that bullshit down.

Cbus taxes are already full-on taterriffic.

And that’s just the School one, which is about half (in value) of what is proposed.

Another part I’m really confused on, Issues #1-4 are bonds, and two parts of issue #57 are levy’s and 1 part is a bond. Can anyone explain city/state issued bonds to me. Do these actually increase your taxes or not or just maybe?

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Vote no.



This was posted on my neighborhoods facebook group

Just logged in to the Franklin County Levy Estimator (http://apps.franklincountyauditor.com/LevyEstimator ) to take a look at the impact of this November's election on my property taxes.


From what it tells me, the total of Columbus City Issues #1 through #4 will nearly TRIPLE the Columbus portion of my taxes (adding an additional 5.3 mills to the to existing 3.14 mills). This is almost as much as the Hilliard Levy millage (totalling 5.6 mills). Is this right? If so, I can't believe this is not getting more media attention.


The way I read this, if all of these measures pass, this will be a huge bump in property taxes for all of us (almost 20% increase). Note that I do understand the schools have not had a levy in a few years and have a reasonable millage on the ballot, but these Columbus Issues seem way out of line from the past.


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So, another question about property taxes; is it as god awful confusing everywhere as it is in Columbus?


So, my house is worth X, but I the taxable value is Y (mine is about 1/3 of X), so the millage is on that amount (maybe). But then you have reductions, one for non-business, owner-occupied and one that's just called reduction. And now, I have no easy connection between what my house is worth, what a tax proposal is and what it will cost me. I had a year of math in College, I shouldn't need a damn calculator on the auditors website to figure out how a levy is going to affect me.


To top it all of, my property is split up into two lots, so I have two sets of numbers that don't make any sense to look at.


Grumpy Old Man, OUT.

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Gotta pay for annexing the land up in Sunbury for the outlet mall. :fa:


So, all of these property purchases they generically talk about in these bond levy's are going to purchase property that should in no logical world be included in Columbus to let a business use tax free for the next 25 years? Makes sense. :dumb:

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Sorry, I was trying to be vague to get the conversation started. That tells me almost nothing... not your fault, the City et. al. seem like they are almost trying to not get out info about this. All of the items say something like “I need money to do this job that this department does”. I work in automotive R&D, if I want to my boss & company and said “I need to by this car because we work on cars”, they should just go ahead and fire me. I’m sure they have a plan for the money, tell us what it is.


Another part I’m really confused on, Issues #1-4 are bonds, and two parts of issue #57 are levy’s and 1 part is a bond. Can anyone explain city/state issued bonds to me. Do these actually increase your taxes or not or just maybe?


The information is there

Columbus Bond Issue-Recreation and Parks direct link


What amount are they raising? $110,000,000


What will the spend it on? acquiring, constructing, renovating, and improving infrastructure for the Department of Recreation and Parks, including municipal parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities, acquiring real estate and interests in real estate, landscaping and otherwise improving the sites thereof, and acquiring furnishings, equipment and appurtenances.


How long does the bond last? Up to 15 years.


What will that cost me?The estimated additional average annual property tax levy amounts to $0.073 for each one hundred dollars of tax valuation in 2017.


Say your house is taxed at $50,000, it will cost you an extra $36.50 annually.


I'll be honest and say I'm not 100% sure but I think the tax increase with a levy are permanent unless stated otherwise. Bonds will last until it's matured or paid off.

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any request for more of my money via a vote can kiss my ass. never have and never will vote to give up more of my money under our current leadership. if I can I'll write a big FUCK YOU in. perhaps even tape that shit to the machines.
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Just say "no".


The usual story is "no increased taxes" on bond issues - until they have to pay back the bondholders, then there always seems to be a shortfall in funds and more taxes are needed.


I'm still pissed over the last triennial property tax review, if you lived anywhere but NW Columbus, your taxes pretty much stayed the same or went down - the biggest increases were north of I-70 and west of I-71.


As I said in the beginning, no, no and no! As a life long Columbus resident, I see the city government creeping towards driving all the producers out and working hard at becoming the next Detroit,

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Columbus property taxes are very low compared to some of the suburbs. Still sucks, but someone has to pay for everyone else's kids to have a school to go to :gabe:


The truth. My dad while he works in academia at a university here in Ohio, is steadfast against levies for education. He response time and time again when asked if he would public support them is, if your child's education is that important, then work the extra jobs that I did to pay for my sons....

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The truth. My dad while he works in academia at a university here in Ohio, is steadfast against levies for education. He response time and time again when asked if he would public support them is, if your child's education is that important, then work the extra jobs that I did to pay for my sons....


I had a professor tell us to never vote for school levies because the money is never used for sports, arts or teachers like they claim and just goes to the top.

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I had a professor tell us to never vote for school levies because the money is never used for sports, arts or teachers like they claim and just goes to the top.


I can tell you that's false. Most of my family work in the education field and there are tons of misconceptions about how things actually work. I won't get more into it because I'm sure the CR "experts" will tell me I'm wrong, but the levy campaigns my mom put together always clearly outlined exactly where the money was going, and they usually passed because of this...

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I own 10 houses, 9 in Columbus and 1 in Hilliard.


I am voting yes on all levy's. People don't realize the impact a "No" creates. Not just new schools not getting built, but people losing their jobs, property values tanking, etc.


If you want cheap taxes, move somewhere else. Living in the "city" has it's costs. This is one of them. If it passes (and it eventually will), I'll have to fork over another 2-3k a year in property taxes. Long hair, don't care. It's worth it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I'm bringing this back up as I'm doing some last minute checks. Why are none of the 4 levies being estimated for anyone except for the Hilliard levy? I've tried several addresses that I know and none of them are showing up. Here's what happens when I put in my address.



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Gotta pay for annexing the land up in Sunbury for the outlet mall. :fa:


lol. Ole Robert Wyler is salty.


BUT it works out well, we are hopefully closing on a lot in Northstar, great location and its reasonably cheap still...!

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I still love the Northstar/Outlet Mall story:


1) Developers want to build outlet malls in Delaware on the lot southwest off of 36/37 exit. :D

2) Delaware residents vote down the initiative/zoning change. :thumbdown

3) City of Columbus goes "Hey! We'll annex the land on the southeast part of the corner and sell/lease it to you!":gabe:

4) Delaware/Sunbury residents get traffic/infrastructure shafting anyway. :lol:

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