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Bike vs. Deer, rider wins


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Last night about 1am I came up on a mc in the ditch and no rider. The bike was still warm and a sneaker was sticking out from under the bike, again no rider. I called it in to see if the victim had been transported by EMS to see if I should keep looking for him. No EMS runs out this way and no other calls came in. OSP was dispatched to the scene and I started looking.

If I didn't see it I would never believe it, and my camera phone would not take a picture in the dark so take my word for it. Over 100 yards of scattered bike pieces and gore. It was like anatomy all over again. All the parts were inside parts, ie: liver,lung, intestines, heart, and brain. My heart was pounding hard as I found the other sneaker 100 yards away. I prepared myself for what I may see and how it would forever change me, you can't "un see" something. Once the image is there it's permanent. Deep breath and keep looking.

Now the OSP arrives and informs me that the rider was taken to the hospital by a local resident. With flashlight in hand the trooper reconstructs the scene. Impact site was obvious, like someone exploded a paint can on the ground. 20 yards to the right in a ditch was the front part of the deer, 50 yards to the left was the back half and bike parts leading to the bike in the ditch. He stated he had never seen this before. The trooper at the hospital radioed the trooper at the scene to validate the riders story about the deer impact. "Oh, it was a deer" "and you need to get out here and see this" "on my way".

The bike was a red honda 2003 1000R. If the rider is on here he needs to tell us how he kept the mangeled bike upright as far as he did.

Rider had a helmet and gloves as they were left at the scene and he was talking to the trooper at the ED so hopefully all is well with him.

BE SAFE! Watch out for the deer.......

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I heard a story from my old boss tha ta buddy of his was riding at night and hit a deer and split it in two. I didn't believe him when he told me, but maybe he wasn't bullshitting me........for once.

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I heard a story from my old boss tha ta buddy of his was riding at night and hit a deer and split it in two. I didn't believe him when he told me, but maybe he wasn't bullshitting me........for once.

Take a look at this vid.:eek:


Mod's I didn't see anything in the TOS about posting vids. If they are not allowed forgive me.

BTW; this forum rocks. Putting the vid right in the post. Awesome!:cheers:

Edited by imnotfast
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How fast do you need to go to split a deer in half?! Damn!

Colonel Sanders: Prepare ship for light speed.

Dark Helmet: No, no, no. Light speed is too slow!

Colonel Sanders: Light speed too slow?

Dark Helmet: Yes. We're going to have to go right to...Ludicrous speed.

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  • 9 months later...

Damn! That actually happened to a friend of mine several years ago on his R6-he came to a stop after, not because he crashed but to survey the damage. Ended up just having to get new fairings-and probably new pants, lol.....glad the rider is ok!

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  • 1 year later...
The bike was a red honda 2003 1000R.
I call bull shit on this post... A 2003 1000rr? really they started making them in 04 LOL!!

he didnt say it was a 1000rr

perhaps it was an rvt 1000r ? he did say 1000r - and rc51s say 1000r right on the side of them


i also like how this thread was made in 09, then bumped in 2010, and now bumped again in '11

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I call bull shit on this post... A 2003 1000rr? really they started making them in 04 LOL!!

Thanks for fact checking the information for me! The OSP provided the year after going through his registration and the 1000r decal was on a mangled piece of plastic. So with this information I inferred it was a 2003 1000r. I have never owned a Honda and am not familiar with the models that change from year to year. I'm sure that Honda did in fact make a 1000r before the 1000rr (maybe 2003?) but your wealth of knowledge about Honda would be further appreciated if you could elaborate more. Fortunately, it was a Honda and not a Triumph because I know so much less about them. :facepalm:

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