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Socially Awkward Engineers on Motorcycles


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You assume a lot, my friend:p

shouldn't you be counter steering in all turns, regardless of speed? Since a motorcycle has 3 gyroscopic forces moving in line that make the bike want to stay upright, which are the front and rear wheels and the engine's crankshaft, yes? They are all moving in a forward motion. To smoothly negotiate a turn, You need to interrupt that forward motion by inputting the bars. To follow throw with the turn you must apply throttle, because Throttle input controls where the bike goes when it is leaned over. Failing to apply the proper inputs of motion and force will need to an unsuccessful turn, won't it? Ionno.:p

PWnED!!!! She is my hero. :)

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Kevin you are one kinky dude.

The eyeball licking actually was not a sexual thing at all. It was simply something to cure boredom in High School. John, would you like me to lick your eyeball for you? You just might like it ;)

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... To follow throw with the turn you must apply throttle, because Throttle input controls where the bike goes when it is leaned over....

Also, leaning over on to the side of the tire, effectively reduces the speed of the motorcycle. It's the smaller circumference at the side of the tire. Some throttle input is needed just to keep from slowing down.

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uhm. so i am told the only thing engineers do in the army is blow things up. enlighten me, someone. please?
I'm pretty sure they build bridges, runways, barracks, etc.
why thank you captain obvious.

I was only married to someone for 2 years in an engineer unit. I would love to grant the army more props than that lazy ass moron could possibly provide for the US Military. Hence why I am asking people who have the experience and can give the god honest truth which i was lied to about throughout the duration of my failure i call 'marriage'

ugh, i am at 'bitter' point.. what I am saying is, what does the army engineer(if that is the definitive title) actually do

I think someone just wants some attention

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wow for being socially akward you guys sure do post alot! man i'm going to have to catch up on this after work.

Army engineers are members of the army core of engineers so it is an official title. they do things like build bridges, clear minefields, set up battlefield obsticals, etc


in peacetime they design and build things like dams and stuff.

Some compsci guys are engineers, and some are not. I consider myself more of an engineering type. I've always taken things apart, I figure out how stuff works, I like to tinker and modify stuff, and most importantly, I love math jokes. I like to design, map and build things.

Nerdfight! go! LOL.

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..... or clarify my overly blunt points.

If a point is "overly blunt" to begin with.....Wouldn't it be clear enough already?!? :p

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wow for being socially akward you guys sure do post alot! man i'm going to have to catch up on this after work.

everyone is an internet badass, we don't have stand face to face and talk! lol

and most importantly, I love math jokes.

so I take it you are well versed in xkcd comics?

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I'm a "retired" Locomotive Engineer

Best of all worlds.....None of the math....And people don't run away from me looking for the exit when I tell them what I do! In fact.....They wanna hear more 04.gif

Plus....I don't piss my pants at the sight of a girl or thought of having face to face conversation 18.gif

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I'm a "retired" Locomotive Engineer

Best of all worlds.....None of the math....And people don't run away from me looking for the exit when I tell them what I do! In fact.....They wanna hear more 04.gif

Plus....I don't piss my pants at the sight of a girl or thought of having face to face conversation 18.gif

Different kind of Engineer, we actually work for a living. Well I do anyway........sometimes.

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HAAA.....I just tried creating you guys your own Social Page for "Socially Awkard Engineers on Motorcycles" since I know none of you are outwardly social enough to do it yourselves, but apparently I've been TOO outwardly social & created too many groups already, since it gave me this message........

vBulletin Message

You can only create 5 group(s).

Which is kinda funny, since I know I've created more than 5 already!! dancingnaughty.gif

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everyone is an internet badass, we don't have stand face to face and talk! lol

so I take it you are well versed in xkcd comics?

Of course, anyone every ride their bike to a geohash event? could be interesting.

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Of course, anyone every ride their bike to a geohash event? could be interesting.

oh mmm gee! I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I think the last one I looked up was in Cali

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oh mmm gee! I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I think the last one I looked up was in Cali

I'd have to look up the full algorithm again, but I thought it was regionalized (using start position or something). still, it could be difficult when its in the middle of a field 5 miles east of the highway or something.

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Sounds like you've got it nailed. :D

According to wikipedea (because I checked) she only got it half right. But w/e im to tired to say anything worth while right now.

Oh and I don't have an engineering job b/c I'm only a student. I work construction, but I understand what we're doing and why were doing it better then everyone else on the crew and sometime even our super.

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LOL I will take half. I'm a word person (a journalist), not a number person, so I'm thrilled to get that far:p

Yea the wheel motion comes into play, but the bike being an inverse pendulum has more to do with the need to counter steer to initiate a turn.

A single-track vehicle such as a bicycle or a motorcycle is an inverted pendulum—it will fall over unless balanced.

The technique used by cyclists and motorcyclists to initiate turning in a given direction is to first apply a steering torque to the desired direction. Under this force the front wheel will rotate to turn right and the front tire will generate forces to the right. The machine as a whole steers to the right momentarily and the rear tire also generates forces to the right. Because the forces are applied at ground level, this pulls the wheels "out from under" the motorcycle and to its right. The resulting roll angle to the left causes the tires to thrust to the left and provides the centripetal forces required to turn left. The geometry of the steering system provides the forces necessary for the front wheel to adopt an angle turned into the turn in a conventional manner[5]. It is often boiled down to "push left to go left".

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