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beginners ride to coshocton roads saturday


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Yeah, so... I'm safe at home with no more injuries. Just glad it wasn't too serious. I'm callin' for training wheels after I get off here... JK! Thanks to everyone that helped either one of us out. I knew you guys were great!! Thanks JonS for the terrible picture.. LOL! It's all good, I feel like part of the fam now. Had a great time and the wife was cool. I was more worried about her then me...

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Well I'm prolly the first one back. What a day.

Here goes.

2 riders down. Both Riders are relativly uninjured as well as the bikes. Some scuffs and bruises. Bikes have some grass stains. Both happened at prolly the same time but about 2 miles apart. The first group rider down was SnowMan(red/black CBR). Went wide on a curve off the shoulder and bike went into a ditch. He ninja-flipped over the bars and rolled back to his feet. I was 1 rider behind him. We braked and got out of the way. We thought the other group was right behind. We didn't know the other guy went down too. A local ran down from his house as he saw it happen. His wife is a Medic so she looked him over. He seemed ok shaken obviously. By now the 5/6 riders ahead had come back and another guy and I went to see where everybody else was. We get back to this really tight gravelly S curve. Bluekat (IIRC), rides a blue Katana, didn't make it and lowsided in some gravel. he seemed OK too. Told the others what was up and had MedicMandi come back with us to check out snowman. She said his back was fine. Then the local guy brought us a big bag of Popsicles and we BSed for a bit then headed to Coshoctons Finest dining establishment.

McDonalds. :D

The rest of them continued with the ride. I hope the rest of the ride was uneventful.

Thanks to the Coshocton crew for everything. This was not your fault at all. I'll be back out to do it again. Just no more Katanas. :D

You're welcome man!

And before this turns into another pissing match about how coshocton rides are so called "dangerous" and "unorganized", if anyone that wasn't on the ride would like to voice their opinion of how we operate a ride you can contact me.


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Yeah, so... I'm safe at home with no more injuries. Just glad it wasn't too serious. I'm callin' for training wheels after I get off here... JK! Thanks to everyone that helped either one of us out. I knew you guys were great!! Thanks JonS for the terrible picture.. LOL! It's all good, I feel like part of the fam now. Had a great time and the wife was cool. I was more worried about her then me...

:) ... glad you're alright man! Being right behind Jagr and watching ya go down it was like the whole thing happened in slow motion.

It should be duly noted that once you and bike separated, you basically did a barrel roll and popped right up on both feet. I'd give you rep just for that but I think I'm out of it from the 'busa haughtly thread :)

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:) ... glad you're alright man! Being right behind Jagr and watching ya go down it was like the whole thing happened in slow motion.

It should be duly noted that once you and bike separated, you basically did a barrel roll and popped right up on both feet. I'd give you rep just for that but I think I'm out of it from the 'busa haughtly thread :)

SloMo fo sho. That shit was crazy. Glad you're all right though, can't say it enough.

Ross/1000RR dude and everyone else involved, thanks again brothers.

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Snoman, being directly behind you it was kinda scary watching you go down, I had to tell my self to look away so I wouldn't target fixate; so I didn't get to see your crazy ninja skills.

And just as a testiment to how easy paced 1000rr was leading, after Snoman crashed I made sure the guys behind me were stopping then zipped ahead to catch the group in front, and it didn't take me too long; and I'm not exactly an expert ridder. So the pace is not what caused the crashed, just realy sharp corners.

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Best ride of my life. Thank you to everyone that came out and all the coshocton guys. This newb did not go down and I pushed my 250 to the max around all the corners. Im glad snoman and bluekat are safe. 1000rr did a great job leading the pack and for a beginner I was not afraid at all. That said no one bitch about anyone going down today. Gravel is the only thing you guys should bitch at.

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