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So, it's a personal tradition of mine to draw a horror scene where a giant penis monster annihilates a village of innocent stick figures in the "notes" section of my check when paying a traffic violation. I never got anything but endless personal amusement when doing this is California. Is there any reason why this would be a terrible idea in Ohio?

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My "holy %#!? I'm old!" Moment of the day: in just a few short years, it will have been two decades since windows 98 came out.

You are my holy shit I'm old moment now. I remember working on programming code on an Apple II E...doh.
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It sucks when you lose a pet, even if it is "just a fish".  I lost my monster Dovii today.  He was dead when I got home from work.  He lived alone in a 210 gallon aquarium for about three years.  Before that he lived with his wife until he got tired of her and killed her.  They spawned many times.  He would not allow any other fish to live with him.  He was a wild caught dovii and I got him when he was a little over an inch long.  I had him for close to six years.
I weighed him today at 3 lbs 13 ounces and he measured 17.75" long.



Pretty cool fish - very pretty. 


I hear ya about feeling sad though.  I've had angelfish for probably 7 years now.  My last three fish are about 3 now, but I've raised them from eggs.  Always makes me sad to see them flushed... although yours probably required a higher effort burial.

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I rode to work today and forgot to bring my flip flops. Looks like I get to wear my riding boots all day or my softball cleats :) I have a game right after work, so I brought them.

Cleats it is!

lol, where do you work that you get to wear flip flops and play softball after?

Sounds way more relaxed and fun than mine.

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lol, where do you work that you get to wear flip flops and play softball after?

Sounds way more relaxed and fun than mine.


I do software QA for a really laid-back company in downtown Cleveland.  I got offered a position by Harley-Davidson, and they offered me more money (another $5,000) but I turned it down to work here, because of the culture.


No dress code, free sodas, and a free snack closet with lots of junk food.  And healthy stuff, if that's your thing, but hey, c'mon... let's be honest here :)  


Oh, and an unlimited vacation policy.  Oh, and they buy us free lunch every Friday.  

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