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trade mustang for a bike?

Steve Butters

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ive been tossing this idea around.....somebody talk me out of it or into it lol....i love my car, and its definately one of a kind, but i dont have the money to keep up with it...its a freaking money pit

ive already got a vmax, so im thinking itd be cool to pick up a sport bike so i have a choice of which i want to ride on a certain day

the mustang doesnt need much to get it on the road, but then theres upkeep on the damn thing which will be nuts...plus if sometthing breaks its expensive...all kinds of things

i guess im thinking, its been a year since ive driven it, so if i sold it i dont think ide be missing out on much....all i do is put money into it...i just want to get something i can hop on an enjoy without having to worry about every little thing all the time and without spending a boatload on every time theres an issue

what would you guys do? im just a broke college kid lol

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I have been contemplating the same thing lately. I barely use my car as it is now so I was thinking of trying to trade for another bike that is more comfortable for lengthy rides. When it came down to it I decided to trade my car another car for the time being because I'm not sure I could live without having a car for some fun too. Not to mention I have been dying to get into an LS1 car so that is what I am trading it for but I've graduated and am single so pretty much I dump most of my money into my toys.

In your position I would say if you really want a sportbike then do that because in the long run its cheaper to toy with them than cars I am learning

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I would get rid of it too.

You're putting a lot of money into your car to make it fast on the strip. You could take a fraction of that money and do it with a bike.

Whens the last time you had it out running the way you wanted it?

umm....never really....its always breaking something, and now with the swap its been down over a year

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yea ive got a bike already though...im thinking it might be best to hold onto the car until its driveable where i can get in it and go and then decide....i can always buy a bike, but the car cant really be replaced once its gone because every single thing in it is custom ....i think im going to finish it first and see how i feel about it...i guess its easy to lose interest in something that youre not using

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i was in your boat not to long ago.

even though i put money into the bike, its stuff that is actually worth while.

anythgin i ever did to my mustang never got me anywhere but frustrated.

i like knowing that every year i only have 3 things that have to be done for the bike. maintenance (tires, oil, etc) renew tags, pay insurance and i have all the fun i want.

everything else is circumstantial, if i want to mod the bike in anyway it doesnt (for the most part) affect its rideability. i can get on it and go anywhere with no worries and have more fun than i ever did in the mustang.

the car was a money pit, and was fun WHEN it ran right.

if it didnt it cost me money, and lots of it. i was tired of dumping money into it and getting no satisfaction in return.

the best thing about motorcycles is there are so many different niches that you can explore.

from adventure touring, sport touring, track days, drag racing, leisurely rides, just showing the bike, whatever.

and alot of the time 1 bike can do multiple niches.

i also think that motorcyclist are more tight knit, most of the time it doesnt matter what you ride as long as you ride. everyone just enjoys the hobby and we have a common interest.

thats what makes this hobby great.

i think the car hobby is getting away from being a great group of people who all just love cars, and its getting more segregated into who has a lsx, who has a mustang, who has a import, who drag races, who street races, who has more hp, who is faster, etc.

i got fed up with that shit to.

and last but not least, i feel in the car group (CR being a good reference) people dont understand that everyone makes different money i guess... cause if you have a slower car (but enjoy it) its like its not good enough. its gotta run 10s and have 30k in it or its just not cool. you dont have a new vette, cobra, viper, etc.. well we dont really care about your 89 iroc. thats kind of the mentality.

i remember when i got my first decent car, one i charished.. 91 sentra se-r.. yeah it wasnt fast, or uber cool looking, but i loved that thing. most people would scoff at it, but to me that car kicked ass, and i had a passion for all cars, not just a certain brand or make.

being around people like mentioned above turned me away from the car guy crowd.

ok my rant is over.

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you make a lot of good points man...and i think were on the same page when it comes to money spent on upkeep and all that....i think im just tired of spending so much on the mustang and not getting anything in return...but at the same time, i hate to sell something that i cant ever replace....once im outta school ill have more money to finish it the right way....im just kinda torn....i might not even be able to afford insurance on two bikes, so theres a chance if i picked up a sport bike it would just sit for awhile, i havent checked rates yet...as for the community, i have seen the opposite really...i guess it depends what crowd you hang out with ...or perhaps im just hanging out with the crowd who has cheap cars and doesnt care lol...ive been hardcore eyeballin an 07 cbr1000rr....if someone offered that exact bike for the car, itd be gone that day lol...anything else has me kinda stepping back and thinking

Edited by Steve Butters
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I'll probably get flamed for this, but, a liter bike is alot of bike for someone without alot of bike riding experience Tyler. Ride the Max for a season and hang on to the car. Its not costing you anything to sit in the garage and I agree that if you get rid of it, you'll regret it. I still regret selling my 383 Jeep.

Park it for this season, ride the bike and decide next winter.

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SO you just spent gobs of money at Robs, waited months on top of months to get the car back and now you get it home and want to trade it off. Id say thats a lofty serving of bullshit Tyler.

youre right...i think the nice weather has me thinking crazy because my bike isnt running at the moment...ive talked to a few people and made this thread and talked it over with my girl...ive got too much invested in the car to get rid of it, and as soon as im able to finish it, i know i would regret not having it...its only a grand from being complete, and after paying tax on a bike and registration and a year of insurance, i could have the car done instead and just enjoy the vmax for the time being...im gonna work on finishing the car and get it running how ide like it to before i do anything

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i personally have had 3 mustangs and 5 bikes i went one summer without a bike and went nuts its now been 3 years since ive had a mustang and im good the bike is way better plus it cist a lot more to tow a car to the track run it pay for gas to run it then tow home a lot cheaper to put a few hundred miles on a sunny day and just relax get the sportbike

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i personally have had 3 mustangs and 5 bikes i went one summer without a bike and went nuts its now been 3 years since ive had a mustang and im good the bike is way better plus it cist a lot more to tow a car to the track run it pay for gas to run it then tow home a lot cheaper to put a few hundred miles on a sunny day and just relax get the sportbike

If I can derail this thread for a minute: Puck, periods don't cost money. Totally free. Try using them.

If the 'Stang isn't in running shape, you're probably going to get fuck-all for it even with mods. If it's only a grand to finish it so the engine turns over, put in the cash. Chances are good that it'll cost more than that, but again, if you try to sell it as-is you're just hoping to find the one guy who you can sucker into spending 1K less than "running price". Starting a project like this, you have to account for cost creeps like this. After it's running and you still have the itch, I'd ditch it. If you're already got the trackday gear, finding a turn-key trackday bike here or on WERA isn't that hard, if that's what you're into.

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