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Ride Mandates&Rules for Group rides this year!


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I know I'm getting to this threat a few months late but I think I've got a valid point here. I don't ride with groups, in fact I'm a pretty anti-social rider all the way around and it's due in large part to stuff like what I've read on this thread from the OP right through to the end.

<b>#1.1 If you are being a dumbass and you crash me, someone I care about, or a friend of mine, Your bike and your crash injury's will fail in comparison to what I do to you.Stuff like that is what makes me want to stay the hell away from most all of you people because crashing my bike and taking out a few other riders is exactly what I plan every time I go out riding. They're called "accidents" for a reason. I understand being pissed if someone's jackassery causes the accident but really if the guy who caused the crash is bleeding out on the side of the road are you going to come over and put the boots to him? And let's not forget everyone's good friend Murphy, cause he likes to mess with things just for the fun of it. Are you going to take out your anger on whoever you think is most deserving? If so then not only would I get to worry about having an entire pack of riders up my ass, because i'd be in the front according to flounder's rules, I'd also get to think about what'll happen if I screw the pooch and eat some pavement, then I get to wonder if someone's goning to curb stomp me because they think it's my fault. Yep, that sounds like fun to me, where do I sign up? That being said, there are some things I sgree with like group rides shouldn't be about who can go the fastest or ride the closest to "out of control." But hey, what do I know, it's just my opinion.

Edited by jmwildi
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I know I'm getting to this threat a few months late but I think I've got a valid point here. I don't ride with groups, in fact I'm a pretty anti-social rider all the way around and it's due in large part to stuff like what I've read on this thread from the OP right through to the end.

<b>#1.1 If you are being a dumbass and you crash me, someone I care about, or a friend of mine, Your bike and your crash injury's will fail in comparison to what I do to you.Stuff like that is what makes me want to stay the hell away from most all of you people because crashing my bike and taking out a few other riders is exactly what I plan every time I go out riding. They're called "accidents" for a reason. I understand being pissed if someone's jackassery causes the accident but really if the guy who caused the crash is bleeding out on the side of the road are you going to come over and put the boots to him? And let's not forget everyone's good friend Murphy, cause he likes to mess with things just for the fun of it. Are you going to take out your anger on whoever you think is most deserving? If so then not only would I get to worry about having an entire pack of riders up my ass, because i'd be in the front according to flounder's rules, I'd also get to think about what'll happen if I screw the pooch and eat some pavement, then I get to wonder if someone's goning to curb stomp me because they think it's my fault. Yep, that sounds like fun to me, where do I sign up? That being said, there are some things I sgree with like group rides shouldn't be about who can go the fastest or ride the closest to "out of control." But hey, what do I know, it's just my opinion.

If you read from the OP right to the end, you should realize that a majority of us don't share flat-fish's views on group rides for the most part.

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wait, what? Triumph Bonneville? ummm, there won't be many bikes behind you. And they won't be going all that fast...


ANd nice first post after lurking for over a year. If you're such an anti-social rider, we don't have much to offer here. This is a pretty social group.

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I lurked for a year... youse guys skeered me....

edit: in fairness to self, I didn't sign up, just lurked through mad hakerz skills...

When I did sign up I was there.

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I know I'm getting to this threat a few months late but I think I've got a valid point here. I don't ride with groups, in fact I'm a pretty anti-social rider all the way around and it's due in large part to stuff like what I've read on this thread from the OP right through to the end.

<b>#1.1 If you are being a dumbass and you crash me, someone I care about, or a friend of mine, Your bike and your crash injury's will fail in comparison to what I do to you.Stuff like that is what makes me want to stay the hell away from most all of you people because crashing my bike and taking out a few other riders is exactly what I plan every time I go out riding. They're called "accidents" for a reason. I understand being pissed if someone's jackassery causes the accident but really if the guy who caused the crash is bleeding out on the side of the road are you going to come over and put the boots to him? And let's not forget everyone's good friend Murphy, cause he likes to mess with things just for the fun of it. Are you going to take out your anger on whoever you think is most deserving? If so then not only would I get to worry about having an entire pack of riders up my ass, because i'd be in the front according to flounder's rules, I'd also get to think about what'll happen if I screw the pooch and eat some pavement, then I get to wonder if someone's goning to curb stomp me because they think it's my fault. Yep, that sounds like fun to me, where do I sign up? That being said, there are some things I sgree with like group rides shouldn't be about who can go the fastest or ride the closest to "out of control." But hey, what do I know, it's just my opinion.

Soooooo, you finally decide to post after 1 year and 2 months to tell us you're a puss? :dunno: I don't get it.

Your life sounds fun Mister Anti-Social.

Jeffery Dahmer, is that you?

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So what if Jm didn't post for a year? I didn't get the memo about a time limit; does that breach the rules of internet decorum, the equivalent of drinking your tea w/out your pinkies up? =P And he's a registered Ohio Rider's member just like ya'll, so it's regrettable you'd be so dismissive of a 1st time poster.

As for the original poster - Flounder, I'm sure he was referring to squids - people riding like a$$h@les, hot doggin' it on group rides and causing accidents out of negligence and bad judgment. I feel the same.

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So what if Jm didn't post for a year? I didn't get the memo about a time limit; does that breach the rules of internet decorum, the equivalent of drinking your tea w/out your pinkies up? =P And he's a registered Ohio Rider's member just like ya'll, so it's regrettable you'd be so dismissive of a 1st time poster.

I think you've missed it. Nobody knows JM's personality, how to take his (her?) post, etc... so the knee-jerk reaction is all you get. Get to know the group a bit, hang out in person, go on a group ride, and you will find that most around here are very safe and as long as you have a little skill, and are smart enough to stick to within the reach of your abilities, you will learn a lot from group rides. Nobody (as far as I know) is out to get anyone else (other than me, and they haven't getten me yet!) hurt on group rides.

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Group rides suck and when I catch people out in groups I fuck their shit up. I start in the back with the faster guys then work my way up to the slower guys, then I wheelie away flipping them off. I have had the police called on me for doing this but I just outrun them laughing all the way home. This is why I hang out here so I can stalk group rides. You guys should quit scrutinizing the new posters they could be super cool and you bunch of uptight pussies are driving them away.

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Group rides suck and when I catch people out in groups I fuck their shit up. I start in the back with the faster guys then work my way up to the slower guys, then I wheelie away flipping them off. I have had the police called on me for doing this but I just outrun them laughing all the way home. This is why I hang out here so I can stalk group rides. You guys should quit scrutinizing the new posters they could be super cool and you bunch of uptight pussies are driving them away.

My man!

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To clarify a little bit, it's nothing personal. Some of the OP just really ground on my nerves so I said something about it. If that's a problem, my bad for stating my opinion on an open forum. As for being anti-social, I don't ride with anyone largely because I tend to dislike most of the people I meet for a variety of reasons and none of the friends I do have ride. Lastly, I havn't been lurking for over a year. I posted an introduction right after I registered and then just never got around to signing back in untill sometime last week.

Edited by jmwildi
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