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Do you ride? Me too! Shut the front door!


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**edit - not even fuckin worth it

people who ride sport bikes are so fuckin cool :rolleyes:

Especially those of us with half and quarter liter "sport" bikes! :rolleyes:

Thanks Tyler!

So, because I choose to ride a cruiser I'm automatically restricted from going on a nice ride? To a place that I hear is fun, and has a gorgeous view? Also that I'm automatically lumped into the drinking and riding gang?

I chose to purchase the bike I wanted. You chose to purchase yours. We have different riding styles. There are plenty of things that sport bike riders do to piss me off. There are plenty of things that cruiser riders do to piss me off. Goldwingers piss me off with the Mr coffee that they have to brew a fresh cup on a long ride.

It's all about the ass in the saddle. Sometimes they are a douche. Sometimes they are considerate to others around them.

I don't lump you together, I ask the same in return.

Casey can ride perty decent, he's exempt from being lumped in with the cwoozah cwowd.

Damn you Casey stop trying to screw with our stereotyping. You over moderating thread moving cruiser riding clay pigeon killing ethug. :D

That's got me close to :lol::)

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Harley riders and cruiser riders in general do screw up the Gap and are the majority of the accidents that I've seen there. Every time I've went the cruiser group ALWAYS act like they own the place and will not move over they force you into making a dangerous pass and when you do start the pass they become Ricky Racer and try to stop the pass and thats bullshit. Cars, trucks, sportbike ect when they see a faster rider coming they almost always move over or slow up and wave you on.

You guys should try riding faster at the Gap then; I don't seem to have problems with cruisers when I'm there. They do put pretty decorations on the road by locking up their rear tires going into curves all the way straight past the apex.

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Especially those of us with half and quarter liter "sport" bikes! :rolleyes:

Thanks Tyler!

Casey can ride perty decent, he's exempt from being lumped in with the cwoozah cwowd.

That's got me close to :lol::)

what about six tenths of a liter bikes? ;)

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see that's just it, you just have to jump in the discussion. because you're an ego maniac. you just have to jump at the opportunity to call someone a name. but then you bet all butthurt when someone says anything back.

I didn't even quote your post and ask the question. but because of your mental disorder you threw yourself under the buss.(just like now) and now because of your own actions, you get bitchy with me about it.

here, fill this out and send it to the site admin,

Ryan... Is this your new/old screen name??

You've obviously never met Matt... Furthest thing from an ego maniac there is

Quid pro quo... Weren't you the one just tellin' people to STFU if they didn't know what they were talkin' about??

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