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moments in life that make you think 'what the heck just happened?'


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For your entertainment, another ridiculous random event...

I was perusing the cheap end tables and night stands at walmart when I hear "you put your left arm in, you put your left arm out..." and I see someone out of the corner of my eye staring at me from my left side. "you put your left arm in and you shake it all about" got a little louder as the guy singing it passed in front of me. He turned his head to look at my face, mumbled 'damn, lookin good', and continued around the corner. I am left standing there, confused and holding back laughter, as he comes back around the corner and proceeds to ask me if i'm married, probably thinking that my smiling was out of flattery and not out of the fact that i have just been hit on by a weird dude singing the hokey pokey at walmart. I shook my head and said i have a boyfriend, and he said 'that's too bad, good for him' and walked away. Although, looking back on that, I feel like I could have taken the crown for most hilbilly man meeting - I met a man at walmart while looking at press-wood furniture... he was singing the hokey pokey and it was so romantic.

Anyone else have a random story? :)

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About a year ago I was at wally world looking for a tv. I bought one along with some random items that I used in an attempt to make home made wine. (6 frozen grape concentrates 3 packs of yeast 3 gallons of water a pack of rubber bands and a pack of balloons.) I checked out all this in the electronics section. the girl that checked me out had also answered my questions about the tv. After paying she said if you want I can help you load it in your car. I said ok that would be nice. Although I didn't know how much help to expect due to her petite size. But it was a kind gesture so why turn it down. As we approached my car she said "wow you drive a prius?" I said yes I do. She said "thats really cool you just don't seem like the type of person that would drive a hybrid". I informed her it was to save on gas and I agreed I'm not the type of person that drives a hybrid. Then as she watched me trying to stuff the tv into my back seat my gun poked out from under my jacket and she said "is that a real gun?" I told her it was and not to worry I wasn't planning on robbing her". Then she asked if I was a cop. I told her no. At this time I'm thinking this girl asks a lot of dumb questions and I don't even know her. The tv didn't fit in the back seat so I had fold the back seats down to put it in the back hatch. It was then she saw my riding gear and said "nice helmet. You got a bike?" I told her yeah. She asked what kind. I said a cbr. She said " I love sport bikes, I've got my own helmet but nobody to let me ride on the back of their bike. At least not any more. We broke up a couple months ago." It was at this time I realized she was hinting around trying to get me to ask her if she wanted to go for a ride. I decided to just play dumb like I didn't catch the hint. I finally got the tv in the car. As I reached up to shut the trunk my gun poked out again and she said "a guy that carriesa gun and rides a motorcycle that's hot". I said "thanks". Then she kind of awkwardly stood there looking at me. So I said well I better get home before my girl friend starts to wonder where I'm at. Then she said yeah I better get back inside and turned and walked away. If I was single at the time it probably would have went differently. Then we could have had a great story about how I was at Walmart to buy a flat screen hd tv and some stuff to make hobo wine when we met. Who needs match.com when you have Walmart super center.

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^ you carry your helmet around in the car? do you put it on and do 200mph down 270 pretending to be the stig?

im always paranoid about carrying my helmet around in the car (going to track mainly)....afraid ill turn and itll roll across the seat/trunk whatever and smack into stuff

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About a year ago I was at wally world looking for a tv. I bought one along with some random items that I used in an attempt to make home made wine. (6 frozen grape concentrates 3 packs of yeast 3 gallons of water a pack of rubber bands and a pack of balloons.) I checked out all this in the electronics section. the girl that checked me out had also answered my questions about the tv. After paying she said if you want I can help you load it in your car. I said ok that would be nice. Although I didn't know how much help to expect due to her petite size. But it was a kind gesture so why turn it down. As we approached my car she said "wow you drive a prius?" I said yes I do. She said "thats really cool you just don't seem like the type of person that would drive a hybrid". I informed her it was to save on gas and I agreed I'm not the type of person that drives a hybrid. Then as she watched me trying to stuff the tv into my back seat my gun poked out from under my jacket and she said "is that a real gun?" I told her it was and not to worry I wasn't planning on robbing her". Then she asked if I was a cop. I told her no. At this time I'm thinking this girl asks a lot of dumb questions and I don't even know her. The tv didn't fit in the back seat so I had fold the back seats down to put it in the back hatch. It was then she saw my riding gear and said "nice helmet. You got a bike?" I told her yeah. She asked what kind. I said a cbr. She said " I love sport bikes, I've got my own helmet but nobody to let me ride on the back of their bike. At least not any more. We broke up a couple months ago." It was at this time I realized she was hinting around trying to get me to ask her if she wanted to go for a ride. I decided to just play dumb like I didn't catch the hint. I finally got the tv in the car. As I reached up to shut the trunk my gun poked out again and she said "a guy that carriesa gun and rides a motorcycle that's hot". I said "thanks". Then she kind of awkwardly stood there looking at me. So I said well I better get home before my girl friend starts to wonder where I'm at. Then she said yeah I better get back inside and turned and walked away. If I was single at the time it probably would have went differently. Then we could have had a great story about how I was at Walmart to buy a flat screen hd tv and some stuff to make hobo wine when we met. Who needs match.com when you have Walmart super center.

Ever notice that key next to the one that makes this symbol-> ' ?

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well i was hoping that i wasn't the only one that random stuff happened too.... no more stories?

I was walking to work last spring and something small and hard hit me in the side of the head. The only thing that I can think of is that a car that just drove by kicked up a stone that hit me in the head... I stood there rubbing my head thinking 'what the hell? what are the odds?'

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^ you carry your helmet around in the car? do you put it on and do 200mph down 270 pretending to be the stig?

im always paranoid about carrying my helmet around in the car (going to track mainly)....afraid ill turn and itll roll across the seat/trunk whatever and smack into stuff

I was hauling it around because this was during the time when the prius throttles were getting "stuck". If I ended up in a holy crap moment I could throw it on. Not really I was in the process of moving and my bike was not being stored at my new place yet so I would have to drive my car to go get it. So I just left the riding gear in the trunk. To keep it from rolling around I would tuck it in the corner with my jacket wrapped around it in a semi circle.

No I never noticed those symbols. To be honest with you I use my Droid phone to get on here and using the symbols and proper punctuation is a pain. I'm not trying to get the best grammar award on here. Sorry if you don't like my posts.

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cOoTeR: she was hoping you would take her away from all of that.

I think the rep has to go to cOoTeR cause his story was much more interesting.

Sorry MJ, nothing but love.

Thanks dgtl grl this all happened at your local Walmart in m-ville.

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Thanks dgtl grl this all happened at your local Walmart in m-ville.

Oh man... that explains so much.

You're lucky you didn't pick her up. She probably had a slew of kids and looking for a baby-daddy.

Our Walmart scares me.

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A favorite random... mowing the lawn with an old lawnmower, muffler is shot. Muffler on order, but I stuffed the can with steel wool for the day. I spill the gas on the mower. I start the mower. The steel wool blows out, red hot, and sets the lawn mower on fire. I look around, gosh, there's a faucet and hose right behind me... I calmly start the hose and put the fire out like nothing happened....

I'm replacing a heater core on a '74 Camaro. I read that I could just take out two or three fender bolts and prop the fender open far enough to get the heater core out from the side of the car. I do this, and with both hands on the heater core, I watch the 2x4 fall out. The fender clamps down on both arms like a bear trap. I sat there for a while, looking around for help, and then contorted around to pry the fender open with a foot. Thinking that if the foot got trapped also, I would be in deep do-do.

One Winter I parked out on the street at the curb. I was cleaning the ice and snow off to go to work. I remember standing on the curb thinking how slippery the curb was. And then becoming aware that I was looking straight up along side the car. I had slipped off the curb, straight under the car all the way, till only my head was on the curb. Hands, arms, feet, legs, all under the car. Tight under the car. I wiggled out like a worm... BTW, it's warm under a car in the Winter...

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