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Your closest call, and how you adapted...


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My first interstate road trip on the bike was a Patriot Guard ride to Flushing, MI. Probably about 5 years ago.

Headed north on 23 toward Toledo well north of Delaware, 5am, 40deg, 75mph. All I can see of oncoming cars is headlights. I passed a semi and hung out in the left lane for a bit. I see headlight coming towards me around the corner but didn't think much about it at first.

I learned to drive in the UK, and the strict rule there is you drive in the lane closest to the ramps unless you are actively overtaking... So I moved over to the right lane. At that moment I realized the headlights coming towards me were from a car travelling southbound in the northbound fast lane - he whizzed past me (75mph) and he was clearly running full speed (75mph) too. I thought abuout it for a second and then it dawned on me that if I hadn't switched to the right lane just a few second ago I'd have met that guy head-on at a combined speed of 150mph.

Had to pull over and collect my thoughts before I continued the ride.

These days I stay right as much as I can.

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I met a car coming at me in my lane one night. I was driving a car, not a bike. It takes the brain some time to process the info. You're right, often too much time at the rate of closing. No chance to escape. I dodged sideways off the road. But I had to do so without looking behind me or in the other lane first. so yeah, it's best to already know where all the other vehicles are around, when moving quickly without looking.

edit: closest call? I slid within inches of being under the back bumper of a VW bug one night, and got out of it with multiple power slides, to change course. (On a bike that really didn't have enough power to be doing that.) Yeah, I had to jump up on the sidewalk and take a break... I must have looked like a dirt track racer.

Edited by ReconRat
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Just don't think about it after the fact... you'll drive yourself crazy.

Absolutely true.

I was driving to NC, prob in WV at the time, and I saw lights just flash across the sky and couldn't figure out what it was. As I got closer to where it was, someone jumped the grassy median (the north and southbound lanes were invisible to each other, mostly trees and 20ft drop) and stopped in the middle of a turn on road. I was a sedan pulling a trailer going the speed limit of 70mph, slammed on the brakes fighting the trailer trying to jackknife the whole time and missed him by less than I like to park next to people. I had to pull off to the side to collect myself as well.

If I would have let it affect me I never would have been able to get the 2/3rds of the way down there or back without driving myself insane. Sure I was prepared to bust his window out if I ever saw him again, but It happens and you just need to keep rolling with the punches.

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my closest call didn't involve another car or bike. It was me by myself, it was about 35 degrees out, way out in the middle of no where.

I came into a long sweeper, and apparently there had been some heavy chip seal done in the area. The sweeper was coated in aggregate, that had fallen off of a truck. I hit the mess doing about 35-40. It was like sand, I couldn't turn. I went through the ditch, through someones front yard, sliding sideways, with my left foot on the ground. I envision it something like a dirt track racer. I got to there driveway, and rode of as if nothing ever happend. I rode into town and stopped to re collect. My left leg hurt like hell, and my boot was covered in grass and mud, but we came out unscathed!

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Had a ass turn in front of me on my sport bike several years back, but that wasnt the worse one. that happened the day before I got married. had just turned east on miami-shelby rd from 48..... about a 1/4 mile up the road is a little rise and the road kinda flattens out from there. I was in a ford escort (POS) and when I popped that rise all I seen was the grill of a 70s impala who was racing another car and was in my lane. No time to think.....no time to do anything but react. Jerk the wheel right and then back left again to get back to the asphalt. Have no clue how we missed and was blessed that the ditch, unlike many around here, was flat. Was so quick I couldnt even tell ya what color the other car was, let alone make and model. Beleive me that chevy grill looked huge................ pulled over and just sat there and shook for a while. way to close...... way, way to close

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I've had a few which were caused by car drivers, but there was 1x that I caused one.

It was 2005 and I was on a road heading onto a 4 lane, US42. I can't believe it, but I was DAY DREAMING and was about to run the stop sign! I came to at the last second and locked up my brakes and as I did 1 car went by at 55mph that I would've slammed into! Not one vehicle on that road but them and it was timed just perfect that I would've met them at the perfect time! I found that extremely rare! It was like it was almost MEANT for me to die that day, but I luckily came back to reality at the perfect time. FREAKED ME OUT! I remember riding away thinking,"I should be dead right now."

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Last year I was on my speed triple heading home for my lunch break. I was pressed for time so was speeding slightly. It had just got done raining. A babby dear jumped out in front of me and I locked up my front and rear brake and was sliding. I could have leaned over the tank and reached out and touched the deer. I missed the dear by inches.

Every year I've had a close call but that one sticks out.

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in my stupid days.. i pulled a wheeling on my 954rr on 70 out by brice rd.. road it out a while and when it came down i went into a major tank slapper...it threw my legs off the pegs the bike was going crazy, the only thing i could think of was when i went down to tuck in tight.. but i remembered quickly to whack the throttle wide open at the last minute, it straightened the bike out and i drove back home.. thinking "ill never do that again" and i never did lol..

glad i dont do that shit any more

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came earlier this spring on a group ride. It rained and we were taking a shortcut on a freshly paved road that might as well have had a layer of oil on it. Cresting a hill, my buddy lost control of his bike and was sliding in the middle of the road with me behind. I tapped the brakes and nearly lost it myself and was headed right for him.

Luckily I missed him by about 2ft as he was standing up and scared the shit out of me. Didn't ride for like a week or 2 and then was pretty conservative for a few months. This was my first near disaster since I started riding last year

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I was riding home at night when I had a row of headlights coming at me. I was coming down a slight hill towards a slight curve to the right. All of a sudden I realized a headlight I thought was at the end of the row of headlights, was a bike coming right at me. He was in my lane passing the other cars. We missed by probably 5 feet. Some dumbass on a cruiser. I was shaking the rest of the way home.

My first interstate road trip on the bike was a Patriot Guard ride to Flushing, MI. Probably about 5 years ago.

Headed north on 23 toward Toledo well north of Delaware, 5am, 40deg, 75mph. All I can see of oncoming cars is headlights. I passed a semi and hung out in the left lane for a bit. I see headlight coming towards me around the corner but didn't think much about it at first.

I learned to drive in the UK, and the strict rule there is you drive in the lane closest to the ramps unless you are actively overtaking... So I moved over to the right lane. At that moment I realized the headlights coming towards me were from a car travelling southbound in the northbound fast lane - he whizzed past me (75mph) and he was clearly running full speed (75mph) too. I thought abuout it for a second and then it dawned on me that if I hadn't switched to the right lane just a few second ago I'd have met that guy head-on at a combined speed of 150mph.

Had to pull over and collect my thoughts before I continued the ride.

These days I stay right as much as I can.

They did this on mythbusters. If you two would have hit, that would have been like hitting a wall at 75mph, not 150mph.

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The most recent close call was 2 weeks ago when I was leaving the gas station,,

I pulled out of the [arking lot onto dering to make a left onto parsons, The light turned green I turned left heading north and as soon as I completed my turn a f&&king VW jetta came flying by me on the left hand side,Yea the prick bastard ran the light and if I would have been a few seconds longer in the turn the SOB would have t-boned me. And to make matters worst I came up along the f**k at a light and the guy goes sorry my bad,which infuriated me and I just rev my motor and let the bitch hear my uncapped exhaust...This is exactly why I refuse to carry a gun....

But you know after close calls like this makes u really evaluate you life.

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Last year I was approaching a stop light in a downpour and the car in front of me applied their brakes violently and very early (I think due to poor visibility). Anyways I hit my brakes and you may know that feeling when you go into the skid that just tells you your bike isn't interested in stopping at the moment. So I know I'm going to hit this car and so I make the split decision to lay her down. I lean her to the left and try to initiate the lay down when all of a sudden the back tire hydros on a large puddle and flings around leaving me upright and in the same lane, but facing the opposite direction of a moment before......I'm shaken at this point but starting to feel pretty lucky until I look up and see the next car in line heading straight for me in a downpour with a bike that had died so there is no headlight. I fell the fuck over trying to get off the road as the asshat came on fast, he swerved to avoid me and then actually cursed me as he passed. Crash bars stopped any damage from dropping it when trying to get off the road, but that is one of those days where you get the bike started and then ride home because you realize you were not supposed to ride that day. Now I will still ride in the rain but not in the first half hour of a rain oily shit may as well be ice.

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It depends on the situation. If it is due to my error, it is easy to get over. Learn and move on... If it was due to someone else? I had a situation where I was crashed due to another rider and it took almost a year to get over it. I was like Top Gun where I would get too mental and give up too easily.

It's just a matter of time, but it happens and you try and move on.

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I had a too close call... aka wreck. I was in my Chrysler Cirrus, 17 years old, girlfriend in the passenger seat, music blaring. It was December-ish, but not a lot of snow on the ground. We were taking a particularly acute right turn off 73 E. when my inside tire hit some slush. Had sport tires on that I should not have had at this time of year, but what did I care, they looked cool! That plus my higher than should have been speed, caused me to slide into th eleft lane of the road I turned onto. Lo and behold, there was a big black (Oldsmobile?) directly in front of me. :wtf:

Next I know, I was pushing my airbag out of my face. We got out, and saw that their car had caught fire. Both were totaled for sure.

Anyway, a close call that didn't end up in a wreck... Though she did nudge me. This was this spring, so I was on the bike. Some lady pulled out from my right, making a left turn in front of me. Though with her timing, she would have pushed me with her front bumper. Luckily, I swerved like a madman, and she just nipped my boot. The zipper won't stay closed anymore, but I still have it as a memento. I kept the bike up afterward, though. Proceeded to turn around and listen to her apologize for five minutes, and exclaim about how hard it was to see me and blah blah blah. I was pissed, so I decided to just leave.

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I was riding home from work one evening along 42 a couple months ago. It was about 10:40ish there was a slight "dog leg" turn ahead of me. Ahead of me I noticed a set of headlights coming out of the turn followed by another set. The the second set jumps into my lane. I flash my brights but nothing I hit my brakes as they close in. It's a full size truck passing a sedan. I pull as far to the right as I can and let off the brakes because I'm on the narrow gravel shoulder now doing about 40 mph. As both tires hit the gravel the three of us pass each other with the car in their lane the truck in mine and me on the shoulder. The truck was close enough that the wind coming off of it made my bike wobble. The asshole never lifted off the throttle. If it wasn't dark out I probably would have turned around to catch him and break his mirror off.

The other day riding home from the hill climbs my girlfriend on the back going north on 71. I notice a cookie cutter custom chopper pull onto the left shoulder as if he is breaking down. As I get close in he speeds up. I slow and move over to give him room to jump into traffic. He cruises along the shoulder for about an 1/8 mile and I decide to continue passed him. I get about 2 cars ahead of him doing about 80mph with the flow of traffic. Then I notice him coming up really fast. He passes the two cars ahead of me and dives into the lane of traffic just before the shoulder narrows down. I'm thinking to myself this ass is going to kill himself right infront of us. A few miles up the road traffic thins out I get in the right lane and keep traveling about 80. The guy on the chopper is in the left lane and he is pulling away from me. As I start to pass an exit he slams his breaks swerves into my lane as if going for the exit. I hit my brakes as hard as I can without sliding. Just before we would make contact he looks over his shoulder and sees me. He swerves back into his lane. Now I'm on the interstate going way slower than the traffic behind me and in pain because my girlfriend was caught off guard and slid forward to share my seat smashing me into the tank. She gets back onto her seat I decide I need to get away from this guy and take off. As I pass him I notice that he is too cool for safety equipment like gloves jacket helmet and mirrors. WTF if your going to ride like an idiot you should use all that shit. Normally I don't care about people not wearing gear. to each his own. But if that same person almost collides with me going down the highway because he decides at the last possible second he doesn't want to be in the left lane but on the exit ramp instead. it really pisses me off especially since it could've been prevented with a set of mirrors.

Sorry bit of a rant. Back on topic. I get over crap like this by using it as a lesson learned and a reminder that everything on the road may try to kill me. I don't make the same mistakes others have made towards me.

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They did this on mythbusters. If you two would have hit, that would have been like hitting a wall at 75mph, not 150mph.

Well, I didn't say it would be like hitting a wall at 150 - just that it was a combined speed of 150.

If two cars hit head on at 75mph each (combined 150mph) then the damage to each car is the same as if the car had hit a wall at 75mph. Although there is more crash force to dissipate, the two cars share that force. Both cars are deformable objects, the wall is not.

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I've been hit twice, and I can't change much about what I do, other than assume everyone is an idiot. The wreck that I was injured the most on made me change a bit though. No more whoolies, especially on a cruiser bike....

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Stopped at a stop light on my 1125R, two city cops had a car pulled over on the right side of the road, a car wrecker flew by me through the red light, if I even flinched I would have been mush, no brakes just throttle could be heard after the near miss.

I would have never known what hit me, I assume he was gawking at the car pulled over, and never seen the red light?

I can not really explain how close he was to ass packing me, he had to only miss me by less than an inch, seriously if I would have moved the slightest bit my arm or something on the left side would have been removed.

A semi pulled out in front of me on my Night Train, I finally got it stopped in time and then his rear tandems were coming right at me, I dismounted and leaned the bike over as far as I could without dropping it, and the rear tandems clipped my left foot peg.

Tried to do the right thing and contacted the OHSP instead of confronting him, and they said there was nothing they could do.

I wonder why road rage exists, I wish I handled it with my initial thought, but instead I tried to do it the right way instead, and nothing was done...

Just a couple of my experiences, but there has been many others, my fault and others...

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I was on 36 one night when a set of headlights turned into two sets, a semi was passing another semi. When they went by they were pretty much side by side and I was on the berm. I try to have an eye out for everyone since I was parked on by a 4x4 Chevy.

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