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What are your favorite beers?


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Negra Modelo with anything mexican.


Stella Artois or Heineken depending on mood at the bars.



Shiner Bock when im in the state of Texas.


Karl Strauss Red Trolley Ale, Stone Levitation, Stone Arrogant bastard, Stone Double bastard, Dead Guy Ale, if im feeling something more on the west coast.






Edited by ohdaho
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At the moment, all of the Yuenglings. Mmmmmmm.

Shiner Bock is a fave, as is Amstel Light, as long as its not on an airplane. Had one on my last flight, and I think it had been on there a looooooonngg time. Pretty rough (but I drank all of it. Go figure).

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Guinness (old reliable)


Yuengling Black and tan (when i can get it)


Tommyknockers Cocoa Porter (mmmmm) Mix this with Belle's Cherry Stout and you have one hellva Cherry Chocolate beer. BUT very expensive. Belles is $16 a 6 and Cocoa Porter is $11 a 6


Bison Brewery Chocolate Stout (can't get it around here but is damn good.)


Dixie Brewery's Blackened Voodoo (all time fav)


Summer, i tend to drink Leinenkugel Summer Shandy

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Ooh, I love these threads!

For the hop lovers, if there's a beer on this list you haven't had, you owe it to yourself to find it.

Bell's Hopslam- seasonal, expensive, but goddam delicious.

Southern Tier 2XIPA- GREAT IPA! Nearly as good as Hopslam, but cheaper and more readily available.

Founder's Harvest Ale- comparable to hopslam in taste and price. A very good beer.

Columbus Brewing IPA- Another great IPA for a good price, local for many of us.

Sierra Nevada Torpedo- Extra IPA, great beer for the money and available year round.

Sierra Nevada Celebration- Not a Christmas beer like you'd expect looking at the box. Try it if you like hops.

There's really too many of these... Ale Smith IPA, Dogfish 60, 90, 120 minute...

Other favorites:

Goose Island Bourbon County Stout- Big $$ and unavailable in ohio due to alc %. Freaking delicious. My favorite bourbon barrel beer.

Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout- Bourbon barrel aged breakfast stout. Very limited release, expensive and hard to find.

Great Lakes Edmond Fitzgerald Porter- One of the best American porters around and it's readily available.

I'll stop there for now.

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One of the more unique brands of beer has been Pittsburgh Brewing’s Olde Frothingslosh. It was invented as a joke by Pittsburgh radio station KDKA’s Rege Cordic in the early 1950s. The local brewer picked up the idea as a humorous Christmastime promotion and “the pale stale ale” ended up as the inspiration for about 30 different beer cans, most created specifically for collectors.

Rege Cordic’s most lasting contribution to humor, and incidentally, to beer can collecting, was Olde Frothingslosh. He invented commercials for the beer he called “the Pale Stale Ale--so light the foam is on the bottom.” Supposedly brewed by Sir Reginald Frothingslosh IV at Upper-Crudney-On-The-Thames it was advertised with slogans such as “a whale of an ale for the pale stale male.” The commercials were so popular that in 1954 Pittsburgh Brewing Company bought the rights to bottle it and packaged 500 cases to give to customers at Christmas. Inside the bottles, of courses, was the normal Pittsburgh Brewing Company beer. This proved so popular that Pittsburgh Brewing bottled more cases for Christmas 1955 and also issued a quarter million 8 oz cans of Sir Lady Frothingslosh (#242-16 in the USBC, the BCCA’s new guide to beer cans) containing Pittsburgh Brewing’s Tech brand beer.

In 1974 Miss Olde Frothingslosh came back with a vengeance. The Olde Frothingslosh cans with Fatima Yechbergh were reissued in four different colors, including the original brown in addition to blue, orange and red. This depressed the value of the 1968 version (but NOT of the 1955 Sir Lady cans!) but elated many beer can collectors who began snapping up the cans for their shelves. In 1975 the can was issued in purple, yellow and silver, followed by a white can in 1976. Pittsburgh Brewing continued issuing a profusion of other Olde Frothingslosh cans over the next decade

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  Gump said:
Bud Light

Had some Four Loko's this weekend. The Lemonade isn't bad and the purple or blue can is yuk. They may be banning it this week. So buy up. Not sure how true that is.

While this situation is in Rhode Island it might be banned everywhere soon.


"Blackout in a can", “I have talked to students who say it is a two-drink blackout”, "One can contains the same amount of alcohol as 4.7 regular beers or standard drinks"

I think I'll be picking some up rather quickly. :D

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Wife got some blueberry beer a couple weeks ago. Took a couple sips. Wasn't bad I guess, but not something I wanted to drink more of

Had some Yuengling last weekend for the first time in several years... Forgot how good it is

BTW... Does a long established Social Group make this thread a repost?? :D


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