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Post the negative rep you have received


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I wonder if Casper can look up those stats? If you don't count the neg rep I left IP after he busted me for my post about tears and climaxing... I think I've only used it once or twice ever. And I'm guessing it was on Todd#43 after he started using it.

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i haz none on here.

on cr different story

reputation_pos.gifWORLD VS ZEEFAG 28th April 2011 06:41 AMVrrroomm. Psssshhhhtt. Vrrrooommmmm. Psssshhhhtttt. Vrrrrooommm. Psssshhhhttt. Funnay! Patter$on

reputation_neg.gifWORLD VS ZEEFAG 28th April 2011 12:34 AMGrow up. -Miller

reputation_balance.gifThis guy > you 19th April 2011 12:13 PMi lolz'ed - smokinhawk

reputation_pos.gifMr. Asshole 13th April 2011 02:08 PMPlus rep for the linebacker humor. double plus for taking it down. - RMTC

reputation_pos.gif****A LOL Thread?**** 11th April 2011 06:43 PMtrue story

reputation_pos.gifNew blaster. Can you... 22nd January 2011 01:04 PMawesome

reputation_balance.gifN/A 13th January 2011 02:28 PMThat's sad.

reputation_neg.gifIs SpaceGhost Ghey? 13th December 2010 12:36 PMdouchebag

reputation_pos.gif$10 For Evolutionm.net... 10th December 2010 04:44 PM

reputation_pos.gifN/A 10th November 2010 01:16 PMahaahahahahahaha

reputation_pos.gifEver been fired 29th September 2010 09:45 AMfriday son friday... hey smokey

reputation_neg.gifNew from marysville 23rd September 2010 11:23 AMyour gayyyyyy - your dearest neon owner

reputation_pos.gifmotocross boot, helmet fs 15th September 2010 05:19 PMMudflap$

reputation_neg.gifCCW + drinking...(not... 6th August 2010 12:23 AMFull retard.

reputation_pos.gifSteve Jobs says If you... 20th April 2010 11:12 PMwinner

reputation_balance.gifDublin Rookie 9th April 2010 02:47 PM

reputation_neg.gifwanting to get a harley... 26th March 2010 08:29 AMlol such a douche... youre like the guy nobody likes that thinks he is the shit haha...were all laughing at you - your best friend

reputation_balance.gif2008 Harley Davidson... 23rd March 2010 02:17 PM

reputation_neg.gifSchool me on the Dodge... 9th March 2010 07:02 PMlol

reputation_neg.gifSchool me on the Dodge... 8th March 2010 01:28 PMQuit plugging your company. Become a sponsor or gtfo.

reputation_balance.gifWTB: 1990 FWD Tsi Talon... 23rd February 2010 11:42 PMThanks 4 link! -Boosted_ACE

reputation_neg.gifNew to CR 2nd February 2010 09:02 AMyour car does not run shut up

reputation_neg.gifNewby from Picktown 24th January 2010 10:28 PMmeh

reputation_neg.gifUs conspiracy therory... 11th January 2010 12:23 PMAlex Jones bullshit

reputation_neg.gif****A LOL Thread?**** 4th January 2010 11:12 AMyou disapoint

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i think i tried to sign up on CR once, and i was denied lol it might've had something to do with me putting in a fast and furious quote in the reason for wanting to join CR or something like that. but i really believe that for those 16 seconds or less, I'm free.

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Wow... quite the thin skinned shark tank over there.
i think i tried to sign up on CR once, and i was denied lol it might've had something to do with me putting in a fast and furious quote in the reason for wanting to join CR or something like that. but i really believe that for those 16 seconds or less, I'm free.

And that's why I resigned from there. I couldn't stand the REAL overmoderation of everything.

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The clothing requirements of CR are too much.

1. All hats must be worn at a 45Degree angle from the deck and pointed towards magnetic North while facing West.

2. Ridiculously colored plaid Shants must be worn at least 3 days a week in the summer.

There's more but that was enough for me not to join.

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I have a couple good ones from CR...

24th October 2008 09:37 AM and you are the fool if you were to vote obama destroyer of economies

Someone actually thought I was an Obama fan.

20th September 2008 02:56 AM why did you lighten the pic for.... I feel bad for Paul bitch is hit in the face

10th November 2008 09:35 PM You suck wang - Love Trowa

21st January 2009 11:03 PM gaaay

14th August 2010 10:30 AM Just when you thought he might be alright, he opens his mouth. Fail.

I posted: "No mushroom stamp, no more posting. Don't make me ban you from this thread."

28th April 2011 01:22 PM butthurt

My post: "Have I ever made a comment about rep I've received? Ever? Anything? Is this thread about me? Did I start it? Did I make a comment about getting rep? Pull the corncob out of your ass and then read."

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  • 4 months later...
Yea CRB left me a priceless one too, he likes feeding the trolls.

I've been trying to feed the trolley less lately! This forum is vastly different than most I frequent. There are some personalities here and they let their personality shine!

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That should be a good thing. I'd rather be hated for who I am than love for who I'm not. This forum is tighter knit than others because it's fairly local and we actually do stuff in person unlike nationwide forums. The faster new people learn that the better off they will be. :)

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That should be a good thing. I'd rather be hated for who I am than love for who I'm not. This forum is tighter knit than others because it's fairly local and we actually do stuff in person unlike nationwide forums. The faster new people learn that the better off they will be. :)

I've learned not to take everything on this forum at face value, some people throw things out there just to get a reaction! I thought you were serious about the carry in bars shit, and hell you might have been.

I'm actually requesting less forums now because I like it here. I'm not participating at BFA anymore, because I can't negatively discuss OFCC when somebody else brings it up. I didn't fit the mold at OFCC either because I hate different rules for different people! Besides I can keep up on Ohio 2nd amendment news here at OR!

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pretty sure he was serious.

but if i was in his position and had that happen to me also, so would i!

doesnt matter since its legal now though

What he said.

I was serious but I will clearify now that you are not being such a, well, troll feeder. I have been thru a lot in my life and have three bullet holes in me from two different events. I choose not to be a victim and will never back down from a fight even one I am sure to lose so therefore I am always prepared and usually carry 2 and have a 3rd in the truck. I always have and always will carry in the bar because that is where most mouthy douche bags start shit. I do not however carry in the bar if I will be drinking like a champ. One or two yes I will still carry more than that I will leave it in the truck. I do not not go get hammered and act like a thug if that was the impression you got, I rarely even go to bars anymore I usually just have people over to the house to drink. Against the law,yes. Does everyone break a law or two, yes. I never start an altercation but I also never back down either so if I have to draw in a bar I will because it will be a defensive incident and I am willing to be judged by a jury of my peers for protecting myself. Hope that gives you a better understanding....If not, well, we can go back to the ball busting :)

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What he said.

I was serious but I will clearify now that you are not being such a, well, troll feeder. I have been thru a lot in my life and have three bullet holes in me from two different events. I choose not to be a victim and will never back down from a fight even one I am sure to lose so therefore I am always prepared and usually carry 2 and have a 3rd in the truck. I always have and always will carry in the bar because that is where most mouthy douche bags start shit. I do not however carry in the bar if I will be drinking like a champ. One or two yes I will still carry more than that I will leave it in the truck. I do not not go get hammered and act like a thug if that was the impression you got, I rarely even go to bars anymore I usually just have people over to the house to drink. Against the law,yes. Does everyone break a law or two, yes. I never start an altercation but I also never back down either so if I have to draw in a bar I will because it will be a defensive incident and I am willing to be judged by a jury of my peers for protecting myself. Hope that gives you a better understanding....If not, well, we can go back to the ball busting :)

I have really come to the conclusion I could give a flying fuck less what you do legal or not! Now understand if I'm on said jury I will go by the law, no hard feelings! The asshat that pulled the gun on me 1 1/2 years ago is still walking around free, his asshat lawyer keeps continuing the case. I'm starting to believe there is no justice anymore we cane depend on anybody else anymore hell I'm trusting the cops less and less everyday.

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