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what do you shoot at?


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Weather and school is likely screwing me out of going shooting this weekend, but I was talking to SpeedyTriple about the outdoor range near Nelson Ledges, and what we might shoot at.

He said he usually brings jugs of water, which I've seen plenty of people shoot online. Good option, but...

Other than that, what do you typically shoot at? I was cleaning out some old files at work, and found over 50 old CD's; restore disks and drivers for computers we no longer have.

I was thinking a half inch deep cut in a 2x4 (circular saw) would be a great way to line them up and make them explode. Decent idea?

I found 50 or 60 CD's today, but I could probably get another 50 or 60 if I asked coworkers, or just cleaned out the book shelf at home using stuff that's scratched beyond use, or old burned stuff that no longer wants to work in my car.

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Interesting idea! I recently tossed about 50 or so CD's. Wish I would've thought of this!

Yesterday, I just rounded up some emtpy bottles here at the shop. The HDPE bottles seem to do better (oil, antifreeze, etc. comes in them) and PETE bottles seem to tear easily (such as pop bottles.)

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Cd's don't really do much, I've tried them. They are also really hard to clean up afterwards. Cheap cola from Sam's club in aluminum cans is always fun. You can shoot them with pistol, rifle or hand tossed with a shotgun. :cool: Water bottles are fun, if you add some food coloring you can pretend your on a tv show.:D Clay birds if you can buy the multi-pack boxes that come with mini's, midi's and full size clays. Gives you three different size targets to shoot at.

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Cd's don't really do much, I've tried them. They are also really hard to clean up afterwards.

i figured they would at least shatter - am I off base? the clean-up issue occurred to me, so I'd probably reserve this for an area where cleaning up was semi optional (or lay down a tarp under/behind the targets).

I can always buy a crap microwave from a thrift store and video the lightning storm instead :p

RC cola, here i come! I had thought about that, and then reconsidered; assuming pop cans would be too expensive. It's literally been 10 years since I've bought a case of pop, so I was thinking of beer prices. ha.

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At that range with Speedy, on the first row of tires, set up spent shotgun shells. Just the right distance to add some skill and fun.

Also, bring a plastic grocery store bag with you to pick up a boat load of spent brass just laying around.

FROZEN water bottles work well too.

Normally though, I just shoot at milk jugs and orange juice containers.

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Grainger and phone books


cardboard squares

paper targets

thin metal plates

pumpkins when in season

watermelon when in season

an old TV

water jugs

frozen water balloons

bowling pins

This was at my dads farm last winter, it was a 5 yr old keg of Heineken. We drug it around with a quad for about 20 minutes then shot it with a Ruger 270.


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i figured they would at least shatter - am I off base? the clean-up issue occurred to me, so I'd probably reserve this for an area where cleaning up was semi optional (or lay down a tarp under/behind the targets).

I can always buy a crap microwave from a thrift store and video the lightning storm instead :p

RC cola, here i come! I had thought about that, and then reconsidered; assuming pop cans would be too expensive. It's literally been 10 years since I've bought a case of pop, so I was thinking of beer prices. ha.

The cd's with a high power rifle at any distance and they really just leave a nice little hole, sometimes they break in half. Even .22lr at 25-50 yards is kinda underwhelming. Pistol rounds do more damage and they will splinter and throw little flecks of the reflective coating all over. A tarp underneath wouldn't be a bad plan.

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