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What style of street riding do you prefer.


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Interesting answers.

In groups, I'll be in the back of the pack. My bike's not the fastest and I don't like being crowded from behind. So, by all means you can go first.

On the freeway it's always about 5mph faster than traffic. Never sit in a blind spot. Always just left the area when the cars move over. Odd how if you ride at the same speed as traffic somebody will always ease you into their blind spot, then forget your there.

Don't worry too much about the speed limit. More about the conditions of the road and traffic. Slower or faster as needed. Left hand tire track mostly, staying off the oil patch in the center of the lane. Mindful of the scenery too. Horse apples might mean a buggy in the middle of the road on that next turn.

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...And make it miserable for everyone else. :rolleyes:

Those that like to ride "balls-to-the-wall" don't usually get invites to one of my rides ;),

and if they did they probably wouldn't come anyway.

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ride the street only in packs.. 2-5 i hate riding alone. usually its just cruising around. but if we head to hocking we'll pick up the pace. I always leave a little something just to "help" accomidate the possiblity of issues that arise. I only go balls to the wall on the track were most of the street issues have been removed. Its hard enough to remember all the markers on the tracks we go to let alone all the roads i like to hit up too.

plus i'll be the first to say it.. once i rode the track.. no matter how "fast, aggressive" i got on the street it NEVER touched the feeling of the track, so thats where i keep most of it

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Pretty conservative here, at generally 5-10 over the posted...

...Basically slower than 10% of most highway traffic, but faster than 98% of cars on the twisty roads.

I like making it home to see my wife after a ride.

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Correct me if im wrong but are you the guy from dayton that when down on last years CSBA ride? if no then nevermind. I just know he had a newer CBR1000 and went to the ditch because he crossed the yellow line and almost hit a car.
Wrong guy


I'm not from Dayton, not that there is anything wrong with being from Dayton, I have friends that are from Dayton.

CSBA rides are a good time though and anyone who can make it to one should go with them. They are well organized, ride a good pace and are a great bunch of guys.

There are some good comments from others. I remember when getting rid of chicken strips was a goal, now that I have some more seat time keeping them is a goal. I like having the extra lean angle in reserve if needed. My something in reserve pace is faster than my old 100% pace that was riddled with uh-oh moments out of control over my head stupid riding. This all changed with a little track time and I can't recommend a track day enough to guys who ride sport bikes. For me, I believe a track day kept me from wrecking and was well worth the money; at least it saved me from a deductible.

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I ride like a drive... Alone on country roads or the freeway I'll let her breathe a bit, but I always slow down when there's any chance of contention (side streets, other vehicles etc).

I corner very coservatively, always leave plenty of reserve. Can't count the number of times I've found a puddle of gravel or dead critter in the road that required me to change my line. Balls-out, you can't do much about that.

In my car I corner very conservatively and power out of the corner so my avg speed it still where it needs to be but I'm never anywhere near the limit at the apex. Too many things can go wrong.

When traction is low I stick to the speed limits religiously. Same with limit of 35 or under, or in residential areas and of course school zones. I drive through Dublin twice a day and about 50% of the time there is a cop there. Usually handing out a ticket.

I stick to lane markings like my life depends on it. I won't drive or ride across a cross-hatch even if it means missing a cycle of the light. I hate seeing people drive half in the shoulder on long curved freeway ramps.

I am greatly amused by seeing people get mightly pissed off when I do things like "Stop at a stop sign", "Stop before turning right on red" or "Stick to 20 mph in a school zone with flashing lights and a cop playing laser tag."

On the bike I prefer to be lone with no other traffic. I will power past clumps of traffic (or slow and let them get ahead) to maintain that buffer of space.

I leave 4 seconds of following distance. The look of disgust this earns from drivers behind me is amazing, you'd think I was skinning babies alive in my car. It's funny to see some hothead swerve out and pass me on the shoulder to get into my 4 second following distance... Yet 30 minutes later when I exit the freeway he's still only 4 seconds ahead of me.

On the bike I do my best to stay out of everyone's way.

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I like smaller groups of 3-5 people, and in general people that I know well enough. I've taken many newbies out over the years, and enjoy showing what sort of playgrounds we do have around this area. A couple people here that I've taken out and ridden with know the pace that I like, and that's how I'll leave it...:D

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When riding 1-up on roads I know, and no adverse weather, I usually hit 15-20 over on the speed limit, hit corners at 15-20 over suggested speed limit.

when riding with a passenger, or solo on unfamiliar roads, I cut it back to 10

adverse weather usually puts me within speed limits, and suggested speeds.

of course there are the occasional blasts on open straightaways or freeways where criminal speeding may or may not be involved, lol.

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I'm a commuter. Three lanes all going the same direction is my comfort zone. I'm getting used to the twisties but oncoming traffic going into a turn still leaves me a bit uneasy. It will get better as I practice within my limits.

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Alone I ride as fast as I'm comfortable doing. In a group, same thing. I just drop back if it's uncomfortable, and make up for it on the straights. Always cautious . The 100 plus from Dexter city to marrieta was a blast

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Alone about 80 %. In a group I keep up for the most part. Do not have much group riding experience. Ditto for the CSBA rides. John does a good job of planing. Regardless do not over commit to the corner, you are on a public road. Once I had two large dogs just laying in the middle of the road on a blind curve. Thank god, no gravel so I could avoid them. Rule of thumb 1/4 to 3/8 inch chiken strip is just right for the street.

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it just depends on my mood and how often ive ridden my bike that week or so. if Ive ridden a couple times that week then I'm a little harder on it. If I haven't ridden in a week or so I'm pretty easy on it. Cuz if you haven't rode a 1st. gen zx10. It can be a bit nasty.

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I like smaller groups of 3-5 people, and in general people that I know well enough.

I just learned this last year. Ill never ride towards the front or middle of a group ride again where I dont know everyone. Its bad enough youre riding on a two way road at a hot pace, but combined with trying to pass is a bitch and would hate to see any of the guys I ride with go down like last year. Im spending less time on the streets and more at the track this season bc of this.

i ride at speed limit or 10mph below at all times. I like walking speed mostly.

This is why I ride with NinjaNick...makes me look like Rossi :D

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When I ride by myself I stay about 5-10 mph within the speed limit on the street and highway. Music playing and I just ride relaxing to just get out and ride not balls to the wall but a comfortable pace to match the music playing.

I've only done one group ride and I just rode at my own pace no need to try and catch up and possibly wreck. guys waited for me at stops and continued on from there.

Edited by Jst2fst
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Correct me if im wrong but are you the guy from dayton that when down on last years CSBA ride? if no then nevermind. I just know he had a newer CBR1000 and went to the ditch because he crossed the yellow line and almost hit a car.

i remember that shit. dude was lucky. The the last guy that wrecked the last stop.

I typically ride hard with my friends because they all have sportbikes and me being on the sumo I have to push it to stay up with them.

If im on a group ride I just feel out the situation. But typically am a little cooler.

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Even on a ride with your buddies/release the demons ride I will pay attention to where everyone is at so at times I check up to get a handle on things. That very thing caught me out last year when I crossed a center line checking on the rest of the guys. That to me is as bad as crashing and it still bothers me that I did it and also makes me question doing rides like that.

Depends if the demons are involved.

Balls to the wall or as fast as ^^ those two are willing to go ;)

Correct me if im wrong but are you the guy from dayton that when down on last years CSBA ride? if no then nevermind. I just know he had a newer CBR1000 and went to the ditch because he crossed the yellow line and almost hit a car.

Different guy, the one you are refering to is not on OR

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Does anyone know how the guy is doing that went down on Nick's ride last year? I think he broke his wrist? He was in the Air Force I think. Bike totaled and replaced or what?

I haven't heard anything since about the day after from Monsterman, the younger ducati rider. I thought it was collarbone, wrist, ribs, and sprain ankle?

It was a deadly wreck that he survived in my opinion. Lucky he went into other lane instead of plowing into 6 of us parked thank god. His screen name was sunburst or something like that on here. That was a scene I don't want to see again.

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