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Why my bike is a she


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I have always refers to my bike as a "she" rather than an "it". A friend finally got curious and asked why that was. This was my explanation....

I have to get new rubbers all the time. I ended up spending all my money on her. She gets wet quite frequently, sometimes with me on her and sometimes all by herself. She likes to be ridden hard. She is loud and obnoxious. She is mostly only a one rider type bike but will occasionally go two up.

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It's a she because it can't think for itself and only does what I tell her to do.


ive never gotten into calling my vehicles "she"....even my dirt bike that i poured my soul into and my mustang that i did the same, it just felt weird calling it a "she".....my vehicles are just "it" and dont have names either....nothing against yall who name them and stuff, just feels weird to me

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She does what I tell her to and she knows what I like

All I can think about is riding her

We thouroughly enjoy vouyerism

She never has a headache

Very few people have seen her naked

She never says thank you for all the money I spend on her

I can't imagine her not in my life

Edited by Jamez
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Living with a Tuono is a lot like living with a slightly coke-addled stripper. She looks nice, is crazy as fook, and when you twist the crank she grabs you by the manly bits and growls at you to 'lean further, go faster...' You throw money at her. You dress her up in carbon and Ti... :D

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