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What kinda gun do you have ?


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I'm not mixing any personal internal conflicts, you're the one when giving examples only listed ones surrounding weapons making someone feel like Billy Badass.

It's a little better, but you still sound like you have issues.

Oh, I'm sure we all have issues of some sort, otherwise, we would live in a perfect world and yes I was wrong for asking the question the way I did the first time. Wasn't meant to mean anything, just happened to be the example that came to mind while typing. Besides, what the hell is wrong with feeling like a Billy Badass? Most of us are men aren't we, who doesn't want to be a badass?


1. Because I can!

2. It all started when my wife worked at the bank. The bank across the street was robbed. The robbers stalked the bank employee and killed him (which didn't make the news) I got my Indiana CCW and my first pistol to protection t my wife and I.

3. I wasn't allowed to have toy guns as a kid.

4. I love the smell of gun powder and lead.

5.,its fun to shoot

6. I enjoy the challenge (closer groups, better scores, etc.)

No I don't think I'm a badass because I own a gun. I hope I never have to draw my firearm in self defense and pray I never have to pull the trigger in self defense. I am comforted having my firearms just in case. The bad guys have guns why shouldn't I. I'm not paranoid I just like being prepared!

See, this is the kind of answer I was looking for. The way the world is going these days, and all the talk about firearms on this board has made me start to think about purchasing some new ones. I kind of miss just going out and shooting and think it's important we Americans don't lose our rights to bare arms. I'm not really sure why, just starting to get the itch back.

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so is the world supposed to end at midnight or some shit? If so I'm ok with that since I'll be playing softball then visiting my favorite strip club afterwords. If I'm going out without a fight, I want it to be with tits in my face

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Dude I respect your choice to not own arms that fire. It all come down to ones experiences and personal choice. And don't get upset with Fusion, he's here to make you question yourself and your sexuality. All you can do is pray to Odin that he gets laid one day. Back to broomsticks

I've been in some bad situations as you have and my thoughts have led to to own weapons AND enjoy them. Plus people are crazy. I also shoot for the balls first. It's just how I do things.

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We can adjust the +// 12 Hour window to fit your schedule.

Just let us know what time you would like to give Fred Phelps a mustache ride.

I must be missing the punch line. Who is Fred phelps first and I would never give a dude a mustache ride.

I need to get out more apparently I don't get today's humor

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Fred is Head nutjob at westboro Baptist church.

This dude makes that dude look like a normal dude.


Note: "that dude" was a former member here that we cut loose cause he was a fucking clownshoe.

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Fred is Head nutjob at westboro Baptist church.

This dude makes that dude look like a normal dude.

YouTube - ‪You're gonna eat your babies!‬‏

Note: "that dude" was a former member here that we cut loose cause he was a fucking clownshoe.

Thanks for clarifying that LOL! I'm terrible with names. I hope those westboro Baptist doushe bags rot in hell for an eternity. I wish that on few people but these nut jobs are scum. I don't even dislike justin that much he is just a blind brain dead Obama bot zombie. There is a special place in hell for those westboro Baptist folks. I salute the patriot guard for defending those innocent families.

God bless our troops!

This guy is crazy!


And Justin calls me a racist! I'm not sure he knows the definition of racist!

Edited by crb
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I'm in the patriot guard and a wounded vet.

Will you give me a mustache ride or do you just hate America that much?

No I won't give you a mustache ride I'm straight and married. I also do not hate America! I love this country with my heart and soul! Thanks for your service to this great country. I joined the patriot guard after hearing about it on NRA news. If you are set on a mustache ride check with Justin (jrmiii) he seems a little flake.

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Just joking about the Mride. Sorry I'm still a lil caffeinated.

It's good to know you're straigh and married but that's exactly what all the dems like Germy are looking for, just like in brokeback mountain. Everything seems all manly and legit then they throw some surprise buttsecks at you and then you start looking forward to what color pantsuit Hilary "cankle" Clinton is wearing.

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…Because I am not a badass.

I have enough training to understand that realistically I would not necessarily be able to punch myself or my loved-ones out of danger in many real-life situations. Especially if the badguy is armed.

I also find target shooting and training to be very therapeutic and stress-relieving.

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…Because I am not a badass.

I have enough training to understand that realistically I would not necessarily be able to punch myself or my loved-ones.

I think you are correct. That is the definition of not being a bad ass :lol:

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