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What would your reaction be?


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I wonder what that snake was saying to the other snakes when it got back home. It was probably something like: "A hissing hissane biker was hissing going 250km/h on a hissing gssssxr and I about hissed my hissing pants."

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At first I thought it was about that dick flying by them in the same lane and then I saw it was the snake coming out of his bike when he got WOT. I'd shit! Worst I had was a yellow jacket get caught in my helmets neck pad and was getting stung as I had to pull over fast. A snake....id be stopping even harder. Can you say stoppie? :lol:

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I'd in all actuality would probably stand up on the pegs begin flapping my arms like a bird in hopes of flying away. If that doesn't work id probably jump off the bike let it deal with the snake and of take my chances with the pavement at 173mph.

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was the rider the guy in the helmet with only a t-shirt on?

in full leathers and with gauntlet gloves on, I might have remained composed enough to grab and throw the snake off the bike. Might have.

more likely though,


"i'm looking for Ray Finkle ...and a clean pair of shorts."

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was the rider the guy in the helmet with only a t-shirt on?

in full leathers and with gauntlet gloves on, I might have remained composed enough to grab and throw the snake off the bike. Might have.

more likely though,


"i'm looking for Ray Finkle ...and a clean pair of shorts."

:lol: with the Ray Finkle bit.

Yeah, in leathers that thing won't hurt you...toss it.

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