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What internet do you have?


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I have Century Link right now and I am tired of it going out all the time. I've had it with them. Who do you have, how much do you pay and what do you like/dislike about it? Thanks all!

Edit: AT&T and Verizon don't have service where I live.

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Insight (service by TW Roadrunner) for 3 more weeks out here in Galena, then it will be WOW! at the new joint in Westerville.

Service has been great; the modem died once, they replaced it. In 7 years, the cable (and Intarwebs) have only been out twice that I can recall.

D/L speeds usually around 20 Mbps, pings 25 ms.

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TWC Road Runner 10Mbps (used to be the 7 but it was upgraded in April), no complaints for internet or online gaming. The only thing is that with speed tests I have noticed during different parts of the day my service varies by A LOT speed wise.

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I have Century Link right now and I am tired of it going out all the time. I've had it with them. Who do you have, how much do you pay and what do you like/dislike about it? Thanks all!

Edit: AT&T and Verizon don't have service where I live.

I have Centurylink, which is more like "turn of the" century link. I started out with Sprint, then it was Embarq and now CenturyLink through all the mergers. My latest update from them was that 5.0 meg service I'd been paying for for the past 3 years was no longer available and they gave me a $50 credit. Speeds are always slow, seems to be a lot of congestion and their customer service is horrible. Unfortunately they are the only provider where I live, no cable in my area, so I have to live with it. :cry:

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TWC Road Runner 10Mbps (used to be the 7 but it was upgraded in April), no complaints for internet or online gaming. The only thing is that with speed tests I have noticed during different parts of the day my service varies by A LOT speed wise.

I do a lot of online gaming I run 2 Xbox's simultaneously and sometimes 3 if the wife is using the other one to watch a movie on netflix. Usually a a computer or two is connected at the same time we are gaming and the tivo will connect to update stuff and I never have any problems.

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I have armstrong cable internet and love it. I have had zero problems with my cable internet.

I just checked them and don't get their service here.

I have Centurylink, which is more like "turn of the" century link. I started out with Sprint, then it was Embarq and now CenturyLink through all the mergers. My latest update from them was that 5.0 meg service I'd been paying for for the past 3 years was no longer available and they gave me a $50 credit. Speeds are always slow, seems to be a lot of congestion and their customer service is horrible. Unfortunately they are the only provider where I live, no cable in my area, so I have to live with it. :cry:

Yeah, I am really fed up with them. That's probably the only reason they are still in business because they offer service where others don't.

I do a lot of online gaming I run 2 Xbox's simultaneously and sometimes 3 if the wife is using the other one to watch a movie on netflix. Usually a a computer or two is connected at the same time we are gaming and the tivo will connect to update stuff and I never have any problems.

All I mainly do is surf the web, up/download pictures and occasionally larger files. No gaming or anything like that so a basic package or a step up will do just fine for me.

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I had TWC for three years and absolutely HATED them! I did constant speed tests and even though I was paying for "Turbo" (15Mbps) I was rarely getting above 5Mbps. I called and complained so many times, but their customer service was terrible and they kept blaming it on me (I work in IT I would know if it was me). Many of my friends in this area have had the same problem with them. I even had one friend who worked in the TWC customer service and she told me that during training they were told to tell customers that it was their router causing the problem and it wasn't TWC's fault. They provide HORRIBLE service, at least in the Columbus area. They overcharge and their customer service is horrible. I cannot steer you away from them enough. I now have AT&T U-Verse and I'm still not 100% happy with it but I am 999999999x happier with it, than I was with TWC.

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I even had one friend who worked in the TWC customer service and she told me that during training they were told to tell customers that it was their router causing the problem and it wasn't TWC's fault. They provide HORRIBLE service, at least in the Columbus area.

Wow, that's messed up they'd do that. :nono:

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You can find my bitching about TW internet on here awhile back. I had standard service and was having major problems when trying to play xBox online, confirmed by ridiculous speed test results. They gave me a free upgrade to Turbo for 6 months to see if that would fix the problem, and it had no effect initially. They sent a tech to verify everything was OK. I chalked it up to being unlucky with where I live and forgot about it. Eventually I stopped having problems, but unfortunately I think I pay for the Turbo service now. I really don't want to know what it actually costs me. Standard should be fine for my purposes but I don't want to mess with something that is working.

I figure the problem was bandwidth related, although nobody from TW would acknowledge that, and I honestly don't know too much about how this stuff works these days. I assume they made improvements to either their infrastructure or load balancing in the area and that is why it is OK now.

Friends with TW in other areas have had no problems.

EDIT: My bill shows an extra 9.95 for the Turbo upgrade. I have no idea what the base cost is as it's a bundle with the cable.

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does tw still make you "login" every time you want to use the internet?

that's why I didn't get them back in the day. I thought that was fucking retarded. that and everyone keeps telling me their service is supposed to be really high mb download but you never really get that. especially at peek times when everyone is at home using it.

(you share the speeds with your neighbors)

my brother's co worker said his zoomtown from cincinnati bell is always faster than his roadrunner was.

that's what I have and always thought zoomtown was inferior but he said no way.

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Frontier. Was acquired from Verizon about two years ago. I live in the sticks and its all I can get. I just recently got upgraded to 3 meg down and 768k up (from 768k down and 128k up) I feel like I am shitting in tall cotton now. I can stream Netflix in HD and my direct TV on demand is in HD as well!! W00T!!!

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Unfortunately, you're not going to get accurate answers for YOU from asking here. You need to talk to people in your immediate area to get an idea of what works where you are. I think you already know the answer, since Time Warner (or is it Insight out there), and Century Link are the only 2 affordable options.

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Unfortunately, you're not going to get accurate answers for YOU from asking here. You need to talk to people in your immediate area to get an idea of what works where you are. I think you already know the answer, since Time Warner (or is it Insight out there), and Century Link are the only 2 affordable options.

I realize their aren't many out here where I live, but I'd rather have someone mention a carrier I didn't think of and they do have service for me than not even know about them. Some of these I have never heard of.

Insight does not offer service where you live, you will have to go with TW unless WOW is out there, but I don't think they are.

I think WOW does carry here but not 100%.

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Well I called support two nights ago and bitched about our internet. They sent a tech out and he found a break about 100 feet from our router. My wife says it's faster than ever now so as long as I have no more issues, I'll probably be sticking with them.

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I have Century Link and going round and round with them since Monday. Our DSL stopped working.

Yeah, we've called them before about it and they said they knew about the glitch and were in the process of repairing it. Thing is, I don't have many options where I live. I'd most likely be trading one crappy service for another crappy service. At least with Century Link, they haven't tried to slam us with BS fees and charges like Road Runner did.

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