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Thanks for taking up all 2GB of my data plan in 4 days... Damn sigs and avatars and pics. Its too late now, but now I gotta figure out how to disable all that crap. Im on this damn site for 8 hours a day while im at my 2nd job, I am gunna sue OR for the $15 I gotta pay to bump up my plan to 5GB now, or $30 if I gotta jump to 10mb if I cannot figure out how to disable all the damn MB eaters...

Why the hell does this website have to have so many damn good members, I know I bust balls and get my balls busted, but its all in good fun. I feel like a fuckin troll being on this site all damn day long, like wtf, do I really have nothing better to do at work? The answer is no, I have nothing better to do at work but browse this damn fourm... I know, im a lazy shitbag, but hell my work could atleast give us wifi so I dont have to use up all my damn data.

Before I joined this website I was using 5% of my data per day at my second job.. Now I used 25% of my data per day, just on this forum... That is redicilous. Hell b4 I found this site I would browse other fourms, craigslist, and play online games for 8 hours straight and get by with 2GB for the entire month... DAMN YOU O.R.

Is there some kind of rehab clinic I can go to that will cure me of my addiction? I mean this is out of control, I should prob be doing something more productive with my time. During my 1st job I dont even touch my phone at all, so could this mean there is a problem with my second job? Or is it just a problem with me? BTW ima rent-a-cop at my 2nd job and a expeditor at my 1st job. I wonder if that could play a factor in this whole situation... Bust my ass the first 1/2 of the day and do nothing productive the 2nd 1/2 of my day?

Well thats my rant for the day, true story.

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Thanks for taking up all 2GB of my data plan in 4 days... Damn sigs and avatars and pics. Its too late now, but now I gotta figure out how to disable all that crap. Im on this damn site for 8 hours a day while im at my 2nd job, I am gunna sue OR for the $15 I gotta pay to bump up my plan to 5GB now, or $30 if I gotta jump to 10mb if I cannot figure out how to disable all the damn MB eaters...

Why the hell does this website have to have so many damn good members, I know I bust balls and get my balls busted, but its all in good fun. I feel like a fuckin troll being on this site all damn day long, like wtf, do I really have nothing better to do at work? The answer is no, I have nothing better to do at work but browse this damn fourm... I know, im a lazy shitbag, but hell my work could atleast give us wifi so I dont have to use up all my damn data.

Before I joined this website I was using 5% of my data per day at my second job.. Now I used 25% of my data per day, just on this forum... That is redicilous. Hell b4 I found this site I would browse other fourms, craigslist, and play online games for 8 hours straight and get by with 2GB for the entire month... DAMN YOU O.R.

Is there some kind of rehab clinic I can go to that will cure me of my addiction? I mean this is out of control, I should prob be doing something more productive with my time. During my 1st job I dont even touch my phone at all, so could this mean there is a problem with my second job? Or is it just a problem with me? BTW ima rent-a-cop at my 2nd job and a expeditor at my 1st job. I wonder if that could play a factor in this whole situation... Bust my ass the first 1/2 of the day and do nothing productive the 2nd 1/2 of my day?

Well thats my rant for the day, true story.

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Thanks, snot, I got everything turned off now.

Unlimited is not unlimited... Well it is, but after your 2GB usage it runs like a snail. I just bumped myself to 5GB and that should last the rest of the month if I dont watch any vids since I got all the mb eaters from this site turned off.

There is a HUGE difference between the 20mbs I was getting compaired to the 0.06 mbs I get when I hit the cap... Sprint has the only TRULY unlimited plan(no cap) but they dont offer 4g in this area and it is slower than snails on 3g. I had sprint for 1week b4 I switched yo Tmobile. Verison and AT&T have the same plan as Tmobile. Oh I forgot bout cricket, no 4g and like sprint they are so as snails... Ill gladly pay an extra $15 for the speed boost, even though browsing is still possible(but slow) when you hit the cap.

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Gotta love that our family plan has unlimited everything grandfathered in. My data usage on my phone is insane.

What o.O I had unlimites with verision for 7years, but they didnt grandfather me in so I ended up switching. What company do u have?

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Are u on a smartphone? Cuz smartphone data plans work differently. Although im not sure how thr family plan works for verision. I had 2 lines with em and once someone went over that was it for both of us.

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Sprint isn't all that slow for me. At least not when I'm tethering to my laptop. Seriously, I hate trying to surf on a phone. I only do so when I need to find something and I'm not around a computer. The biggest data usage for my smartphone? Pandora, or Spotify.

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Pandora hardly uses anything, maybe 1mb per hour for me. also you prob have 4g out that way with sprint, where as out here in Dayton sprint doesnt have 4g, although the phone service was great cuz I live right next to a sprint tower, but internet pft. I know if sprint had 4g out this way I woulda stuck with em for sure.

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No 4g where I live. There is where I work, but I rarely use it, other than to tether when the internet connection at work goes down. Sometimes, I even stick with 3g for that, and it's not bad. It IS slow compared to my cable connection here at home, but compared to the DSL at work it's not bad.

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I have Verizon unlimited, grandfathered in. I use about 8-10 gb a month and notice no slow downs after any certain point. I would be screwed if I didn't get grandfathered in.

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Guess I should of looked into that since I had em for so long, too late now :( I would bloe through 10gb in a day(Netflix/YouTube) if I had unlimited without caps. I would give verison a call and see if I could get back in with em if they would give me unlimited, but in a 2year contract with Tmobile.

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OR, youtube, netflix, pandora,tinyshark, and mp3 downloader OH MY!!!! I'm always over 10 G's a month and never a slow down on my grand father verizon plan....maybe you need to stay out of the horray for boobies thread..lol

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