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can you answer this ?


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After returning from the Dream Ride I went to a family party where I was asked what I had done today. I said I went for a ride. They asked with who? The wife said with some people from the internet

then the questions came,Who are these people? Do you know these people? Why did you go 80 mile to meet up with someone you don't know?Why ride with a big group of bikes?

After some though I said Why don't we ask the 10 other people that rode just as far and then continued to follow someone they never met and didn't know where he was going 100 plus more miles?

Some people will never understand But most on here will

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Inform them, as politely as you possibly can, that you enjoy meeting random groups of gay bikers in the woods miles from anyone who may spot you and that you've been doing this for a number of years. That you would greatly appreciate an intervention, then break into tears with your face in your hands. Let it sink into their heads while you continue to "cry" before laughing your ass off at their misunderstandings. Some people just dont get the rider mentality. That it only takes this one common interest to bring multitudes of us together so we can all ride like we love to

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couple of my good friends i met this way, if i didnt go on my first OR ride there would be 20 or so less numbers in my address book

I definitely agree. All joking aside, I've met some of coolest people I'd probably would've never met in my lifetime and made some good friends since joining here.

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i just talk on the internet. i don't actually ride. who can trust any of these homoerotic nutbars? i mean, shit, have you seen the track day threads? they ALL turn into male on male multiple penetration fests, and it is just plain scary.

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That's how you meet new people with similar interest instead of hanging out with their (the person asking the question) boring ass all the time. It's nice to learn new routes. Or just tell them its an excuse to get on the bike where you can't hear your wife nagging all the time.

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On another forum a guys' wife always referred to us as "those internet fags."

It has always gotten some looks when someone asks "Who you going with," and the response is "Oh, just some people from the internet."

I guess some people think that all internet encounters end either locked in some guys' basement or eating cookies with Chris Hanson.

Edited by brn6604
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I want to add something but I can't think of anything else that hasn't already been said.

I think something my Uncle told me fits this pretty good

"Never meet a stranger, you never know who might be able to help you or who you might be able to help."

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Most don't understand because they look at their car/truck/vehicle strictly as a way to get from point A to point B. They don't see motorcycling as an activity.

Maybe if you related it to playing WoW online or Bridge night at Grandma's house they might get it?

My simple answer: "Because it's fun."

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...Who are these people?

...Do you know these people?

...Why did you go 80 mile to meet up with someone you don't know?

...Why ride with a big group of bikes?

Hmmm. I bought a motorcycle because I've always wanted one and decided that it's way past my turn to get something that I can enjoy. That enjoyment is good when I'm alone and it's good when it's shared.

The very same questions could be asked of anyone who travels any distance to attend any event or assembly that includes others they have never met, but share in the enjoyment of a particular sport/activity/show/etc.

Flip the conversation to ask them:

"Have you ever been to a concert, a music event? Have you been to a restaurant? Have you been to a convention, a movie, a park, a church, a city? Have you attended anything that included others that you did not know?"

"How is it that you became aware of this location/event/assembly? Newspaper? Radio? TV? Airplane pulling a banner? Smoke signals? Wild rumors in a the bar? Billboard? Woke up with a headache and a new tattoo that reads, Dinner, Tuesday, 6 pm at the Broken Spoke Cafe'?.........or just possibly, however unbelievable, the (are you ready for it?).......the I N T E R N E T ??? (OH NOOOO! Anything but that!)

"Did you know there would be people there that you would not know, and would also not know each other, all around you, possibly enjoying their attentance just as you would be?"

"So, I must ask you:

Who are these people?

Do you know these people?

Why did you go 3...6...10...100...1000 miles to attend something where there would be people you don't know?"

And the best I can come up with on such short notice is,

"Why not ride with a big group of bikes?"

There is safety in numbers, help if you break down 30 miles from daylight, new friendships to enjoy for years to come, personal experiences to share that could only be appreciated by those with the same interests, and for the very same reason that I like my cookies crunchy and you like yours soft, because I want to and I enjoy it.

I bought a motorcycle and you bought socks with pink ruffles.

I like pretzels with my beer and you like cheese with your whine.

I like warm weather and sunshine, and you like air conditioned, stuffy rooms with the television constantly on, the windows never opened, and the news media constantly telling you how to think, what to think, and who to believe.

I engage in an activity that I enjoy to enhance my life. You have your own things to enjoy. Until you have walked my path, seen my sunsets, or savored just the perfect blend of spice and herbs in the sweetest tomato sauce on the most perfect pizza in a small Ohio village on a backroad leading to nowhere, served by the cutest twenty-something young lady with the perfect wiggle in her walk and dimple in her smile, you couldn't possibly begin to understand what I feel or why I do what I do with whom I choose to do it with.

Shut up. Get a motorcycle. Come with me. Meet who I know. Ride on my ride. Then, and only then may you begin to travel the road to understanding what I understand. Simply, I do it because I enjoy it.

With no apologies...

~ JackFlash ~



Edit: It occured to me that the Ohio Riders forum, at one time was unknown to each and every one of us. I remember being pleased that when searching Google one day, up popped a place where other motorcyclists could meet safely, online, to share what they pleased, with others with a common interest. One of the most appealing reasons was that most of these others were also in Ohio or bordering states. That means, in the same geographical area, giving the possibility that group activities, meet and greets, or rides with new friends may be likely.

Browse the "Introductions" pages off the Forums tab above. I counted 14+ pages of people, just like you, just like me, 20 people per page, wanting to be a part of something and have basically said, "Hi! I like motorcycles. Can I come in and be a part of what you are a part of?" And that is only going back one year.

From the "Community" tab > Members List > "Join Date" tab, you can see this forum's birth, over six years ago, with only three members. Two days later, six more. On the third day, thirteen more asked to be let in, and on it goes. Here we are six years later and still, weekly, there are knocks at the door to ask, "You are a part of something that, I want to be included in, that I enjoy, that I wish to share, with others, just like myself. Can you please let me in, for I am one of you?"

Read those knocks at the door on the "Introductions" pages. Perhaps you will see yourself in the names and faces of the huddled masses wishing to enter. I think we pretty much share in the reasons why we want to be among each other for many of our reasons are the same, and it's only the names and the faces behind those reasons that change.

~ Jack


Edited by JackFlash
Something to add plus needs title.
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