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What would you do?


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to add a a little more to the story. Earlier this summer I filed a noise complaint with my apartment complex because they were blaring techno music til 4 in the morning every night. after that is when I started to be able to hear him yelling and a lot of banging. I never did anything then because I didnt know what was going on. wasnt my place. I only did something this time because of her screaming. I dont know how but she did manage to lock him out of the house and he took off right before the cops showed up. I dont know if she is or isnt pressing charges but i could hear the cops saying that they needed someone to come to take pictures for a DV. So I am hoping she does.

They already have a history with abuse. Mental if nothing else. She finally yelled for help and you responded. I would've done the same thing. When in doubt in this situation, ask yourself "if you were on the other side of this what would you want someone to do that heard you scream?".

and as far as if the dude comes at me for calling the cops....well isnt that why I bought a gun?

100% right on. He's beating his girlfriend/wife or whatever she is and in theory he should love (or at least really like) her. He doesn't know you and you always need to be prepared to defend yourself because you already heard/saw what he does to "loved ones".

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got home from work and her family is there helping her move out. I talked to her dad. He thanked me for calling the police and he said he's ok but a bit shook up obviously.

In her dad's mind you did everything 100% right. He might've even reimbursed you for any bullets if you had used them.:)

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YES. that was my exact thought as well. What if it was me screaming for help, I dont know anyone in my complex, but I would hope that someone would hear me and be willing to do something. So therefore, I did something.

btw forgot to mention, her dad had the coolest Irish accent ever!!

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As a female living alone, I really don't think anybody should recommend that she go and investigate. Sorry. Just doesn't seem smart to me. You did the right thing by calling the cops. They can sort it out later but a call for help is a call for help.


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Sounds like this doucher needs a severe physical lesson as to why men should not abuse women. I HATE fux like this. You did the right thing, and hopefully its all overwith. Getting some range time and a TEL wouldn't hurt just to cover your ass for a few months. This fag may take steps to see if you live alone, your work schedule, what you drive, etc......so keep your wits about you and be safe!

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IDK. I dont think I need to worry about carrying it around. I just keep it here in my apartment. But it is possible, he knows it was me. I was the only person with lights on when it was all going on.

I can introduce myself as your psychotic boyfriend and let him look into my attack pack I carry everywhere, that should change his mind. You saw me pull atleast two pieces from it already.....it wasn't empty lol

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Well idk yet but her dad did say that he tried to strangle her. So I'd rather be prepared than sorry.

If you don't have a ccw get one and then keep your gun on you at all times and keep it loaded until this tool moves or you move. Keep a copy of the police report and report anything that looks like he's messing with/stalking you. Hopefully he's not going down that road, but until you know for sure cover your butt.

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Well I only need to cover my ass for a little while longer. I close on my condo at the end of the month. Then I've got 2 months to move because that is when my lease is up. but I am def moving as soon as I can. I really hope he doesnt mess with me. But I def need to tread carefully just in case.

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Invite us all over for a pizza/gun cleaning party.

25 guys show up packing heat...that doucebag will shit bricks and never look your way again.

I'm free Wednesday, and anytime this weekend.

oh that's a really really good idea. I may have to do that. haha. I'd have to clean my apartment first. haha. I can make chili for everyone too.

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Well I only need to cover my ass for a little while longer. I close on my condo at the end of the month. Then I've got 2 months to move because that is when my lease is up. but I am def moving as soon as I can. I really hope he doesnt mess with me. But I def need to tread carefully just in case.
Getting some range time and a TEL wouldn't hurt just to cover your ass for a few months

This - the TEL is only good for 90days anyway. Would give you time to get acquainted with your new toy and to get the CHL under your belt too

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Orly, please tell me she's and insecure train wreck with daddy issues! Those are my favorite

no she needs to work on birth control!!!! She's 26 with 5 kids and no job. and her boyfriend well doesnt really have a job either. I'm pretty sure they live in a trailer home.

This - the TEL is only good for 90days anyway. Would give you time to get acquainted with your new toy and to get the CHL under your belt too

Yea, that would be a good idea. at least til I have time to take the class. I work too much the next few weeks.

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