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The EPIC Ohio Group Ride


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Date: May 4 Saturday 2013

Central meet Place: Logan shopping mall lot on 664

hocking mall shopping center

latitude. 39.54528°, longitude. -82.43083°

northwest corner of the intersection at

oh rt 664 & chieftain drive

logan, ohio

Time: Meet by 10:30 Start organizing group by 11:00 and kick stand to ride by 11:30

MAP QUEST(thx to bad324): http://www.mapquest.com/?version=1.0&hk=10-TrIK6TgV


Be ATGATT if possible, and try and sport an OR t shirt if you have one.

Some etiquette to help us all better as suggested by many riders:

Grab a bite if you want before ride as there wont be lunch stops.

Ideal maximum group size is ten riders with a lead rider and a tail (sweep) rider.

These two riders should be interchangeable in skill level so that the sweep rider can evaluate and help the riders in front of them.

These two riders need to know the count of how many riders are in their group.

The lead rider needs to wait at all stops for the sweep rider to give him a thumb up.

At each stop the leader or sweep rider can switch or at their discretion ask and allow a new formation of the line.

Do not allow passing other riders in same group once the ride has started except at starts.

Passing slow moving vehicles might be needed for the faster group, when doing this each rider makes times and judges it for them self. Dont wait for the group to pass as a whole. At times might have to cross double yellow to pass.

Both group leaders should know the route well and if possible have ridden it prior to event.

Do not allow changes of groups at stops (Unless both ride leaders of both groups are aware of the change and it does not raise the group count to over ten riders.)

If a rider has to leave a group early make sure they tell someone in the group.

Do not pass except at stops.

If you picked the wrong spot in line of your group ask to change positions at stops.

Start the ride with a full tank of gas.

Many folks are planning to grab a bite at the end of the ride, those with time should do it as it will be fun. The unfortunate long haulers will start back to get home before dark.

There are fourteen hours from sunrise to sunset that Saturday. Sunrise is 6:30AM that morning and sunset is at 8:30PM. Suggest that you start the ride at 11:30 going to 3:30 starting and stopping at the same location. This allows folks traveling from around the state four hours of travel time to and from all in daylight. Leave home 7:00AM arriving at ride start by 11:00AM. Gas up and join your group to leave by 11:30, group ride to 3:30PM, and gas up to head home by 4:00PM, back home by 8:00PM.

The Groups

Always start one group below what you feel you ride. Meaning if you think your fast, start with medium fast group and if you are comfortable move to the fast group during gas break after letting the lead and sweep know. Better to be safe than sorry. Remember we might be riding roads very new to you.

FAST : one group

-Usually 70mph on the straight and 25-30 mph over the posted limit of curve.

-The people who belong to the group know they belong to this group, they dont think they belong here.

-Dont jump in here unless you been riding with such fellows for some time. eg: UP, Midgettod, Hutch, Core rides

Medium-Fast: two groups

-65-70mph on the straight and 20-25 over the posted limit opf curve.

- This is the usual fast rides some group rides do, still dangerously fast

-Jump in here if you been riding for a while and is comfortable at these paces on most roads

Medium : two groups

-65 mph on the straight and 15-20 over the posted limit opf curve.

- This is the everyday regular group rides pace,

-Jump in here if you been riding for a while and is comfortable at these paces on most roads

Slow : two groups

-60 mph or around posted limit on the straight and upto 10 over the posted limit of curve.

- This is the a very comfortable yet fun group ride,

-Jump in here if you like doing friendly fun rides and also new riders must join here

-The last two rides most people rode this group showing zero ego issues and they had most fun,

- No ego in both years kept our rides with 0 casuality

Cruiser and heavy touring: one group

-All the mammoth bikes and cruisers

-They enjoy the road and own the road at their own pace

-Made sperate group just in case there is enough numbers

-more than free to join any of the above group based on their own preference.

Fast- Jschaf

Fast-Medium- Gasser

Medium: Hailwood

Medium- Mykill

Slow- Pokey/ Bmwnut

Slow- Alzheimer


Fast-: Inyaz

fast-medium- Fiji9brother

Medium- bad324

Medium: Whaler

slow- DAC / OSUmj/ Cdubyah

slow- Firedog/ gunner

So pairing would be kinda like this,

Jschaf -inyaz // Gasser-Fiji // Mykill -bad324 // hailwood- whaler // Pokey-firedog:Gunner // Alzheimer - DAC:OSUMj

Edited by NinjaDoc
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What is it?

A ride hoping to bring in as many active OR peeps into action. We share our joy, sorrow, trouble and life on this forum over internet. Why not just come out and share our common passion for one day that is motorcycling.

How does it work?

The equation is simple, ohio riders from different parts like SW , NEO etc organize group rides and ride out to a common location in central ohio. Here we have a brief meet and greet. Re organize our self and does a short loop together before we split off.

Where will it happen.?

Some where close to hocking hills. The spot will be chosen based on majority opinion regarding ease of access, big gas station nearby. big empty parking lot etc. Most prolly we will stick to the formula from 2012 since it was pretty easy for all.

What this is NOT

This wont be a cluster crap nor a parade. The groups will be split up according to their riding preference to smaller groups of 5- 7 riders doing the same route, the only place we all be a big group is the meet up and end of ride, Other wise it will be spaced out which is safer and fun. At least once in a life time i think its safe to take the chance and give this a try. Since most folks are the ones we know who believe in ATGATT and safe riding practice i am almost 100% sure this will be un eventful like last year. There wont be any cook out or eating etc. Simple plain hand shakes chit chat, drink some water, munch on a cereal bar and off we go to ride together.

Who is this for?

Anybody who enjoys a motorcycle and love to meet the rest of the ohio riders. sports bike, sport touring, cruisers every one can come out. I guarantee there will be a group you can ride with comfortable. If group ride is not your thing just ride out to the meet spot and hang out for few before you leave. If you have other obligations on that day, just come out meet and leave before the ride. You wanna put face to the names come on over. Personally being a visitor in this country OR has given me more friends and advices than my real life work. I have met and rode with a majority of active NEO riders, and I would love to meet and ride with all the rest of the folks before i leave this year :( . I have seen many hobbies and interests in OR and the only common thing we share is riding for sure. So just come out and have a ride thats all. I hope i get to meet most of the central super active folks this year at least.

What happened in dream ride 2011 and 2012?

Had a great time for me personally. Even though the weather played spoil sport both years many riders showed up. More than 40+ riders came out and the smaller groups evolved by their own choice. the fast guys went ahead with their ride while the intermediate/ slow group enjoyed our own ride with a break in between. Met many a folks and it was a blast. THERE WERE NO CAUSALITIES which is an awesome achievement considering the huge number of riders of different capability riding together.


Big group ride may not be your cup of tea. Believe me not for me too, More than 5-6 is always hard to manage. But for one day just spent some time to meet up and take few pics and then resume the ride in the same pattern of smaller group thats all. I repeat the ride wont be a cluster crap nor parade, whtr its fast/ slow/ new riders/ cruisers/ you will find a group you will like to ride comfortable with. Last year there was no ego war, 80% of the riders opted to ride the slower/ intermediate paced group and had fun. Each group micro manage itself, dont have to wait or look out for other group riders to catch up etc


One thing i always want to highlight is, this ride is NO WAY a personal agenda or attempt or any thing of mine. I am just the geeky guy who likes to post the thread here with lot of useless wall of text and make logos and videos for it. The time, place, route every thing is decided by all others opinion and choice. I don't lead, own or have any other say on this. Riders with exp and social charisma always lead the show and the route during the day. In short what I am saying is, I am just another dude in forum hoping to be part of a big group ride within this group and meeting rest of the folks.


Members joining the 2013 ride so far

South west

  1. Hellmutt
  2. Snot
  3. Rollnhot
  4. HaHaFzr
  5. Thebrown57
  6. Jch82
  7. Quickaccord
  8. Mello Dude
  9. 20thGix
  10. ScubaCinci
  11. Ninjachk08
  12. Oldschooldime92
  13. Granada080


  1. Dyingshadow
  2. Hoblick
  3. Cdubyah
  4. cbus
  5. under Psi
  6. Jack flash
  7. Hutch
  8. Jdonn
  9. BMwnut
  10. Ohiofz6
  11. Jnor
  12. Jst2fst
  13. Some one (might be Mykill :) )
  14. Kmanlyst
  15. DreamnofR1
  16. Fiji 9 brother
  17. Ynot
  18. Night rider
  19. Shep
  20. Fizzer
  21. Osumj
  22. DAC
  23. Sirepair
  24. Bendougcarl
  25. Pyromancy
  26. Omega
  27. Ohiowinger
  28. gunner75
  29. Ohiodeere
  30. Mike_N92
  31. Ride in
  32. koreo
  33. Saddlebutt
  34. smccrory
  35. FZ08
  36. Mr Anderson
  37. Bankerdude
  38. pokey
  39. chier2
  40. Cummins350formula
  41. Anomersgsxr
  42. Bendougcarl
  43. Firsttimerider
  44. 8Rider6
  45. 02 RC51
  46. NateBob
  47. Porschefan
  48. ZXhooligan
  49. Mr Jellybean
  50. Pfloydgad
  51. Firedog45


  1. Bad324
  2. Connerot
  3. Ninjadoc
  4. Hailwood
  5. Whaler
  6. Alzheimer
  7. BShultz
  8. Timtheazn
  9. Jstump
  10. DGasser
  11. Kent2406
  12. Mike53Ali
  13. Inyazz
  14. 330Racing
  15. Gump
  16. Jschaf

Riders off the forum

About 9 riders so far,

Just like last two years hoping for all the help and support from fellow members. There were lot of very active OR peeps who virtually made it happen. And most important is the people who volunteered to ride lead and sweep.

Every year i make a list of all the very active OR folks on the forum and make an expected number. If at least 25% of that number make it the ride becomes phenomenal. There still might be riders who are worried about this being a cluster crap and more like a circus. But trust the comments of riders who joined the previous years, it will be worth one for the memories. And like last time experienced riders make all the difference for the rest of us.

Edited by NinjaDoc
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Whats new for 2013?

Kept the name neutral for this year as we are hoping to invite which ever motorcycle enthusiast in and around ohio to come and join the ride. Many times having one forum name associated with ti keeps others away. Also hoping for not just sports bike to join in, thats why an old school motorcycle in the logo :D. This year many riders coming in from considerable distance are planning on staying overnight in hocking hills area. They will be staying overnight on 4th night and ride on the 5th as well. Cabins, hotels, motels which ever is available might be booked for the same as slots are vanishing fast. Attempts will be made to stay together as possible and to un wind next to fire place after the ride and again repeat another group ride the next day.

For more information regarding these please contact Hellmutt or RollnHot

this is the link to use to find empty cabins around that weekend. http://www.hockinghills.com/cabins.html

Valuable lessons learned during the last ride was to have printed route maps to be distributed to the lead and sweep riders. To have back up as well as back up to back up riders when it comes to lead and sweep riders. And to have clear cut description of the pace of different groups before the start of ride. Both years we let the groups evolve and it pretty much evolved nicely without complications as most OR members knew there limits and rode with their ego in the back pocket.

Since this ride is going to happen right before the mega event of OR that is the GAP trip, people who are new to forums can come out and meet the older folks and get to know and make more friends. Thus you might be able to go and play in deals gap as well with the rest of the folks.

Name Change: Changed name from Dream ride to Epic ride as many were giggling over the dream ride name :lol: Just put in some name for the name sake this time as well.

Some links to help with reservation





fine details of the plans for the night, and group meet in day etc has to be ironed out. Will update here as hellmutt ans snot co ordinates it better.

Edited by NinjaDoc
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Subscribed :D

I'm thinking I will probably do the weekend camping thing and throw the bike in my toyhauler for the drive over. If anyone else is planning on camping and knows a nice campground, let me know.

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The one in 2011 was a lot of fun. I didn't make it last year, but heard it was even better.

Unless something really unforeseen comes up, I will be there this year. Gotta get one crazy giant ride in before the Doc moves away :(

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May 4th .... Nooooooooo !

That's the first Trackday weekend at Nelson Ledges !

My thoughts exactly :cry::cry::cry:

i realize this, but there are no other weekends open close by that worked for others as well and from those race junkies no body ever show up for street group ride anyway :( Wish you guys can make it

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Subscribed :D

I'm thinking I will probably do the weekend camping thing and throw the bike in my toyhauler for the drive over. If anyone else is planning on camping and knows a nice campground, let me know.

The one in 2011 was a lot of fun. I didn't make it last year, but heard it was even better.

Unless something really unforeseen comes up, I will be there this year. Gotta get one crazy giant ride in before the Doc moves away :(

I WILL be there this year along with my video equipment. Wife has been told in advance so she can't stop me, only mother nature can and even then I have Frogg Troggs lol.

Hope to meet you guys there :D

EPIC? Hope it lives up to your high expectations. I will be at PIB that weekend.

hahah the name is for just namesake Max :) last year many laffed at the dream ride name :) so right before i post dream ride again i was thinking, maybe i should just change it... couldnt come up with any thing, so just went with Epic :lol:

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In!!!!!! i know the hocking area well so i can lead the medium or slow group if ya need me too. Ill stay the night if my boys ynot(geza),kman(karl),night rider(Shawn) want to split a room??

Edited by Dying Shadow
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Those staying the night or just want to hang out after, could meet at a local restaurant

Hey Jen, you guys holler at me when you got a minute

Hope you guys have an easy time with finding the place and it goes on as planned. helmutt wanted me to post up the thread fast so we have a guesstimate on people wanting to stay over for the night.

My weekend off. Ill be there assuming I have a bike :lol:

you will be on a new VFR :)

Damn. I'm going to be elbow deep in drug cartels when this ride happens. :(

Have fun' date=' guys. Me and my ugly Italian tractor will be with you, in spirit.[/quote']

wish you could make it pauly, UP had a tuff time leading it. and year before you did it. Was hoping both of you guys would be present this year.

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Maybe... This would be pretty cool to do

sure, havent met you yet. this will be the time

In!!!!!! i know the hocking area well so i can lead the medium or slow group if ya need me too.

sure DS, will put up the list when the time comes

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i realize this, but there are no other weekends open close by that worked for others as well and from those race junkies no body ever show up for street group ride anyway :( Wish you guys can make it

Guess I can't deny it, I'm addicted to track time.

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There are still plenty of cabins to be had for those needing crash sites. Here's the search I used and it's lengthy, but thorough.


Depending on what accommodations are wanted, I'm finding the avg to be $200/night for cabins that sleep 4-6. And most all I've seen are 2 night minimums on weekends, as well as being prime rate rental season beginning in April and as early as March for some. So now's the time to book up folks.

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Guess I can't deny it, I'm addicted to track time.

track snob :cool:

I might actually get to participate this year.

Is there a group for fat and slow?

Finally will get to meet you, there is a group for every one :) last ride the age ranged from 18 to 70 and rides ranged from SS knee draggers to cruisers

There are still plenty of cabins to be had for those needing crash sites. Here's the search I used and it's lengthy, but thorough.


Depending on what accommodations are wanted, I'm finding the avg to be $200/night for cabins that sleep 4-6. And most all I've seen are 2 night minimums on weekends, as well as being prime rate rental season beginning in April and as early as March for some. So now's the time to book up folks.

I posted some links to the cabins in the other thread. There are still plenty left for those that are willing to shack up together.

i will update the first post with that details, hellmutt, i will pm you to get more info about who all are already booked etc.

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