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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. A cat....normal everyday housecat. I've seen them actually forego eating anything other than the head and brain.
  2. Be careful of the frosty stuff. Everything down my way is white with frost with temps in the low to (barely) mid 30's. Be careful and have fun
  3. Condolences man, losing loved one's is tough but over time it gets easier to deal with. Prayers for you and your family....
  4. Makes you wonder. Hope he lives to retirement....
  5. I bought a 4.3 GM crate motor and have had fantastic luck with it. I would NEVER buy a Jasper. I have 2 auto tech friends whose shops sell Jaspers, and both say the return rate on them is quite high, and neither bought one when they needed engines, even though they would get it at shop pricing. Rebuilding it yourself is an option, but I know the GM crate motors are hand built, not like most the other GM motors you get in vehicles. You can probably save money by doing it yourself, and its not something so difficult to do, but without opening it up and see what all needs attention its hard to say. If any journals got starved for oil, if the webbing in the block got whacked by loose rods, etc, if the crank/block needs re alignment.....maybe a block......who knows. Plus time is probably an issue for you as well, so buying a crate motor might be the ticket. Another thing to consider is there is a core charge on your old motor. Seems mine was like a few hundred dollars, but my 4.3 cost me about $1500 with me driving to Berger Chevrolet and picking it up. I also had to return the crate it came in, all of it, every piece, because if I didn't there was a core charge on it as well. Not sure this helps, but hope so.
  6. My wife started learning on a Honda Rebel. Those little bikes are great for that. If you can buy it reasonable, you can probably resell it and not take a lo$$. I then bought her a little 650 V Star Classic which she now rides like a champ.
  7. ohiomike

    Hub bearing

    GM really screwed the pooch with their design change going from the old wheel bearing setup to these new sealed hub assy's that have a very short life and are expensive as hell to replace. The last one I (just) replaced had a 3 year warranty (it failed 1 month before the warranty expired), and I got it from NAPA. Luckily we save all our receipts....lol
  8. I once bought a used K car with a slant 6 in it. A couple days after I bought it it made a big !POP!, but kept running just fine and got me to work. At the end of the day I noticed oil had leaked onto the ground, so I popped the hood, and there was a big hole in the side of the block! Laying on the frame rail was a part of the rod. Cranked the car up and it ran smooth and got me home, like about an hour's drive. Sometimes motors give it up and do some strange stuff. I also had a 4.3L give it up on 117 nearly to Lima, on our way for another load of stuff when we were moving. That thing started rattling getting louder and louder so that by the time we got back here to Circleville it was so loud it woke my neighbor up when I drove back to the barn to park it. It had a broken rod but just kept going. Must have driven it 100 miles or so to get back home. Good luck.
  9. Novus works great, and if I am out, I soak a towel with warm water and let it sit on the shield for a few minutes, the take a wet rag and all the junk wipes right off. Dry it with a clean dry towel., good to go.
  10. We are invisible, we can be broken, we are brittle against the cage.
  11. We used to just throw a length of channel iron down in the bed to run the tire up into once the channel was bolted down. Then run hold downs (we used rope because ratchet straps were out of our league...lol) from the front frame on each side, to the stake holes in the front sides of the bed, and hold downs from the rear frame to the sides of the bed too. Snugged down you could get it to keep from moving pretty easy without having to compress the front forks or the rear shocks. I would make 400-500 mile trips like that with no issues. These chocks you find so common these days makes it a whole lot easier and more secure.
  12. Yep, excellent advice here....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  13. Such a young person to be gone already.

    This is a shot back to the reality of there being a lot going on in each of our lives that just never conveys itself onto this board.

    God Rest her soul....

  14. Congrats to the state and its great showing in CBB. Maybe 1 or more might make it to the big dance. Good luck to each and every one.
  15. When the Arizona 'papers please' issue came about, Holder weighed in to quickly dismiss it as unconstitutional. Afterwards we heard very little from the 'Law' community, but a US Constitutional lawyer, now living in Canada, spoke up. She explained that the reason no one like her who still lived in the US gave their opinion because of the pressures that would be borne in doing so. She said that now living in Canada she was free of much of those, so......she said Holder was wrong in his literal interpretation of the law and Arizona had every right to take the steps they did, according to the US Constitution. She went on to say that based on this, in addition of other things Holder had said and been involved with, it was obvious Holder did not know or understand the US Constitution. I guess its not important for the US Atty Gen to have to bother knowing such info......and based on whats happened since, I tend to think she was right.
  16. I lived in or around Detroit during the 60's and into the 70's. I remember it as a good place, and at the time it was the #3 largest city in the US, behind #1 NYC and #2 Chicago. To see what it is today sickens me. Heck the pop. is hardly more than Columbus these days. Sad
  17. 8 over is my max depending on surroundings. But from my experiences its odd to see a bike pulled over. Years back I was told by a Leo friend that police radar has a harder time picking up on a motorcycle, but in the past year or so I have been seeing more and more bikes getting special attention (pulled over) from Leo's.
  18. Our old Dell was dyin slowly.....after about 12 years.....so we went with another Dell, all in one. All wireless, a couple Tetrabytes, 23" screen. So far so good.
  19. Very sad to hear. Man we think we're having a bad week then hear about someone else's plight being far worse and it makes you realize........ Prayers for you and your family. And don't hold it in, everyone needs to let go at times. God Bless you and yours.....
  20. Yep, years I was running down I-94 on my Kaw passing a cage, when the cage I was passing started coming over into my lane. Forced me over nearly hitting the wall they have along that stretch of highway. Shit happens fast.
  21. Wow, seems that would take some real upper body strength
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