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Everything posted by AOW

  1. nope don't give a fuck about it.
  2. AOW

    Mmmmm, yummy

    try using Stoly vanilla vodka in your next white russian, also heavy cream or whipping cream FTW
  3. I installed a similar program on my Pre few weeks back. It's nice 'cause I can turn it off when I like, but gives the wife piece of mind when I take my road trips down to L.A. You can choose the time interval it reports from every minute to every hour. Sucks if you don't have a signal, but at least it will show your course of travel and last reported location
  4. AOW

    Imported Photos 00118

    looks amazingly real
  5. pair of Uggs tall classic boots for the wife... $225 poorer now!
  6. I was hoping to see a just "no" selection..... 90% of a church's income comes from donations from it's flock. Since I already pay income taxes, property tax, sales tax, fuel tax, and just a tax for fucking breathing, don't think my donation to them should be taxed again. Not to mention if we start taxing the church then your donations wouldn't be tax deductable any longer and most of the larger donations to churches are for tax break reasons and not true charity. Just my 2 cents though. I'm a card carrying anti-christ so really don't care about the organized religion.
  7. Been running it for most of the day and like it. I do miss the "pinch" feature to change the screen size like in Safari, but a win nonetheless.
  8. Drunk driving Amish have Always been a huge problem in PA, and that's why it was mandated that they must install the reflective yield symbol on the back along w/reflectors front and back. The only Amish issue in PA bigger than the drunk buggy-ing is drug dealing by Amish..Weed and coke are huge money makers for them
  9. Living well is always the best revenge!
  10. Oh, I also gave sent my brother a thousand bucks.
  11. AOW

    Fuse taps?

    I don't like the fuse taps and here's why. If you take a look at a fuse, you will notice the prongs are tapered. On the fuse tap, the prongs are the same width the entire length, because of that they don't seat as secure as a standard fuse. I switched to using Acces-a-fuse
  12. fucking her is like having a 4some!
  13. Maybe if Bush would have spent more time in the Oval Office the country wouldn't have slipped down the slope of financial ruin. the country was in foreclosure before Obama took over. I know many would like there to be a magical light switch that the Pres. hits and makes the war go away and financial situation self corrects. Just don't happen that way. If we just packed our bags and left the sandbox, it would be Viet Nam part deux. In regards to the military personnel giving the ovation merely as a gesture of respect, No fucking shit morons. That's what we are taught and trained to do. We follow orders and give respect to our higher ranking officers. Obama as the Commander in Chief falls at the top of the food chain. Before these type of events it's common for soldiers to be read the code of conduct expected for the event. No whooping and hollering is always rule 1.
  14. I believe Austin Powers said it best....."it's a man baby..yeah!"
  15. go "control alt delete" yourself. When I worked for RCA doing electronics repair, we would get some nasty shit filled stuff across our desks. I opened up a sat. receiver and a herd, Yes a herd of cockroaches scattered everywhere, cat puke was another fun one, as was milk. There were a couple times a piece came through that smelled like Kramer looked on that episode of Seinfeld, but never thought of voiding the warranty for cigarette smoke odors or residue. Hell, the chemicals in the flux, solder, and caps are worst that cig smoke! Since Apple lets the repair centers make these calls on their own, I'm betting it landed on the desk of a holier than thou non smoker pussy.. I'm not saying all non smokers are pussies, but the ass hat that voided the warranty obviously is..
  16. Yeah, I thought it was short, and I need the practice time offline. I've been playing first person shooters w/inverted controls, and decided that since I'm not flying anymore I don't need to use aviation controls all the time. Hard as hell to get used to standard after so much time using inverted.
  17. AOW

    guess what!!!

    Congrats and welcome home soldier!
  18. I agree it sounds like lack of fuel getting to the engine.
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