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"doing What He Loved To Do"


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Florida teen killed doing what he loved to do:






Unfortunate for hiim, "what he loved to do" was graffiti vandalism and run from the police.  Died after a taser shock.  Autopsy pending.


The media spin on this is crazy. 

 "He was just painting an abandoned building".  = He was vandalizing the building with graffiti.  

 "He ran from the police because he was scared"  = Most folks are scared of going to jail - that's what keeps most people following the law.

 "He was straight laced and never did anything wrong " = Except for vandalism and fleeing the police.

 "He doesn't take drugs" = Then why does he go by the street name "Reefer"?


It's sad an unfortunate that he died, but the blame is all on him, not on the police.

Edited by Scruit
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Maybe he ran because those cops have a reputation for killing people. :dunno:


True story...Few years ago, car stop, black male 6'' 2-3" 250lbs + shaking in his shoes as I was arresting him for a felony warrant. Got him in the back of the cruiser. Had window cracked open I asked him what his deal was. Him: "Thanks for not beating my ass man"..me " what???"....him "u dont understand, if this would of happened in Toledo, they'd of beat my ass man" Me: " ooooook" (as he stares me dead in the face serious).


And I thought I was more afraid of him. Warrant was for felony fleeing. Which is probably why they'd of beat his as once they caught him haha.

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True story...Few years ago, car stop, black male 6'' 2-3" 250lbs + shaking in his shoes as I was arresting him for a felony warrant. Got him in the back of the cruiser. Had window cracked open I asked him what his deal was. Him: "Thanks for not beating my ass man"..me " what???"....him "u dont understand, if this would of happened in Toledo, they'd of beat my ass man" Me: " ooooook" (as he stares me dead in the face serious).


And I thought I was more afraid of him. Warrant was for felony fleeing. Which is probably why they'd of beat his as once they caught him haha.

the cops where I live do beat people.


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Disclaimer: no I'm not going full retard...

I personally think it might do a bit of good if we had a bunch more of ass beatings and "oopsies" resulting in death. It might actually deter crime! Hell our courts sure aren't doing the job! Get arrested one day, out committing crimes the next.

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just bec they supposidly do beat people doesnt make it, right lol. I've wanted to beat the shit out of people before - when they definately deserved it too. But you dont bec it' callled self control

funny thing about those kinds of people...  they hate cops but seem to always be in contact with them  lol 

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the cops where I live do beat people.

I didn't know forcibly removing someone from a car and cuffing them on the ground is "beating them"?? If she complied with his requests, it wouldn't have happened. I'm sure some cops get out line and use excessive force from time to time but civilians beat people regularly. You can't condemn an entire profession or race or species due to the acts of a few.


It seems like most of the time stuff like this happens, if people would have been cooperative, this kind of shit wouldn't happen.

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In almost every single one of these "accidental" deaths, and uncalled for beatings, there is one common thing that would have prevented all of them. 

Do what the cops tell you to do! 

If you honestly believe that they are corrupt and can't be trusted, why would you give them any excuse to beat you, shock the crap out of you or even shoot you?  Just do what they say, and if you don't agree, take a lawyer with you and tell your story to a judge.


I have did some BS in my day.  Some times the cops were fair, and sometimes they weren't, but I always did exactly what they told me and I never got whipped with a baton (they didn't have tasers then).

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It sucks that he died, and I don't think vandalism + fleeing warrants death...

If the cop opened fire on him, then it would be an obvious case of unwarranted deadly force. Being a tazer, it's a little more murky...since it's not supposed to be lethal.

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I had a cop try and side swipe me with his car while I was on my bike the other day... He got next to me, hit his lights and siren, and then immediately cut hard right into my lane and ended up in the shoulder... If I hadn't slammed my brakes when he hit his lights, he would have fucking killed me.... He threw out some bs of why he did it and conveniently he didn't have a dash cam in his car...Crazy fuck. Real eye opener. I'll be getting a helmet cam now to cover my ass. Whoever thinks cops should just be able to kill any suspect they want, without trial, should go get fucked, this isn't Pakistan .

Edited by Steve Butters
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 "He doesn't take drugs" = Then why does he go by the street name "Reefer"?





oh god not reefer! my cousin was addicted to marijuana and was sharing marijuana needles, when he took 3 marijuanas and ODed! thank god the police got this dangerous marijuana addict off the streets!

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