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Whats up with that screen name?

max power

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You can't see straight... man that's hilarious. Like I said, it's YOUR issue that you let stuff get to you... not mine. You having pure HATE toward me doesn't affect my day either way. Trust me, when I walk away from my computer, I don't carry this with me on my shoulders like you do. You go around threatening me on the public forum (and I'm the keyboard warrior?), which isn't exactly the brightest idea, especially given the fact that MULTIPLE times I've told you that I won't accept the invite and won't let it turn physical. It appears you've sunk to a new low trying to stalk where I live, it's getting ridiculous at that point.

Demand an apology for what exactly? I never did anything wrong. I don't want to speak for anyone else, but it seems like you rub a lot of people the wrong way on here - hell the mods even have to keep you in line. So, the only common denomonator is YOU. Am I wrong?

From my perspective, you and Angrish are the only people that REALLY have issues with me...and I don't really know why Angrish does, other than he's on the NinjaNick bandwagon. Also, you keep bringing up the fact that I've only been on since January, like that makes a difference? Explain to me why I should bow before you and the misinformation, threats, and general trash-talk YOU spew, just because you've been on the site longer than I have?

How many times are we going to have this discussion Nick before you UNDERSTAND it?

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I once scalped and indian chief back in the war I then dyed the hair red and put it on my helmet making me the "Big Chief". 201 was my track number in college.
Big chief did you run track in college? Or is that a different kind of track?
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Kawi Kid when are you comming down to ride with me and Ninja. Were going to have to make a special trip up to see you I feel it already.

i am really hoping to get with some more guys to ride soon. but the bike is out of comission for this weekend more than likely and i have a ton of wedding shat to do for the next two weeks (cousin not me;)) so it might be a little while

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I apologize John. He just brings the worse out in me. I would hope I don't prevent anybody coming to any gatherings. I'm really a nice guy and fun to be around. I'm just like anyone else though, I'm human, you push me far enough I'm going to explode. Everybody here has a boiling point and JRMMIII has reached mine.

Seriously hes like a big cuddly teady bear, its just he can be an asshole too hahahaha. Sorry Nick i had to quote Satan there.

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Seriously hes like a big cuddly teady bear, its just he can be an asshole too hahahaha. Sorry Nick i had to quote Satan there.

;) Yeah, we all have our moments, I just have mine more than others because I tend to let stupid people get to me.:(

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Hah to get back on topic...my screen name is part of my last name (Cleaver) with thegreat added to it. I use it for everything, not really sure why.

Awwww C'mon......You GOTTA go with Beaver as your screen name if your last name is Cleaver!!! That's a gimmee....Geeeeeessshhhhh :rolleyes:;)


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