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Had me a little accident (not bike related)


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Been doing a lot of home improvements lately and tonight a job bit me back. Was in the process of adding a had rail to my side porch steps and had to shave down a board I was working on about a 1/4". Took out my little battery operated mini circular saw and set the blade to the correct depth and started cutting. Now these battery saws have no ass to them at all and they bind up easily if you try to cut too fast. And this is what happend, so I backed the saw out of the cut (finger still on the trigger) and when it got spinning again it kicked back on to my other had that was resting behind it. It caught the tip of my index finger and basically sucked it in and ripped it of at the fist knuckle. So had to have emergency surgery on it in thr ER and now my finger as about a inch and a half shorter. Got some good pain meds and antibiotics abd several weeks off work, thank god for short term disability.

And if your wondering what happend to tip of thr finger, we found it still attached to saw blade when we got home. Along with a scene from the walking dead all over my garage floor, those wounds really do squirt blood like in the movies.

Here are a couple pics, not going to post the nasty ones.

Pre surgery x ray, they cut the rest of that bone piece out.


Pre surgery


Post surgery


This is the little bastard


Edited by 2talltim
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Ouch!!!  Had a buddy that I used to do a lot of construction with (back in my younger days....) do the exact same thing.


On a brighter, when you give the middle finger salute to a deserving soul, it'll be all the more dramatic.  :D

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Sorry about the injury, but you might want to check with your life insurance policy on this kind of injury.  I have seen some policies that have payouts for loss of limbs, fingers, joints, etc.


I know money won't replace your ability to pick your nose on the left side like you used to, but it does seem to make wounds feel less painful!

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Sorry man, but I am betting you are right handed. You will deal just fine. Let us know when you are ready for jokes mentally, because I got some great ones ready to go!!

Nope, I am a lefty :(
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I am technically left handed, I write and eat, ect with it. Basically anything my mother taught me how to do im a lefty. Now things like throw a ball, swing a hammer, turn a wrench, throw a fishing line, ect I am a right, or anything else my pops would have taught me.

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For sure not too late to soak it in cider. ;) At least it was only 1 finger, I am sure you realize this could have turned out much worse. Heal up buddy, and quit doing dumb shit.....stupid hurts!! LOL

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Sorry to hear you lost part of a finger.  That really sucks.  We had a family catastrophe where this happened twice!  First, my uncle lost two fingers to the first knuckle with a wood chipper when he tried to pull some debris away from the bottom of the shute where the chips exit.  A stick cam free and shot a chunk of wood through his leather gloves.  The same year my father-in-law lost fingers to the first knuckle sticking his hand in a snow thrower to clear the shute.  Just goes to show this shit can happen at any time to anyone!  Hope you heal up soon.

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