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Why must you order pizza?


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Originally posted by Rane:

So how many of you tip your mail carrier?

I can't remember the last time my mail man brought me something I wanted. I normally get bills and junk mail; I don't want that crap!! I'll tip the pizza guy, the waiter, the bartender, etc. since they all give me things I WANT.
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Sure you don't want your bills but you obviously NEED them. Given the fact you'd be fucked up if they weren't payed.


Yes some mail carriers suck, and some of them get shit wrong. But the pizza man sometimes delivers me a pizza and it looks like he drove here upside down or on two tires.


How many houses can a pizza man get to in an hour? 3? more less? Like I said I give 'em $5 or so, 3 houses in an hour giving him 3-5 + his hourly wage doesn't sound bad to me. Last time I checked it was a part time job for most people yes younger people. Not a career

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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

I tip delivery drivers well. Might have to do with the fact that I used to be one though.

Same here. I always tip.


One thing I don't get...why the hell do people working at Starbucks, Charlie's Steakery, Quizznos, etc... have tip jars set up? You don't get a tip from, all you did was make my sandwich or coffee. If you delievered my Venti Cafe Mocha, then maybe, you get a tip.

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Originally posted by RX7dood:

for christmas i usually leave a coffee mug or something in my mail box for the mailman, with a happy holidays card.


i figured its the nice thing to do.

yeah, so that way the mail-man ends up with like 200 coffee mugs that he has to lug around by the end of the day. Yeah, real fucking thoughtful. Ass. graemlins/jerkit.gif







Why do I order pizza? Because pizza is the best food EVAR!


I usually tip $2-$3.

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i think a system in which tips aren't expected would be nice, for example at discount tire u never think "oh i'm going to tip the tire guy" which is fine, i get paid a flat wage, but if you think one is entitled then go for it.



waiters and all other sorts of "service" should get paid a NORMAL flat wage and get tips under extraordinary performance

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Wease:

I always tip the driver, regardless of the weather. But not tipping in the conditions we had this past week, that's fucking bullshit. Cheap bastards... graemlins/thumbsdown.gif:mad:

Last night (and I'm sure you can guess how bad the weather was in Cleveland last night), I had someone ask for every cent of their change back, despite the fact that I got them their order correct, ten minutes ahead of the estimate, and so hot that I could barely pull it out of the bag. If it was sunny, the order was wrong, or I was late, I could understand it, but I wanted to put this guy through his screen door.
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Originally posted by RX7dood:

i think a system in which tips aren't expected would be nice, for example at discount tire u never think "oh i'm going to tip the tire guy" which is fine, i get paid a flat wage, but if you think one is entitled then go for it.

I tipped the guy at an exhaust shop that did my exhaust $20.
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I dated a girl whose mother tipped just about everyone. Mail, pizza, garbage, paper delivery, recycle, etc. Course, they had mad cash. When said girl and I went out, I drove her dad's S8. Until he traded it in for an M5, and then I drove that. w00t


Edit: Oh yeah, I try to tip 20-30% to pizzaman/waiters/waitresses, etc. They bust their ass so I don't have to. :cool:

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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:

I tipped the guy at an exhaust shop that did my exhaust $20.


I always tip Mark from eagle at least $10-$20 bucks.


As for tipping for delivery. I've worked a bunch of different places for deliver.


i.e Cafe Courier. I wokred for them about 8 or so years ago. I got $2.25 per run + tips, that's it. Nice thing about it was that I always went home and they would call me to go hit up a resturant to get food.


I generally tip $1.50-$2.50 for a pizza.


Maybe every play should add gratuity in the bill every time someone orders. I know a lot of places that do that if hte order is $50 or more so the driver doesnt' get stiffed. (most resturants do that too).

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Guest slowjoe

speaking of mailpersons....

when i lived in the country it was customary to tip your mailperson during holidays, however i dont find that custom too familiar now that i have moved to the city. anyone in the city tip their mailperson?

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wow...a thread i can relate to...i know its a little old


during that bad storm, i made more money than i ever had before...i worked one day, for 14 hours (yes 14 hours...lol) and i left work with about 205$...not bad...i had a couple people tip average (2$) for us to deliver in shitty weather like that, and even when we had delivery time at 2 hours or more, and i would get it there in like 45 min, i still got average tips


then there were some good people who ordered, and it turned out it was just out of our area, but i took it since it was made...lucky me, i got a 15$ tip on a 20.48$ order...that was pretty nice


as for the delivery charge, we charge 1.75, and i get 1$ per delivery...i think its kinda BS that theyre pocketing $.75 on each del


what i hate is the people who dont tip at all, or want their exact change back...i had a guy a few weeks ago, i knocked on his door and he got shitty with me caus i didnt ring the bell...i explained that a lot of the places i go to the bell doesnt work, so i always knock and he said somethin shitty...so i told him it was 10.24, and he handed me 11...i knew he wanted his change back caus i had been there once before, so i told him i didnt have any change (i didnt) and asked if he had 24 cents and i would give him 1$ back...he came back w/ 24 pennies...gave him his pizza, opened my car door, threw every fuckin penny in his driveway, and left...i still have his name and address if anyone drives in gahanna, over near the hunters ridge apartments.


i wish that the company would tack on something extra for large orders...i take so many orders that are like 150-200$ and get like 5$...yeah, 5 bucks isnt bad, but when youre spending 200$ on food, why not have everyone pitch in like 50 cents or 1$ to give the guy? drives me nuts


whenever i order, if its from my work or someone else, i always give em at least 5$...wether its late or early, i know what kind of shit they go through


last year, we had a 100 pie order...i got to take it (1200$) and got 10$...and i came in 45 min early and worked off the clock caus the boss said whoever got there first got to take it and 2 of us were scheduled in @ 9am


the people who dont tip drive me nuts...they think caus they pay a delivery charge, we dont deserve anything...makes me so mad...


theres a website called www.tipthepizzaguy.com .. i think im gonna start putting it on peoples boxes that dont tip (guy i work w/ has been there 10 years...knows everyone who tips, who doesnt, how much....lol) and hopefully theyll check it out

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