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Friday's meet, hey RICERS, ya you stupid F ...


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I showed up to the meet, on Main and as I pulled it, 4 riced out cars were leaving ... ok ok ok i wont judge and be cruel, its your car, do what you want ...




When they pulled out, they were full gas through 3 gears for like 10 minutes (slow fucks) ...


I dont care about who shows up, I dont care. I get pissed when you act like assholes and drive like assholes AT THE MEET ... there are 600hp cars there, REAL 600hp, not wannabe 600hp like you. we dont care about lawnmovers, go fuck yourself, STOP being assholes, drive respectable, be cool, STOP trying to show off, we dont care we dont care WE DONT FUCKING CARE!!!


Leave, serisouly, either show up and be cool or leave. You act like ASSHOLES. Then we go out and the cops are waiting for us, pulling us over when we are being totally cool, you are making US look bad ... what the FUCK! Stop it stop it stop it, go the fuck home ...


If a corvette rips it out of the parking lot, thats ok, its a corvette, they paid 50K for that car, they have the right ... your rusted civic is a POS, know your role, know your spot, be cool ... KNOW YOUR PLACE ON THE FOOD CHAIN ASSHOLE!


thats all Im asking, is just be cool. I think your 5 wings are gay as fuck, but if you are respectful and chill, Ill give you props for not being a dick-fuck wad ....


there i fucking said it .... we were all thinking it, now get a clue ...




... to everyone else that shows up, chills, is respectful, has a good time, doesnt ruin it for the rest of us, KUDOS!

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You get ricers everywhere you go. So it would be impossible to stop them from showing up. I bet that none of the guys you saw post on this board. The thing that I don't understand is condoning it for one group of people and not the other. Just because they have corvettes doesn't make it cool to do 50 in a parking lot and then rip it down the street. Don't you think that this would equally attract the cops. If you don't want the negative attention (police), then you should be as low key as possible, including the 600hp cars, especially the 600hp cars.
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You get ricers everywhere you go. So it would be impossible to stop them from showing up. I bet that none of the guys you saw post on this board. The thing that I don't understand is condoning it for one group of people and not the other. Just because they have corvettes doesn't make it cool to do 50 in a parking lot and then rip it down the street. Don't you think that this would equally attract the cops. If you don't want the negative attention (police), then you should be as low key as possible, including the 600hp cars, especially the 600hp cars.


I would agree. The corvette folks have no more right to drive like an ass than the ricers do. Besides, everyone knows corvettes can't even turn the tires over. :p

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i know what you mean that its no better for the corvettes, but i guess what I really meant was that when the corvettes leave and they give the gas a couple taps ... but back in cleveland, everyone at the meets comes in cool, you roll in without being an A-hole or we threw you out ... and usually our meets the police came by and hung out with us as they usually owned a mustang or a corvette or an old muscle car of some type... even bikes...


not all cops are cool BUT they usually were because WE were cool ...


almost want to have a new place via WORD OF MOUTH ... and anyone that shows up that shouldnt, gets booted .. too bad we couldnt have a gate and somethere letting ppl in ;)


one can dream ...

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Guest Blackout GT

rice is bad in any city, but Dayton is like rice capitol USA. i cant go to or from work without racing some rice.


but just my 2 cents about dayton's scene, whenever we move lots, rice fucks it up for us and the cops kick us out. and as soon as we find a new lot, the rice still comes back and fucks it up for us again. its a repeated cycle over and over and it gets old really quick.


one meet we had a stupid ricer came drifting into the parking lot like he was the "drift master" and he came about a foot from drifting into my 240sx. well he got out of his car like he was hott shit and lets just say he had one pissed off bitch in his face. that little fucker hasnt been back.


but ya thats daytons scene at its finest... i respect Columbus because of the volume of high HP cars you guys have.

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Should a Corvette "rip out of the parking lot"? Fuck no! It's a Corvette, so it can, but it doesn't matter what it is, that's driving like a cunt, whether your car is a Corvette or a Civic. You want to drive like a cunt, there's plenty of road courses and tracks that will take your money and let you drive as fast as you want, drift all you want, do all the burnouts you want on the drag strip and all that shit. If you must do it on the street and own a Corvette, please make sure to fuck up and cause a wreck with one of my cars. I'll make sure to rape your insurance company for a nicer car and a good chunk of cash, since you must have good insurance with a car like that.


IMHO there is no "food chain" when it comes to *car enthusiasts*, which is what a public meet should be about. I'll admit there is on the track, but last time I checked, Main St is a public road. You have to share it with everyone, and follow the law, or it's a ticket if you get caught. Either way, if you wanna talk racing only, then fine. $50K cars can race against other $50K cars all day and have a good time, but $5k cars can have their fun too against other similar cars.


Want to fuck with a normally slow car? There's a right and a wrong way to do it. Case in point:

Take a Geo Metro LSi vert, 5-speed, swap in the MK3 Suzuki Swift bumpers, side skirts, and Swift GT seats, and maybe some glass composite headlights (again, suzuki part from the UK swift) that can accomidate a set of "eyelids" without needing to cut a notch in them. Just use the stock LSi spoiler if you don't already have it like the one I just picked up has. Pick up some Swift tail lights with the clear bit on the top, and if you shopped smart, you paid less then that e-bay special crap for civics that makes it look like you have a catfish face stretched across the bumper. and can afford to go buy the turbocharged G10 engine from Canada.


Swap it in, take a hood scoop, cut a hole in the hood where the top mounted intercooler for that engine sits. (Wow, a functional hood scoop on an economy car! :p) Upgrade the suspension so the car drives better, and you have a decent looking, yet different from the norm daily driver that costs less then a Hybrid, can keep up with traffic even at higher speeds, is a convertible (I don't even know of any hybrids that are), and still gets 50MPG if you leave the boost at 7.5psi and don't drive like a douchebag. The only thing you missed by doing that instead of buying a hybrid is a tax credit, but you spent far less (If you shopped around and did the work yourself) and can wrench on the car yourself. You'll probably get a nod from a couple people who know their shit about cars too, for pulling off a project like that.


Even more amusing is that every single part involved in the process other then the eyelids and maybe a nicer head unit so you can listen to MP3 CDs while enjoying your car is made by the people who make the fucking car! (most of this is based on a real car I've seen with a few differences based on how I would have done it a bit differently. I can get pics on request if someone wants to see how it turned out.) And when it comes to other cars in it's class, if you want to take it on the track, you'll have a good time, and probably smack down some other FWDs with larger 4-cyls. Will you beat a 'vette? Probably not. But who cares? That's not the kind of car you gun for with a car like that.


That, in my opinion is not "rice". It's not "fast", but it's a well thought out project done with factory parts that belong on the car (just in different countries sometimes), that runs and drives like a properly designed machine should. Some people would say the guy wasted his money on it, but it's his money. and he was happy with it.


You take a Civic, put a catfish face on it, and a fart can, 10 pounds of bondo, a cheap paper APC filter, sticker the fuck out of the car, cut the springs all fucked up, and try to fly, and you're just going to make people like me get the windshield all sticky when we spit our faygo out laughing at your dumb ass, not to mention attract traffic tickets like flies on shit. Just my $.02 on ricers of all tax brackets.

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There is a food chain ... always a bigger fish, and out of respect for everyone ....


THe way I was raised was when i would roll into a classic car meet with big muscle cars, my uncles, came in slow and were respectful to the other cars and ppl ... they KNEW their cars were fast and didnt need to show off to prove it ...


SO with these kids that show up, they are showing off like there is something to be learned from them ...

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Well, you're welcome to that opinion. Personally I just don't believe in any sort of "food chain" off the track. Especially not one based on how much money you have, or what kind of car you spent your money on. Big fucking deal. My family makes $250k a year, lives in an expensive home in California and they still drive a set of Toyota Camrys and act respectful to everyone, regardless of where they live or what they drive. (And normally, I don't get to really benefit from their money anyway, so I'm not saying that as a way to show off. It's their money, not mine, they get to use it, and not me. It just makes the holidays really nice for me.)


If you've got the know how, and you've got a fast car, great. I'll probably ask a question from time to time to increase my knowledge. Get snotty with me about it, and expect to get the same attitude back that you put out there. If Keiichi Tsuchiya showed his ass up to a meet and went drifting around my car, I'd be just as pissed off about it as you would be if I brought my AE86 to the meet and did it myself, even though everyone knows the man knows what he's doing. Reckless behavior and shitty attitude is not something you earn the right to display.


Now I will agree that if some little kid comes in acting like hot shit to people who have a lot more experience, yeah, they should back the fuck off, and check their attitude at the door. Maybe my attitude on the matter is different, but hey, half my family grew up under communist rule. We don't really give a shit about who has more money or faster toys when it comes to how we treat people. You want our respect? Show respect to us and it's yours. Got more experience? Great. Then we won't have to lecture you on the shit that you already know, and maybe we learn something from you, no?

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Chris, over Summer there is a thread just like yours every Saturday morning. It doesn't help.


not only that, but they were all way better than this one, too.


chris, i hate it when dumb shit happens at meets too.


that being said, you get zero cool points for this thread. idiots in corvettes are no different than idiots in civics, except for what they spent on that car. to base your idea of "whats ok" on that quality alone is ignorant.


id also like to say that karuma definately has a better grasp on the situation than you, chris. hell, he might even be cool, except that he wore that teenage mutant ninja turtles t-shirt out at a meet.

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Orion +1(hey was that your car at hooters last night)

It is and always will be an age thing vs. a particular type of car owner. Before the imports became more popular it was the exact same thing with the musclecars. Younger car owners are more likely to act like tools than the middle-aged car owner. It has been this way throughout the years. This is why your car insurance drops by age 25. It is assumed you will have outgrown being an idiot in a car. I went through it and so has damn near everyone on here. Some people might be going through it now. I can remember racing a guy on 104 and blowing past a cop at 120mph. Yeah it wasn't the smartest thing I ever did. But I probably wouldn't do it today. If people seriously didnt want this to happen, the forum would be called columbus musclecars or something along those lines.

And the import guys would start a seperate board. But this is a forum open to all types of car owners. Thus you will get all types of cars at a meet.


Somebody please define ricer for me.

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This is why your car insurance drops by age 25. It is assumed you will have outgrown being an idiot in a car. I went through it and so has damn near everyone on here. Some people might be going through it now. I can remember racing a guy on 104 and blowing past a cop at 120mph. Yeah it wasn't the smartest thing I ever did. But I probably wouldn't do it today.


Somebody please define ricer for me.



Yeah, We've all done some downright stupid shit in our cars at some point in time. Anyone who denies it is probably lying. I put a stop to that shit after I turned 25 too, got it out of my system, and now I just don't really even want to bother driving like a fuckwit with my cars and breaking them or crashing them all the time. It's not worth the cost.


I define a ricer as someone who thinks putting stupid body kits and wings on their car will do anything other then make it look like a catfish faced reject from Boeing's drunken christmas party, and thinks that because I'm driving faster then the speed limit, that I must be out to street race, like the guy in the green V6 auto Mustang with the interior and license plate neons that thought that me driving a 1986 Honda Accord (not mine.) at 70 down the road I used to live off of (which was a 45 zone, but I always drove 70 down that road no matter what car I drove) and accelerating quickly meant that I was challenging his "mad r(a/i)cer skillz".

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