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Friday's meet, hey RICERS, ya you stupid F ...


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Talk softly and carry a big stick.

You should race them once for the right to the spot, kinda like in american history X where they played for the rights to the court. They get the thrill of being close to a car that has more HP than a weedeater for a few milliseconds, then they are gone for good after that. If only it would work.


Had another thought: Race them for 200 a try. You take half for gas/wear/n2o/whatever, take the other half and put it in a CR spot fund. Witin a few weekends, we should be able to buy our own parking lot and secure it as we see fit. If nothing else, they will run out of money and quit coming out (hopefully)



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Talk softly and carry a big stick.

You should race them once for the right to the spot, kinda like in american history X where they played for the rights to the court. They get the thrill of being close to a car that has more HP than a weedeater for a few milliseconds, then they are gone for good after that. If only it would work.


Had another thought: Race them for 200 a try. You take half for gas/wear/n2o/whatever, take the other half and put it in a CR spot fund. Witin a few weekends, we should be able to buy our own parking lot and secure it as we see fit. If nothing else, they will run out of money and quit coming out (hopefully)


give me money and i will secure it. from a roof top.


to be honest i didnt mind krogers in 04 but 05 seemed to be more of a burdin sometimes. Like greg said if a single race left, they were followed by 150 cars that were annoying. I wouldnt mind trying the south side or the west side. but once something is comfirmend one person will tell his friend and that person will tell 3 more and before 12:00am there are 175 people in the lot were 20 were supposed to be. just my thoughts coming out.

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i dont care about cool points, i didnt join the site to be cool ...


I havent seen ANY of the corvette guys act like dicks. I would think those guys set a good example ... 600hp is a great example to set ;)


I say invite the local police to the meet, they will weed out the problem cars REAL fast ... Ive found having an open relationship with the local police helps a lot especially if you go out, they tend to let you know where they are ... when i organized the suby/evo/dsm meets in cleveland, I had open relationships with the police and they would lead us out to our runs in the valleys and backroads ... keeping 40 cars in a train ... they were real cool to us.


but that worked in cleveland, I dont know about down here so im not gonna touch that with a 10 foot stick, ill leave it up to someone else to do.

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i remember like a month ago me and a couple friends showed up for a meet and we were told to leave by a cop because some fag in a red civic tore out of the parking lot...we had to move to another location....i hate people with no common sense....it pisses me off
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I don't know the answer to this problem either? I am getting tired of driving to where ever, parking for 15 minutes, then having dickless tracy stand there waiting & watching me leave per his orders - I'm also not interested in watching the stupidity that goes on, hell I've even saw (last summer) one ass clown backed his "pos" into a parked car that was right behind him! We need a place we can go, park, bull sh---, if someone wants to hook it up (not have 100 cars following them). It seems to be more of problem to find the right place than one would think??? I like the enlist some friendly police idea, but I don't know any ----
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Not so hard, I can check into it, I did in Cleveland for almost 2 years, I can do it here as well. The biggest thing, is that I dont turn ppl away UNLESS they act up ... and the bottomline is that this goes for everyone, so even if my close friends came and left the lot tearing tires, than they would be banned, the door goes both ways really.


And with an organized meet, sections can be setup and certain ppl turned away automatically ... like ppl that show up in their minivan ... spectator parking on the other side please ...

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If a corvette rips it out of the parking lot, thats ok, its a corvette, they paid 50K for that car, they have the right ... your rusted civic is a POS, know your role, know your spot, be cool ... KNOW YOUR PLACE ON THE FOOD CHAIN ASSHOLE!


you're moaning and groaning over ricers being stupid, but it's okay for corvettes to do the same..? wow what a contradiction...

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here is the thing.


The worst thing IMO is not the kids being stupid and reving their engines and pelling out leaving. The worst are the followers. People who follow other out of the lot if they see a few cars leave. They will follow you from spot to spot. If no one came up to you and told you what was going on or that a few are going somewhere else don't be gay and follow someone.



This happened sat. Four cars knew we were racing and by the time we got on 270 there was 30. They must have some sort of radar that tells them whats going on. Why drive like idiots? I just don't understand.

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Guest JsANeon
I vote for the Thrift Store at Cols SQ. its so much closer I can be there in like 5min depending on traffic and if it gets busted up quickly its not a waste of gas

I agree, but we still have to think about others too!

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you're moaning and groaning over ricers being stupid, but it's okay for corvettes to do the same..? wow what a contradiction...



I didnt understand either.


1. Its not the car that makes a person rice its there actions,


2. Wherever you go you will get you'r "Fast&Furiouse kids"

Its inevidable they will be there unless it is privately owned buy someone and they are there to regulate there property. period.


3. It would be nice to have an open lit parking lot where everyone can get along, But its all up to someone giving permission "The owner" And after i saw a knife get pulled on someone at K Mart by the Thrift store i dont know how thats gonna happen ever again.


4.This is where it will all end up in the end, No matter what we will always have to find a new spot people will always have to put up with others making stupid descisions IE Burnouts, Redlining, Reving and littering. The only way to make a Good spot is to whoever wants it so bad I give you this>> Actions speak louder than words. That means step back from you computer screen and do somthin about it. Bringing it up on the internet will do nothing.


I mean i'm not bashing people for making or replying to this thread but if you really wanna make something happen you gotta take action. Last friday or sat night i didnt see a single person say anything to the owners that went out of there peeling off there tires or say anything to their friends that was along the lines of "Hey tell you friend dont come back if he's gonna be stupid and get us kicked out" Maybe i just didnt hear it?


But what i saw is the cops taking action pulling over about every car that pulled out of Schotsteins, looking for all and any violations. I wouldnt say that is too low key. The cops are already looking to bust us and spring isnt even here yet. Its gonna be an intresting summer.


Please Flame on.

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I didnt understand either.


1. Its not the car that makes a person rice its there actions,


2. Wherever you go you will get you'r "Fast&Furiouse kids"

Its inevidable they will be there unless it is privately owned buy someone and they are there to regulate there property. period.


3. It would be nice to have an open lit parking lot where everyone can get along, But its all up to someone giving permission "The owner" And after i saw a knife get pulled on someone at K Mart by the Thrift store i dont know how thats gonna happen ever again.


4.This is where it will all end up in the end, No matter what we will always have to find a new spot people will always have to put up with others making stupid descisions IE Burnouts, Redlining, Reving and littering. The only way to make a Good spot is to whoever wants it so bad I give you this>> Actions speak louder than words. That means step back from you computer screen and do somthin about it. Bringing it up on the internet will do nothing.


I mean i'm not bashing people for making or replying to this thread but if you really wanna make something happen you gotta take action. Last friday or sat night i didnt see a single person say anything to the owners that went out of there peeling off there tires or say anything to their friends that was along the lines of "Hey tell you friend dont come back if he's gonna be stupid and get us kicked out" Maybe i just didnt hear it?


But what i saw is the cops taking action pulling over about every car that pulled out of Schotsteins, looking for all and any violations. I wouldnt say that is too low key. The cops are already looking to bust us and spring isnt even here yet. Its gonna be an intresting summer.


Please Flame on.

No flame from me I just agree with what you said.

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Shit never changes and it never will. We just keep moving around and will continue to move around. That is the way it goes.


Retards will always be in the crowd and do retarted things. I just don't want to be followed by some idiot that makes bad decisions that could hit me on the road.


I have said things to people many times in parking lots like hey dude calm the F down and it makes no difference. So life goes on.

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Shit never changes and it never will. We just keep moving around and will continue to move around. That is the way it goes.


Retards will always be in the crowd and do retarted things. I just don't want to be followed by some idiot that makes bad decisions that could hit me on the road.


I have said things to people many times in parking lots like hey dude calm the F down and it makes no difference. So life goes on.



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Guest fixerupper
So, after reading all this, does this make me rice? I mean just by the way my car looks I won't be welcomed to a meet? I can tell you right now I don't have the dumbass ricer personality, but I feel like I won't be welcome just because my car, right now, is more show than go. Not saying I don't have plans for it, I definitely do. I just like to hang out and bullshit with whoever, and I do have interests on both sides of the car world.
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