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The green DSM with the chute today


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Originally Posted by fast2gfwd

for the last time i wasnt about to go running to you with money when i didnt even know what it costed.... you couldve said 300 bucks and it was 100... then i would be like wtf and trails would say sorry. i went to the right people you dont run that event... you just made it happen trails is in charge not you.


anthony's post


this more than explains my point what i did was the right thing went to trails tech and asked what do i need to do, they said nothing like they told you so i went home, maybe you should change your rules anthony and put if a car oils down they owe columbus racing and members a back fee for waiting, i already broke it down it would 4 bucks a person for those who waited, is this fight really worth 4 bucks and our time...i dont think so, v8 beast what do you mean? im just stating that we are trying to work it out, i know you have a plan but nothing is final yet, correct?


You said you were fed up trying to work with me. Maybe its just a bad word choice.. more frustrated than fed. I'll let you know. Dont worry about it until then. Thanks for showing ownership, I'll stay in contact with you.

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when, i said i was done arguing with everyone on this board and was working with you to get ti fixed, if you took that as me saying i was fed up trying to fix this with you im sorry, im trying to help the people that waited though.
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evidently you have never driven a car that trapped 140+ and is still skating all the way down the track you dont have time to look at all your gauges... i watch my af and rpms the most i usually dont even watch the af just the tach, when i saw the oil drop i shut it down, ask any racer that goes 9's and traps 140+ if they watch all there gauges all the way down the track they say hell no im steering and watching my tach and the track...comon you cant seriously tell me you watch all your gauges down the track if you do your car is a caddilac down the track... you have 9-10 sec's to do 1 million things..


watch tach...thats the worst fucking gauge to focus on you fucking tard! thats why they make shift light's!


and they also make a warning light for low oil pressure and so on.

did you even run close to a 9 yesterday?

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evidently you have never driven a car that trapped 140+ and is still skating all the way down the track you dont have time to look at all your gauges... i watch my af and rpms the most i usually dont even watch the af just the tach, when i saw the oil drop i shut it down, ask any racer that goes 9's and traps 140+ if they watch all there gauges all the way down the track they say hell no im steering and watching my tach and the track...comon you cant seriously tell me you watch all your gauges down the track if you do your car is a caddilac down the track... you have 9-10 sec's to do 1 million things..


You just contradicted yourself in your own post :confused: Any racer would know when something doesnt feel right and then checks their gauges... which is exactly what you did... right??? You did things right you just didnt stop. The question now is how far down the track and at what mph did it happen? We dont want people slamming on their brakes. If you are at 100mph and it happens then you have no choice but to keep going.

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again anthony i wasnt hiding i was figuring out what trails wanted me to do, you act like everyone should just run to you with cash in hand, the fact is you wouldve asked me for money when you dont have the right to, the fact is it says trails will charge you anywhere from 70-300 dollars depending on the spill down and what they think is right. They told me to go home, so i did. for you to think that a fellow racer would endanger everyone else for a 15 sec or 16sec glory pass is crazy, if your car oiled down and you didnt know it untill the end and then shut down what would you think when someone tells you you made a glory pass, knowingthat your car runs 9-10sec passes at 140mph when you ran a 15-16sec pass with not even half the mph...idk what to tell you i came out in first grabbed second the car spun crazy i got out of it hit 3rd and cruised the resy of the way went to check my coolant tem and noticed my oil pressure was down so killed it, looked up and the trails tech guy was waving me to the turnoff waving his hand on his neck to kill it....then says looks like you will be rebuilding this one.. laughs jumps in his truck and leaves me down there for 20 min. in this time u couldve easily drove your golf cart down there, been like you ok that sucks we have to discuss the oil down with trails not where the fuck is that pos dsm that fucked up our track day he owes ME money.
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like i said evidently you guys dont drive turbo cars that spin if i shifted when my tach light came on, in every gear i was spinning i would bog the next gear, fucktard... also yeah they make low oil pressure lights i will prob invest in one now. how did i contridict myself because i said i checked my gauges at the end of the track like i always do?
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like i said evidently you guys dont drive turbo cars that spin if i shifted when my tach light came on, in every gear i was spinning i would bog the next gear, fucktard... also yeah they make low oil pressure lights i will prob invest in one now. how did i contridict myself because i said i checked my gauges at the end of the track like i always do?


You said you checked your gauges during the run and coasted at like 60mph, the shut down area is part of the run. Anywhere from the starting line the the turn off area is considered a place where you should stop your car if you break.

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last time i checked if a oil filter is backing off during a run everything feels ok. its not like my fucking wheel was falling off and i could feel it.


you cant tell when this happens. they only reason why i knew mine backed off was a cloud of white smoke. Dan was tuning the car and had the aem open on the laptop, never once did he tell me to let off looking at the vitals. I let off after seeing smoke.



Shit happens. ITS A FUCKING RACE TRACK. This isnt the first time its happened nor the last. I don't see why he should pay anything. There was no disclamier in the sign up nor anywhere else. And trails said he did not owe them anything. If it were myself I wouldn't pay it. I would let everyone know it was a mistake and didn't mean for it to happen.

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yes i can admit i couldve pulled over about 150ft or so before the turnoff, but he was waving me in the turnoff row... now i can only assume i should follow the guys hand signals and shit, honestly i didnt even know i was puking oil untill i got out of the car, i saw the oil pressure drop and though fuck i fried a oil pump, there was nothing in my visual that wouldve told me i was leaking like i said before, as soon as he waved me in i was like fuck something is leaking i jumped out and though jesus christ i just blew my shit up and locked the oil pump up... i didnt expect to see the oil filter adapter backed off... i even have a safety wire on my filter so this doesnt happen but it was the adapter piece inbetween the filter and housing that backed off i cant safety wire it...
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im admiting it was me alot of people wouldve just layed low for a while and not admitted to it being there car on here, im also saying im sorry to anyone who had to wait and its shitty for me to... its sounds to me like everyone is pissed becasue my car had a failure. ooops im sorry i built a drag car capable of breaking...
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yes i can admit i couldve pulled over about 150ft or so before the turnoff, but he was waving me in the turnoff row... now i can only assume i should follow the guys hand signals and shit, honestly i didnt even know i was puking oil untill i got out of the car,..


Case closed, and the techs up there are idiots.

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if your being serious ok, but if it a smart remark its not helping our situation... again sorry to those who had to wait... i just hope you guys dont truly think every car that has a failure is a pos and so is the driver...
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i wouldnt call them idiots but jesus man, if i wouldve saw oil on my windshield i would stopped right there... off the line where they said it started... maybe they should invent automated kill switches for cars that go down the track like in sled pulling and monster trucks if you leave the line and are dripping anything they can kill your motor for you and you pull to the side. only downside i wouldnt like my engine all of a sudden killed at 10k rpm..lol
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on a second note they arent the brightest, i do remeber them just putting cones over the oil spills in the staging lanes under the tower instead of cleaning it up...lol thats just rediculous, i drove through that shit once with my car and had my gf wipe my tires down with a towel before i went down the track, the guy told her to tell me to just drive around it.... fuck just clean it up.
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if your being serious ok, but if it a smart remark its not helping our situation... again sorry to those who had to wait... i just hope you guys dont truly think every car that has a failure is a pos and so is the driver...


I was being serious. They are idiots.


Everyone here, if something happens just come see us. We are not mob bossed that will break your fingers and demand money. We will ask for your side of the story. Even if our verbiage isnt on point and politically correct it will be followed by an apology (unless your car is a pos lol). We dont have an HR department and say shit sometimes that we may not mean. Just take it with a grain of salt and come settle it with us. I have only killed one person at a meet... and he deserved it.

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